First World War Enlisted Staff
List of Royal Bank and Union Bank of Canada employees who enlisted for active service, 1914-1919.
† Killed in Action or Died of Wounds.
‡ Wounded.
§ Missing.
* Was Prisoner of War.
# Union Bank of Canada Employee
Name | Rank | Unit | |
* | Abbey, R. | Corporal | 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Abreu, R. C. | 2nd Class Seaman | U.S.Coast Defence | |
Ackerman, W. W. D. | Gunner | Division Amm. Column | |
Ackland, W. A. | Sergeant | 143rd Battalion | |
Acton, Henry | Lieutenant | 10th South Staffordshire Regiment | |
Adams, L. R. | Private | 36th Battalion | |
Adams, P. H. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
† | Adderley, E. J. | Private | 8th Battalion |
† | Addison, W. G. A. | Corporal | 3rd Division Amm. Column |
Ainger, F. W. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Aitchison, D. | Private | Wiltshire Regiment | |
Aitken, J. M. | Captain | 208th Battalion | |
Aitken, W. S. | Gunner | Canadian Field Artillery | |
Alexander, G. A | 61st Battalion | ||
Alexander, W. H. B | |||
Allan, E. I. R. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Allen, C. S. | Gunner | 22nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Allen, J. H. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Regina | |
Allingham, N. C. | Gunner | 69th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Allingham, W. A. | Gunner | 69th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Allman, A. C. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 159th Battalion | |
Allman, E. J. | Flight Sergeant | Royal Air Force | |
Almond, A. E. | Private | 54th Battalion | |
‡ | Amskold, E. C. | Private | 347th M. G. Battalion, American Expeditionary Force |
‡ | Anderson, A. D. | Sergeant | London Scottish |
†# | Anderson, F. J. | Lance Corporal | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Anderson, J. T. | Trooper | 34th Fort Garry Horse | |
Anderson, M. | Gunner | 23rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Anderson, R. | Private | 43rd Battalion | |
Andrew, M. | Private | Royal North West Mounted Police | |
Andrewes, F. L. | Private | 24th Draft, Canadian Railway Troops. | |
Andrews, L. R. | 2nd Lieutenant | 5th Cont. British West Indies Regiment | |
‡ | Annand, C. D. | Private | 85th Battalion |
† | Anthony, L. F. | Lance Corporal | 25th Battalion |
Appel, V. E. | Mechanic | Royal Air Force | |
Armbrister, C. | Lieutenant | 54th Battalion (Military Cross and Military Medal) | |
Armstrong, F. C. | Lance Corporal | 23rd Reserve Battalion | |
Armstrong, N. H. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Arseneau, G. C. | Drummer | 187th Battalion | |
† | Arundell, J. d’A. H. | Sergeant | 14th Battalion |
†# | Astbury, N. A. | Lieutenant | 66th Battalion |
‡ | Atkin, I. C. R. | Captain | 131st Battalion (Military Cross and Bar) |
Atkins, B. M. | |||
Atkinson, C. H. | Sergeant | 40th Battalion | |
Atkinson, T. H. | Captain | 8th Canadian Field Artillery (Military Cross) | |
Aucoin, J. D. | Private | No. 3 Nova Scotia Forestry | |
Audette, L. J. | Private | 2nd Montreal Depot Battalion | |
† | Auldjo, J. W. | Sergeant | 60th Battalion |
† | Austen, G. A. | 2nd Lieutenant | Division Cycle Corps |
†# | Ayres, A. C. E. | Private | 100th Grenadiers |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
†# | Badger, A. J. R. | Lieutenant | 5th Battalion |
Badley, F. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Bagot, A. G. | Rifleman | 6th Battalion London Regiment | |
Bailey, S. McA. | Gunner | 8th Siege Battery | |
Baines, T. | |||
Baird, J. | Lance Corporal | 60th Battalion | |
Baird, J. D. | Corporal | 5th Pioneer Battalion | |
Baird, J. W. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Baker, A. D. | Signaller | Howitzer Battery, 8th Brigade Canadian Field Artillery | |
Baker, C. E. | Sergeant | 216th Battalion | |
† | Baldwin, K. G. F. | Corporal | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Balfour, R. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
Ball, E. C | Driver | 71st Canadian Field Artillery | |
Balmain, D. H. | Captain | 5th Canadian Engineers (Military Cross) | |
Banks, C. N. | Lance Corporal | 85th Battalion | |
Baptist, K. O. | Gunner | 16th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Baril, J. T. | |||
Barker, H. G. | Sapper | 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers | |
† | Barlee, H. D. | Private | 196th Battalion |
Barlow, D. S. | Driver | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Barnes, C. G. | Private | 61st Battalion (Distinguished Conduct Medal) | |
Barnes, J. C. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Barnes, K. S. | Lieutenant | 39th Canadian Forestry Company | |
Barr, W. M. | Sergeant | 86th Battalion | |
Barrett, R. P. | |||
Barrie, C. G. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Barry, J. R. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Bartlett, H. A. | |||
Barton, W. R. | Lieutenant | 75th Battalion | |
† | Barwis, S. J. | Private | 143rd Battalion |
Batchelor, A. T. | Private | 172nd Battalion | |
† | Bate, G. J. M. | Gunner | 8th Canadian Field Artillery |
†# | Bawtree, E. L. | Private | 46th Battalion |
‡ | Baxter, J. | Captain | 47th Battalion (Military Cross) |
Baxter, J. McI. | |||
Bayer, R. O. | Gunner | 8th Army Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Bayne, E | Royal North West Mounted Police | ||
‡ | Bayne, E. G. | ||
† | Bayne, R. S. | Private | 195th Battalion |
Beavan, A. C. | |||
Bebbington, W. T. | Lance Corporal | 32nd Battalion | |
Becker, C. J. | |||
Beeston, E. H. | Gunner | 11th Canadian Siege Artillery | |
†# | Belford, T. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion |
Belisle, J. W. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
‡ | Bell, E. R. | Staff-Sergeant | 62nd Battalion |
† | Bell, E. S. | Lance Corporal | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Bell, J. E. | Lieutenant | 124th Battalion | |
Bell, W. N. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Bellairs, B. A. | Private | Royal Army Service Corps | |
†# | Belt, J. E. D. | Lieutenant | 20th Battalion |
† | Belyea, A. F. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
† | Bender, C. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps |
Bendiksen, D. | Private | 49th Battalion | |
Benson, L. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
‡ | Benson, P. R. | Private | 28th Battalion |
† | Berkeley, A. F. M. | 2nd Lieutenant | 74th Machine Gun Corps |
†# | Berry, I. N. R. | Private | 5th Battalion |
Berwick, H. B. | Private | Royal Air Force | |
Bessey, A. L. | Corporal | 1st Canadian Field Ambulance | |
Bett, D. J. | Private | 47th Battalion | |
Bett, G. W. | Staff-Sergeant | 47th Battalion | |
Bible, C. H. | Private | 19th Battalion | |
‡ | Bickerton, J. | Private | 3rd Battalion |
Bilodeau, E. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
† | Bird, G. M. | Private | 62nd Battalion |
† | Bird, H. G. D. | Private | 5th Battalion |
Bird, H. J. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
†# | Bissonnette, R. P. | Private | 50th Battalion |
Bjorklund, S. J. | |||
Bjornson, O. G. | Private | C.A.P.C. | |
‡ | Black, A. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Black, J. D. K. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Black, J. S. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Black, O. C. E. | |||
Black, S. C. | Sergeant-Major | 2nd Howitzer Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Black, W. | Private | 231st Battalion |
†# | Blackwell, C. H. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Blagrave, G. L. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Blair, R. G. | Sergeant | 25th Battalion | |
Blake, H. A. | Captain | 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles (Military Cross) | |
Blake, L. L. | Gunner | No. 5 Company, R.C.G.A. | |
†# | Blake, P. J. L. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Blanchard, H. L. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd C.O.R. | |
Blanchfield, F. J. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Blenkinsop, A. | Private | 184th Battalion | |
Blois, R. E. | Private | 2nd Depot Battalion, Vancouver | |
Bolduc, G. | Private | 53rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Bole, S. D. | Sergeant | Strathcona Horse |
† | Bolton, F. G. | Bombardier | 27th Canadian Field Artillery |
‡ | Borland, D. C. G. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Borthwick, R. W. | Private | Saskatchewan Depot Battalion | |
Bosien, D. E. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Boswell, E. C. | Sub-Lieutenant | Motor Boat Patrol Service | |
Boudreau. A. T. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, New Brunswick Regiment | |
Boudreau, J. E. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Boudreau, L. P. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Boulanger, J. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Bourgeois, D. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Quebec | |
Bourque, L. J. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, New Brunswick Regiment | |
Bovel-Jones, L.C. | Trooper | Royal Canadian Dragoons | |
Bowden, H. G. | Corporal | 1st Newfoundland Regiment | |
‡ | Bowers, C. C. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force |
Bowser, G. | Private | 2nd Depot Battalion, Victoria | |
Boyce, E. W. | |||
Boyd, A. E. | Private | 102nd Battalion | |
‡ | Boyd, G. A. | Corporal | 23rd Reserve Battalion |
‡ | Boyd, J. | Corporal | 10th Battalion |
Boyd, J. G. | Corporal | 1st Canadian Divisional Ammunition Company (Military Medal) | |
Boyd, R. J. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Bradley, E. R. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Naval Air Service | |
‡ | Bradley, P. E. | Private | 29th Battalion |
† | Bradshaw, D. C. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 37th Battalion |
†# | Bradt, G. W. | Sergeant | 114th Battalion |
Bradwell, W. | Canadian Railway Troops | ||
‡ | Braidwood, T. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps |
Bray, A. M. | Private | 195th Battalion | |
Breese, A. E. S. | Private | 44th Battalion | |
† | Brehon, R. C. | Private | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Brennen, A. J. | Corporal | 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Brewer, E. O. | Sergeant | 104th Battalion | |
Brewster, G. | Sergeant | 61st Battalion | |
† | Briden, G. M. | Private | 152nd Battalion |
† | Brittan, S. V. | Lieutenant | 13th Battalion |
Brockie, J. D. | Private | Wiltshire Regiment | |
†# | Brooke, G. W. | Gunner | 18th Battery, 5th Field Artillery Brigade |
† | Brooks, D. D. | Private | 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade |
Brooks, H. R. | Lieutenant | R.N.V.R. | |
Brotherton, W. T. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
† | Brown, D. A. | Lance Corporal | 10th Battalion |
Brown, F. M. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment | |
Brown, GUY B. | |||
† | Brown, H. | Private | 3rd Battalion |
Brown, H. H. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Expeditionary Force | |
Brown, M. G. | Private | 203rd Battalion | |
Brown, R. C. | |||
Browne, A. H. | |||
Browne, A. S. | Private | No. 1 Nova Scotia Forestry | |
Browne, A. W. G. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Brownlow, E. J. | Private | Canadian Motor Machine Gun Section | |
†# | Bruce, W. A. | Lieutenant | 104th Squadron, Royal Air Force |
Brum, S. M. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment | |
Bruun, A. G. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Bryce, W. A. T. | Gunner | 55th Canadian Field Artillery |
‡ | Bryden, W. F. | Lieutenant | 8th Battalion, South Lanes Regiment (Military Cross and Bar) |
Bryson, A. M. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
Bryson, W. E. | Private | 10th Siege Battery | |
Buckley, W. A. | Stretcher Bearer | 185th Battalion | |
Buntain, G. H | Royal Flying Corps | ||
Burchard, H. K. | Gunner | 98th Siege Battery | |
†# | Burke, E. J. | Lance Sergeant | 44th Battalion (Military Medal) |
Burns, M. V. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Regina | |
* | Burns, R. | Trooper | 8th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Burnside, B. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Burr, E. H. | Lieutenant | East Lancashire Regiment | |
Burrows, F. R | |||
Burrows, N. R. | Major | 169th Battalion | |
Burt, H. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Butler, J. K. | Private | 25th Battalion |
† | Butler, J. W. | 2nd Lieutenant | Imperial Forces |
Butterfield, R. D. | |||
Bynoe, E. D. | 2nd Lieutenant | Reserve of Officers |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Cahill, J. J. | Private | 5th Infantry Replacement Regiment | |
Cain, C. L. | Private | 26th Canadian Reserve Battalion | |
† | Cairns, J. A. | Corporal | 185th Battalion |
Cairns, W. J. | Gunner | 21st Canadian Field Artillery | |
Caldecott, G. | Sergeant | ||
Calder, F. G. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
†# | Caldwell, R. R. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Air Force |
Cameron, A. W. | Royal Flying Corps | ||
Cameron, A. W. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
‡ | Cameron, H. L. | ||
Cameron, Randolph | Sergeant | 16th Battalion | |
Cameron, S. K. | Royal Flying Corps | ||
Camirand, H. | Private | 230th Battalion | |
†# | Campbell, A. | Private | 190th Battalion |
‡ | Campbell, H. | Private | 72nd Seaforth Highlanders |
Campbell, J. Alex | Trooper | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Campbell, J. Arthur | Gunner | 36th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Campbell, M. | Sergeant | 231st Battalion | |
Campbell, N. J. | |||
Campbell, R. B. | Gunner | 36th Howitzer Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Campbell, V. F. | Trooper | 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Campbell, W. | Private | British Columbia Cyclist Platoon | |
Canfield, N. B. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Card, C. W. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Calgary | |
† | Cargill, T. | Private | 6th Black Watch, British Expeditionary Force |
†# | Carleton, F. G. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Carmichael, J. V. | |||
†*# | Carr, C. C. | Private | 3rd Battalion |
†# | Carson, J. C. K. | Captain | 14th Battalion |
† | Carson, T. J. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Carstairs, D. L. | Private | 13th Battalion | |
†# | Carter, L. S. | Private | 61th Battalion |
Cassels, C. L. | Private | 134th Battalion | |
Castro, J. M. | Sergeant | 373rd Infantry, U.S.A. | |
Caswell, H. A. | Gunner | 9th Infantry Brigade | |
Cawdron, E. V. | Major | 1st Ammunition Park | |
Champagne, A. A. | Private | 59th Battalion | |
Chapin, H. C. | Private | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Chapman, P. T. | Signaller | 18th Battalion | |
Charlton, H. G. | Private | 7th Battalion | |
Chater, H. J. | Trooper | Strathcona Horse | |
Chatters, E. S. | Private | 30th Battalion | |
†# | Chawner, A. P. M. | Lieutenant | Essex Regiment, 3rd Battalion |
Chilton, A. | Captain | Canadian Army Service Corps | |
Chinn, J. N. | Corporal | Division Sig. Corps | |
Chisholm, A. D. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Chisholm, A. J. | Gunner | 75th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Chisholm, JR., G. R. | Private | 78th Battalion |
Chisholm, J. D. | Sergeant | 185th Battalion | |
†* | Chisholm, J. W. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Choquette, A. R. | Private | C.O.T.C., Laval | |
Christian, F. G. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Christie, K. G. | Gunner | 2nd Division Ammunition Col. | |
†# | Christie, W. D. C. | Captain | 13th Battalion |
Clark, B. W. | Acting-Sergeant | 13th Canadian Reserve Battalion | |
† | Clark, E. J. | Private | 49th Battalion |
Clark, H. F. | Conductor | Canadian Ordnance Corps | |
Clark, P. E. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Clarke, H. H. | Private | 248th Battalion | |
Clay, P. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Coates, C. E. | Private | 53rd Battalion | |
‡ | Coats, C. | ||
† | Cole, A. H. | Trooper | 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
†# | Cole, C. S. | Corporal | 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles |
‡ | Cole, D. H. | Lieutenant | 27th Canadian Field Artillery (Military Medal) |
Cole, J. S. | Private | 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Cole, R. J. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Collett, L. | Private | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Colvin, W. D. | |||
Colwill, C. W. | Gunner | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Connelly, E. F. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Connery, P. H. | Private | 218th Battalion | |
Cook, C. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Cook, S. M. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Cooke, C. L. | Staff-Sergeant | C.A.P.C. | |
Coombes, W. J. | Private | 27th Battalion | |
Cooper, G. A. | Gunner | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Cooper, H. H. | |||
† | Copp, T. P. | Lieutenant | 72nd Battalion |
Corbett, A. E. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Corbett, D. R. | Sergeant | 3rd Siege Battery, C.G.A. | |
Corbett, E. E. | Private | Royal Air Force | |
Corbett, R. O. | |||
†# | Corbett, W. L. | Private | 38th Battalion |
Cornish, H. H. | Flight Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Cornwall, H. A. | Sergeant | 40th Battalion | |
Cosman, E. A. | Private | Royal Canadian Regiment | |
Coster, W. J. | |||
‡ | Cotter, J. G. | Private | 185th Battalion |
Cottrill, J. D. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Coulombe, J. E. I. | Private | 6th Battery, R.C.G.A. | |
‡ | Coumans, R. G. | Private | 42nd Battalion |
‡ | Courcier, R. C. | ||
Courtney, A. J. | |||
Coventry, J. H. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
†# | Cowles, R. J. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery |
Cox, A. J. | Royal Flying Corps | ||
Cox, R. G. | Sergeant | Army Pay Corps | |
† | Craig, G. L. | Sergeant | 236th Battalion |
Craig, G. W. | Gunner | 5th Siege Battery | |
Craig, W. A. | Private | 102nd Battalion | |
‡ | Craig, W. E. | Signaller | 27th Canadian Field Artillery |
†# | Craighead, W. K. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Crawford, C. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
Crawford, F. W. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Crawforth, M. S. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Creighton, H. R. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Creighton, S. D. | Private | Machine Gun Corps | |
‡ | Crocker, C. C. | Gunner | 8th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery |
Croil, D. R. | Gunner | 3rd Siege Battery | |
Crooks, C. H. | |||
† | Cross, C. H. | Lance Corporal | 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Cross, T. E. | Sergeant | 19th County of London (Ter.) | |
Crowell, A. L. | Driver | 5th Canadian Division Amm. Column | |
Crowell, C. L. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Cruickshank, L. | Lieutenant | 4th Battalion | |
Cryer, S. | |||
Cullis, F. R. | |||
‡ | Cumming, A. | Sergeant | Canadian Infantry (Distinguished Conduct Medal) |
‡ | Cumming, G. | Private | 9th Battalion |
Cummings, T. C. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
‡ | Cunningham, H. | Private | 40th Battalion |
Cunningham, H. S. F. | Private | 10th Battalion, Canadian G. Regiment | |
Curll, M. H. | Sergeant | 85th Battalion | |
Currie, D. B. | Gunner | 165th Siege Batty. | |
Currie, G. C. | Sergeant | 119th O. S. Battalion | |
Currie, T. D. | Captain | 6th Canadian Rly. Troops (Member British Empire) | |
Curtis, V. A. St. C. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Curtis, W. A. | Flight Lieutenant | Aviation Corps, R.N.A.S. (D.S.C.) | |
Cutten, C. B. | Gunner | 7th Canadian Siege Battery |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
‡ | Dale, F. S. | Lance Corporal | 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Daniel, G. H. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Dashney, D. L. | Sergeant | 5th Division Amm. Column | |
†# | Davidson, J. F. | Sergeant | 27th Battalion |
Davidson, L. K. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
†# | Davies, T. E. | Private | 28th Battalion |
Davies, W. E. | Private | 78th Battalion | |
Davies, W. J. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
Davis, C. R. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 40th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Davis, J. A. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Davison, B. A. | |||
Davison, H. A. | Gunner | 107th Siege Battery | |
Davison, R. | Sergeant | Royal Air Force | |
Davy, A. C. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Fusiliers | |
Dawes, H. W. | |||
Dawson, C. S. | Private | Royal Flying Corps | |
‡ | Day, E. A. | Private | 2nd Battalion, 1st Newfoundland Regiment |
Day, H. R. | Lieutenant | 44th Battalion | |
Daykin, R. O. | Royal Flying Corps | ||
Dean, J. | Gunner | 3rd C.D.A.C. (Military Medal) | |
Dean, R. H. | Lieutenant | 26th Battalion | |
† | Deans, J. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
‡ | Deas, A. Mack | Private | 3rd Battalion |
† | De Boissiere, J. V. | 2nd Lieutenant | 4th Cont. British West Indies Regiment |
De La Fonchais, J. | |||
† | Delaney, J. J. | Private | 15th Battalion |
Demers, J. C. | Sergeant | 85th Battalion | |
Denton, I. H. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
D’Entremont, L. J. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
Desbrisay, A. ST. C. | Trooper | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
† | Destrube, P. J. | Private | 22nd Battalion |
Devermann, C. A. | Private | 7th Regiment, Company D. | |
‡ | De Verteuil, M. | Trooper | King Edward’s Horse |
De Verteuil, R. J. | Royal Air Force | ||
Deveson, B. L. | |||
Devlin, J. J. | Driver | C. Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Dewar, C. G. | Private | 1st C.O.R. | |
Dewar, J. | Corporal | 104th Battalion | |
De Wolf, A. W. | Lieutenant | 3rd Siege Battery (Distinguished Conduct Medal) | |
Dexter, R. S. | Private | 1st Canadian Cas. Station, British Expeditionary Force | |
Dick, J. P. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 31st Battalion | |
‡ | Dickie, E. C. | Private | 25th Battalion |
Dickie, K. R. | Private | 10th Siege Battery | |
‡ | Dickie, L. W. | Private | 25th Battalion |
Dickson, J. D. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Diespecker, E. J. | Bugler | 48th Battalion | |
Diespecker, R. E. A. | Corporal | 30th Battalion | |
Dillane, C. E. H. | Sapper | 153rd Battalion | |
Dion, J. C. C. | Sub-Lieutenant | R.F.C. | |
‡ | Dixon, H. A. | Private | 46th Battalion |
‡ | Dobbin, C. E. B. | Lieutenant | 97th Battalion |
† | Doble, J. J. | Lieutenant | 116th Battalion |
Dodd, W. O. | 2nd Class Mech. | Royal Air Force | |
Dodge, C. M. | 2nd Lieutenant | R.G.A. | |
Dolan, M. G. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, 1st C.O.R. | |
†# | Donald, J. R. | Lieutenant | 24th Battalion |
Donald, W. J. | Private | 15th Reserve Battalion | |
Dooley, R. H. | Private | 10th Canadians, British Expeditionary Force | |
Doucette, H. H. | Private | 112th Battalion | |
Dougherty, L. C. | |||
Douglas, J. A. | |||
Douse, G. A. P. | Lieutenant-Corporal | 42nd Battalion | |
‡ | Douse, H. B. | Private | 21st Battalion |
Dove, H. R. | Private | 72nd Battalion | |
† | Dow, A. T. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Doyle, M. L. | Captain | 199th Battalion, attached to Royal Flying Corps (D.F.C.) | |
† | Doyle, N. P. | Private | 91st Battalion |
Drescher, J. V. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion Regina | |
Dron, F. | |||
Drummond, W. W. | “D” Company, 10th Battalion | ||
Dryden, A. S. | Sergeant | 29th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Duff, J. R. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
†# | Duff, W. S. | Private | 4th Battalion |
Duke, J. W. | Sapper | Royal Engineers | |
Dunbar, R. A. A. | Gunner | 64th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Duncan, G. L. | Private | 308th Regiment, Field Artillery, U.S.A. | |
‡ | Duncan, G. T. | Private | 1st Newfoundland Regiment |
† | Duncan, J. C. C. | Private | 115th Battalion |
Duncan, W. B. | |||
Duncanson, R. T. | Private | 49th Battalion | |
Dunlop, F. | |||
†# | Dunsire, A. | Private | Royal Scots |
Durham, E. B. | Gunner | 7th Canadian Siege Battery | |
† | Durie, W. A. P. | Captain | 58th Battalion |
Dustan, S. G. | Private | Division Signalling Corps | |
Duval, O. | Private | 2nd Quebec Regiment | |
Dymock, W. A. | Corporal | C.A.S.C. |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
†# | Eamer, L. A. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion |
Eason, A. S. | Private | Base Company, 63rd Battalion | |
Easson, A. A. | Gunner | 50th Canadian Field Artillery | |
East, C. | Private | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Eastland, C. C. | Private | 187th Battalion (Military Medal) |
†# | Eaton, R. W. | Lieutenant | 54th Battalion (Military Cross) |
Eaves, F. E. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
Eckel, N. R. | Bombardier | 23rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Eden, F. E. | Ship “Ypres,” Canadian Navy | ||
Edens, F. A. | 2nd Lieutenant | 1st Newfoundland Regiment | |
† | Edens, J. F. | Lieutenant | 1st Newfoundland Regiment |
‡ | Edmondson, W. K. | Private | 49th Battalion |
Edwards, E. E. | Private | 59th Battalion | |
Eiler, L. ST. C. | Sergeant | 44th Battalion | |
Elleray, R. H. | Private | Royal Fusiliers | |
† | Elliott, F. F. | Lieutenant | 7th Battalion |
Elliott, R. P. | Lieutenant | R.F.A. | |
Elliott, W. B. | Private | 164th Battalion | |
Ellis, A. C. | Lance Corporal | 15th Battalion | |
Ellsworth, E. S. | Royal Air Force | ||
Elmer, H. W. | Private | 20th Battalion | |
Elmer, S. G. | |||
† | Elsdon, C. W. | Bombardier | 7th Canadian Field Artillery |
† | Embree, D. T. | Co’y Sergt-Maj | 58th Battalion |
Emerson, E. L. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Emmett, R. E. | |||
Ernst, W. A. | Gunner | 10th Halifax Siege Battery | |
† | Estey, R. A. | Signaller | 25th Battalion |
†# | Evans, J. L. | Lieutenant | 54th Battalion |
†# | Evans, W. D. | Lieutenant | 46th Battalion |
Evelyn, A. F. | 2nd Lieutenant | 4th London Regiment | |
†# | Eyden, L. R. | Private | 10th Royal Fusiliers |
Eykelbosch, C. | Private | 195th Battalion | |
‡ | Eyre, Vincent |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Fairles, C. E. | Private | 1st Canadian Tank Bn., C.M.G.C. | |
Farmer, J. E. | Gunner | 67th Depot Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Farnell, A. H. | Private | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Farquharson, J. | Flight Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Farr, G. R. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
‡ | Farrah, J. R. | Private | 91st Battalion |
Farrar, W. F. | Captain | Tank Corps (Military Cross) | |
Farrell, W. D. | Private | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Feeney, G. W. | Private | 1st Canadian Reserve Battalion | |
Fell, V. R. | Sergeant | 1st M.G. Battalion and Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (Military Medal and Bar) | |
Fenwick, W. S. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Fergus, J. | 2nd Lieutenant | 43rd Battalion | |
† | Ferguson, A. McK. | Private | 31st Battalion |
Ferguson, H. W. | Sergeant | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
†# | Ferguson, J. A. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Ferguson, W. L. | Private | 15th Battalion | |
Ferrill, Max B. | Private | 312th Amm. Train | |
Fielding, A. L. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, W. Ont. Regiment | |
Finlayson, A. | Private | 153rd Battalion | |
Finlayson, J. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Finlayson, J. K. | |||
Fisher, J. H. | Private | 68th Battalion (Military Medal) | |
Fisher, J. P. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Fitzgerald, C. W. B. | Lieutenant | Connaught Rangers | |
Fitzgerald, G. M. | Lieutenant | 129th Battalion | |
Fitzpatrick, C. E. J. | Private | 153rd Battalion | |
Flannery, C. G. | Private | C.A.D.C. | |
Flannigan, J. R. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
Flaten, A. | U.S. Navy. | ||
Fleck, A. I. | Sergeant | 66th Canadian Field Artillery, 14th Brigade | |
Fleming, W. L. | Private | Royal Canadian Dragoons | |
Fletcher, C. B. | Sergeant | 109th Battalion | |
Flinn, G. | Corporal | 219th Battalion | |
Flinn, G. G. | Lieutenant | 10th Battalion | |
Foley, N. T. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Foote, F. | Private | 210th Battalion | |
† | Forbes, H. | Private | 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Ford, W. N. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, 2nd C.O.R. | |
Forget, J. E. | Corporal | 2nd Quebec Regiment | |
Forsyth, J. S. G. | Driver | 3rd Division Signal Corps | |
† | Foster, D. R. | Corporal | C.M.G. Section |
Foster, R. P. | Lieutenant | 131st Battalion (Military Cross) | |
Fothergill, G. L. | Lance Corporal | Headquarters, Canadian Field Artillery 9th Brigade | |
Fox, J. B. | Captain | Royal Air Force | |
Fox, R. E. | Captain | 138th Battalion | |
†# | Franklin, A. E. | Private | 31st Battalion |
†# | Franks, R. S. | 2nd Lieutenant | East Surry Regiment |
† | Fraser, A. M. | Lieutenant | 40th Battalion |
† | Fraser, D. D. | Co’y Sergt-Maj | 1st Battalion |
Fraser, L. G. | Sergeant | 10th Halifax Siege Battery | |
Freeland, W. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Freeborn, W. C | Private | 110th Battalion | |
Freeman, H. A. | Private | 27th Battalion | |
† | Fright, E. J. | Private | 36th Battalion |
Fullerton, D. S. T. | |||
Furlong, F. W. | Private | 18th Canadian M.G.C. | |
Furlong, J. M. | Private | 208th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Gable, F. A. | Royal Air Force | ||
Gaetz, T. H. | |||
‡ | Gage, L. G. | Private | C.P.T.D.(Signal Base) |
Gale, R. H. | Captain | 74th Battalion | |
Gant, F. J. | Gunner | 78th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Garbutt, E. C. | Lance Corporal | 44th Battalion |
Gardner, W. | Private | 3rd Battalion | |
Garland, W. J. | Sergeant | 43rd Battalion | |
‡ | Garneau, L. V. | Private | 87th Battalion (Military Medal) |
‡ | Garrett, R. | Private | 3rd Machine Gun Depot |
Gaskill, G. | Pay Sergeant | C.A.P.C. | |
Gaskin, D. C. | Gunner | 107th Siege Battery | |
‡ | Gass, G. | Lance Corporal | 25th Battalion |
Gateley, B. T. | |||
†# | Gay, D. S. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Gaylor, F. C. | |||
Gayton, W. A. | |||
Gerald, F. D. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Gerald, G. A. | Lieutenant | 109th Battalion | |
Gervan, H. V. | Private | 72nd Battalion | |
Gibbon, L. M. | Private | 50th Battalion | |
Gibbs, C. | Private | 231st Battalion | |
Gibson, C. B. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
Gilbert, H. B. | Quartermaster | 40th Battalion | |
Gilchrist, R. M. | Private | 4th Canadian Pioneers | |
Gill, V. L. F. | |||
‡ | Gillen, R. D. | Private | 231st Battalion |
† | Gillies, W. | Private | 29th Battalion |
Gillman, R. O’D. | |||
Gilmer, F. J. | Private | 75th Battalion | |
Gilmour, M. H. | Sergeant | 11th C.R.T. | |
‡ | Girvan, W. G. | Sergeant | 236th Battalion |
Gisby, J. S. | Sergeant | 46th Battalion | |
Glass, C. H. | Veterinary Corps | ||
† | Glass, J. | Lance Corporal | 87th Battalion |
Glegg, W. A. B. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Glen, W. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps 1st Ambulance | |
Glencross, H. P. | Sergeant | 104th Battalion | |
Godin, J. R. | Private | 1st Canadian Field Ambulance | |
†# | Godwin, A. G. | Private | 8th Battalion |
Gohl, R. W. | Clerk | Royal Flying Corps | |
Gold, W. H. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion Calgary | |
Goldberg, S. | Sergeant | 49th Battalion | |
† | Goldsworth, W. G. | Gunner | 6th C.S.B. |
Goodday, E. C. | Sergeant | 97th Battalion | |
† | Goodsir, T. | Private | 16th Battalion |
Goodwin, C. I. | Royal Air Force | ||
Gordon, E. D. | Naval Wireless Operators | ||
†# | Gordon, N. D. | Corporal | 34th Fort Garry Horse |
Gordon, W. J. | |||
Gorham, E. R. | Gunner | No. 9 Siege Battery | |
Goudey, K. H. | Sergeant | 85th Battalion | |
Goulet, J. A. J. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Gow, A. D. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Graham, Aubrey, F. | Private | Canadian Engineers | |
‡ | Graham, E. R. | Private | 67th Battalion |
Graham, W. A. | Lieutenant | British West Indian Regiment | |
Graham, W. K. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Grainger, J. H. | Private | 228th Battalion | |
Grant, B. E. | Gunner | 28th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Grant, D. N. | |||
† | Grant, K. M. | Sergeant | 29th Canadian Field Artillery |
Graydon, J. C. | Sergeant | 26th Company, Canadian Forestry Corps | |
Green, C. | Private | 1st Newfoundland Regiment | |
Green, J. R. | Private | 55th Battalion | |
Green, W. | Private | Expeditionary Force for Siberia | |
Greenwood, S. B. | Private | 43rd Battalion | |
Gregor, J. | Gunner | 79th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Gregory, B. J. | Private | 141st Battalion | |
Grenville, J. R. | Sergeant | 2nd Canadian Division Training Battalion | |
† | Grieve, D. C. | Lieutenant | 13th Battalion |
Griffin, G. A. | Private | 157th Battalion | |
Griffith, E. J. | Captain | ||
Griffiths, C. | Sapper | 6th Canadian Engineers | |
†# | Grigg, E. J. | Lance Corporal | 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Grondines, L. P. | |||
Grylls, S. A. | Private | 1st Canadian Tank Battalion | |
Gudmundson, H. | |||
Gunn, A. R. D. | Private | 67th Battery Canadian Field Artillery | |
Gunn, C. V. | |||
† | Gutteridge, L. A. | Private | 62nd Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Hachey, J. E. | Private | 8th Field Ambulance Corps | |
Hagerman, S. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
Hagerman, W. A. | Private | 7th Canadian Stationary Hospital | |
Haines, R. S. | Private | 219th Battalion | |
Haines, T. E. | Sergeant | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
Hale, J. A. | Captain | Canadian Army Pay Corps | |
Hall, H. L. | Gunner | 10th Halifax Siege Battery | |
Hall, James P. | |||
Hallam, A. G. | Private | 105th Battalion | |
Hallett, James | |||
Halliday, R. | Private | 78th Battalion | |
Ham, N. L. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
†# | Hames, E. R. | Private | 8th Battalion |
Hamilton, D. I. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Hamilton, F. G. W. | Private | 151st Battalion | |
† | Hamilton, J. H. | Private | 15th Battalion |
Hamilton, J. W. | Private | 103rd Battalion | |
Hamilton, W. E. | Captain | 10th Battalion | |
† | Hamilton, W. R. | Private | 7th Battalion |
†# | Hammill, W. C. | Private | 19th Battalion |
‡ | Handling, R. D. | Private | 72nd Battalion |
† | Hanna, V. M. | Private | 85th Battalion |
† | Hannah, H. McD. | Corporal | 194th Battalion |
Hannahson, A. C. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Harcourt, W. V. T. | Gunner | 2nd Canadian Heavy Artillery | |
Harding, H. W. | Private | 7th Division Regiment (P.O. Dept.), U.S.A. | |
Harding, W. O. F. | |||
Harper, E. | 2nd Aviation Mechanic | Royal Flying Corps | |
Harris, W. W. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Harron, G. W. | Private | 28th Battalion |
Hart, G. M. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Harvey, J. G. M. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Harvey, K. E. | Corporal | 75th Battalion | |
Harvey, R. N. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
Harwood, A. E. | Private | 72nd Battalion | |
Haslam, G. W. | Private | 164th Battalion | |
Hassing, T. C. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Haszard, G. T. | Gunner | Canadian Field Artillery |
Hatch, R. D. | Private | Royal Flying Corps | |
† | Hatfield, A. W. | Sergeant | 25th Battalion |
Hatfield, H. | Private | 63rd Battalion | |
Hawkins, G. S. | |||
Hay, D. J. | Lieutenant | 16th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers | |
Hay, G. M. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Hayward, L. C. | Lance Corporal | 1st Newfoundland Regiment | |
† | Heath, G. C. | Corporal | 16th Battalion |
Hebenton, W. | Gunner | 58th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Henderson, H. F. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
‡ | Henderson, H. H. | Lieutenant | 84th Battalion |
Henderson, J. D. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Henderson, M. | Corporal | 62nd Battalion | |
Hendry, G. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Hendry, B. D. | Private | 110th Battalion | |
Henry, G. A. V. | |||
Henry, J. | Sergeant | 5th Division Canadian Field Artillery (Military Medal) | |
Henstridge, F. C. B. | Lance Corporal | 7th Canadian Trench Mortar Batty. | |
‡ | Hepburn, W. V. | Private | 107th Battalion |
† | Hereron, C. | Lieutenant | 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles (Military Medal) |
Herman, R. R. | Lieutenant | 25th Battalion | |
Heron, Herbert | Sergeant | 5th Western Cavalry, U.S.A. | |
Hesler, H. G. | Driver | Division Amm. Column | |
Heughan, A. J. | Lance Corporal | 1st Reinforcement Company, R.H. of C. | |
Hicks, W. B. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
†# | Higgins, O. L. | Lieutenant | 12th Reserve Battalion |
Hill, A. S. | Sergeant | 87th Battalion | |
Hill, B. | Private | 28th Battalion | |
Hill, W. | Lieutenant | Canadian Army Medical Corps (Military Medal) | |
‡ | Hipwell, H. R. | Lieutenant | |
Hiscott, B. C. | Private | 7th Battalion | |
Hobart, A. W. | Royal Air Force | ||
† | Hobkirk C. H. | Lieutenant | 64th Battalion |
Hodges, E. H. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Hodkinson, J. P. | Private | 72nd Battalion |
Hodsman, J. E. | |||
Hodson, G. C. | Lieutenant-Col | Canadian Infantry (D.S.O.) | |
Hogan, Clifford | Gunner | 74th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Hogarth, W. | Private | 210th Battalion | |
Hogg, A. C. | Lieutenant | 3rd Canadian Division Amm. Column | |
†# | Holden, W. M. | Private | 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles |
† | Holliday, C. S. | Private | 203rd Battalion |
†# | Holliday, F. S. | Private | 2nd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps |
Holloway, T. D. | Gunner | 73rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Holmes, C. H. | Gunner | 78th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Holmes, E. A. | Royal Air Force | ||
‡ | Holt, John. | ||
Holtby, A. V. C. | Strathcona Horse | ||
Holtby, D. W. | Private | 232nd Battalion | |
‡ | Holtby, V. | Private | 17th Canadian Railway Troops |
† | Hood, J. S. | Lieutenant | 23rd Battalion |
Hooker, C. B. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Hooten, R. H. | |||
Hopson, W. S. | Driver | 64th Battery | |
Horner, R. R. | Sergeant | 112th Battalion | |
†# | Horton, C. B. | Gunner | 76th Battery |
Hough, J. | Sergeant | 196th Battalion | |
†# | Houston, J. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Houston, W. D. | Lance Corporal | C.A.S.C. | |
Howe, F. H. | Signaller | 21st Canadian Field Artillery | |
Howey, J. L. | |||
†# | Hudson, R. S. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Hughes, E. W. | Private | First Tank Battalion | |
Hughson, E. B. | Cadet | R.F.C. | |
Hunt, C. H. | 2nd A. M. | R.F.C. | |
Hunter, G. D. | Gunner | 75th Battery | |
Hunter, H. G. | Sergeant | 24th Battalion | |
† | Hunter, R. C. | Private | 23rd Battalion |
† | Hunter, W. L. | Private | 58th Battalion |
†# | Hurrell, D. S. | Private | 43rd Battalion |
Hurst, H. G. | |||
Huston, A. T. | Lieutenant | 5th Company N.Y. Division, U.S. Army | |
Hustwick, W. | Private | 12th Battalion | |
† | Hynes, A. A. | Private | 37th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Iriarte, R. | 2nd Lieutenant | 374th Infantry, U.S.A. | |
Irons, R. B. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Irvine, G. B. | Corporal | 7th Battalion | |
Irwin, J. K. | Sergeant-Major | 38th Battalion (Distinguished Conduct Medal) |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Jack, P. G. | Lieutenant | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Jackson, J. M. | Lieutenant | C.A.S.C. | |
Jacobs, W. H. | Corporal | 159th Battalion | |
Jaffray, H. W. | Private | Division Cycle Corps | |
‡ | James, C. H. J. | Lieutenant | 12th Res. Squad., Royal Air Force |
Jarrell, J. L. | Private | 184th Battalion | |
Jarvis, S. R. | Lieutenant | 19th Battalion | |
Jeffery, L. A. | Captain | British West Indies Regiment | |
†# | Jeffreys, E. F. | Private | 102nd Battalion |
Jessamine, J. M. | |||
† | Johnson, A. F. | Private | 78th Battalion |
† | Johnson, F. L. | 2nd Lieutenant | British West India Regiment |
Johnson, J. B. | Private | 102nd Battalion | |
Johnson, J. C. | Royal Air Force | ||
Johnson, R. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
Johnston, A. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Eastern Ontario Regiment | |
‡ | Johnston, G. H. | Private | C.M.G.C. |
Johnston, H. A. | Captain | 13th Battalion (D.S.O. and M.C.) | |
Johnston, J. L. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 64th Battalion | |
† | Johnston, M. ST. C. | Private | 129th Battalion |
Johnston, W. J. | Gunner | 55th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Jolley, J. A. | Lieutenant | 205th Battalion | |
Jones, D. E. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Jones, H. W. | Private | 54th Battalion |
†# | Jones, R. B. | Private | 44th Battalion |
†# | Jones, R. H. | Lance Corporal | 43rd Battalion |
Jones, R. L. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
Jones, T. C. M. | |||
Jupp, R. L. | Driver | 40th Canadian Field Artillery |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Kaye, J. F. B. | Lieutenant | Shropshire Regiment | |
‡ | Keable, E. R. | Corporal | 19th County of London (Terr.) |
† | Kearney, J. H. | Private | 14th Battalion |
Keast, J. R. | Sergeant | 36th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Keatley, G. | Private | 54th Battalion | |
†# | Kelly, E. T. S. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force |
†# | Kelly, H. J. | Private | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Kelly, M. M. | Private | 8th Field Ambulance Corps | |
Kelly, R. H. | Lieutenant | 180th Battalion | |
‡ | Kemble, A. F. | Lieutenant | Suffolk Regiment |
† | Kempton, J. | Lance Corporal | 82nd Battalion |
Kenefick, E. J. A. | Private | 2nd Depot Batt., 2nd C.O.R. | |
Kennett, A. | Lieutenant | Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kennett, Frank | Lieutenant | Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kerr, C. S. | Private | 58th Battalion | |
† | Kerr, L. | Gunner | 70th Overseas Battery |
Ketcheson, C. W. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Kettles, A. G. | 2nd Lieutenant.R.F.C. | 66th Squad., Italy | |
Kierstead, A. L. | Sergeant | 28th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kinahan, A. A. | Corporal | 147th Battalion | |
King, D. A. | Sergeant | 40th Battalion | |
† | King, J. J. W. | Private | 64th Battalion |
Kingston, F. G. | Private | Canadian Army Service Corps | |
Kinzie, G. G. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Kirk, G. C. | Gunner | 76th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kirk, J. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
† | Kirkman, C. F. | Private | 31st Battalion |
† | Kirvan, F. S. | Signaller | 160th Battalion |
Kjosness, E. S. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Knowles, J. E. | |||
Krueger, H. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kydd, M. S. | Gunner | 68th Depot Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Kyle, A. R. | Private | 1st Quebec Regiment | |
Kynoch, A. E. | Corporal | 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Kyte, S. E. | Sergeant | 40th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Labonte, J. D. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
† | Laing, A. R. | Private | 47th Battalion |
Lalande, H. J. | Private | Royal Canadian Infantry | |
Lally, W. L. | Seaman | U.S. Navy | |
L’ami, C. E. | Private | 183rd Battalion | |
L’amie, W. G. C. | |||
‡ | Lamountain, Ernest | Bugler | 60th Battalion |
Lancefield, C. L. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
Landriau, W. F. | Gunner | 5th Canadian Division Amm. Column | |
Lane, W. L. | Private | 187th Battalion | |
† | Langille, L. H. | Private | 219th Battalion |
Langley, F. G. | Private | 35th Battalion | |
Larson, L. R. | |||
Lauder, T. A. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Laurie, H. C. | Private | 1st Artists Rifles | |
† | Laurie, J. G. | Captain | 173rd Battalion |
Lawlor, W. A. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Lawson, J. M. | |||
Leach, L. H. | Gunner | 72nd Battery | |
Leader, S. | Corporal | King Edward’s Horse | |
† | Leake, E. G. | Captain | 7th Manchester Regiment (Military Cross) |
Leavitt, C. G. | Sergeant | No. 1 Depot Battalion, N.S. | |
Leavitt, W. R. | Sergeant | 26th Battalion | |
Leeder, J. J. | Private | 156th Battalion | |
† | Leeming, A. J. | Captain | Royal Fusiliers |
‡ | Lees, H. A. | Private | 7th Battalion |
Lees, R. O. | |||
Lehman, A. J. | Private | York and Simcoe Foresters | |
Leiper, A. | Private | 124th Battalion | |
Lelievre, P. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, N.S. Regiment | |
Lemon, C. F. | |||
Lengfield, R. W. | Private | Canadian Skilled R’y. Troops | |
Lennard, D. | Private | Middlesex Regiment | |
Leslie, A. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, W.O.R. | |
Leslie, B. N. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Leslie, W. L. | Private | 202nd Battalion | |
Lewis, D. J. | |||
Lewis, P. G. | Cadet | R.F.C. | |
Lewis, R. J. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Lewis, S. H. | Captain | 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Lind, C. E. | Lieutenant | R.F.C. | |
Lindsay, M. A. F. | Private | 36th Battalion | |
Lindsay, R. T. K. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Linton, A. C. | Lieutenant | 19th County of London (Terr.) (Military Cross) | |
†# | Lipsit, C. W. | Private | 43rd Battalion |
† | Lister, R. W. | Private | 14th Battalion |
Little, D. G. | Private | 184th Battalion | |
Litton, W. | |||
Livingston, H. S. | Cadet | R.F.C. | |
‡ | Lockhart, D. P. | Private | 72nd Battalion |
† | Loney, E. V. | Sergeant | 194th Battalion |
†# | Longhurst, H. R. | Private | 14th Battalion |
Longley, E. G. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
Lordly, E. F. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Loughleen, H. L. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
†# | Lounsbury, J. E. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion |
Love, H. A. | Captain | 85th Battalion (Military Cross) | |
Love, Thomas | Lieutenant | C.A.S.C. | |
‡ | Lowe, G. S. | Private | 65th Battalion |
†# | Lowe, J. R. | Private | 49th Battalion |
Lowe, L. W. | Private | 2nd Depot Battalion Eastern Ontario Regiment | |
Lowrie, J. H. | Captain | C.A.P.C. | |
Lucas, S. J. | Private | 52nd Battalion (Military Medal) | |
‡ | Lumsden, S. | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
‡ | Lumsden, W. W. | Lieutenant | 67th Battalion |
Lunney, G. D. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Lyle, J. N. | Gunner | 44th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Lyon, A. M. | Corporal | 72nd Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
‡ | Macaulay, W. G. | Sergeant | Royal Scots |
† | Maccallum, D. Macp. | Private | 77th Battalion |
Macarthur, J. D. | Private | 43rd Battalion | |
Macarthur, J. W. | Cadet | R.F.C. | |
Maccaskill, J. | Private | No. 3 General Hospital | |
Macdonald, A. A. | Private | 1st Pioneer Battalion | |
‡ | Macdonald, A. J. | Lance Corporal | 5th Battalion |
‡ | Macdonald, A. R. | Captain | 3rd Battalion |
Macdonald, D. A. | Lance Corporal | 49th Battalion | |
Macdonald, D. W. | Private | Canadian Engineers | |
Macdonald, G. C. | Driver | 40th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Macdonald, H. C. | Private | 68th Battery Canadian Field Artillery | |
Macdonald, J. P. | Sub-Lieutenant | R.F.C. | |
† | Macdonald, N. S. | Lance Corporal | 27th Battalion, Machine Gun Section |
Macdonald, R. A. | Gunner | 27th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Macdougall, E. D. | Private | 52nd Battalion | |
Macdougall, J. L. | Private | 40th Battalion | |
Macdougall, R. | Captain | 85th Battalion | |
Macgillivray, A. D. | |||
Macgillivray, C. V. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 228th Battalion | |
Macinnis, A. A. | Private | First Depot Battalion | |
Macintyre, James | |||
†# | Mack Jost, N. R. | Lieutenant | 9th Reserve Battalion, attd. 49th Bn |
† | Mackay, A. G. | Lieutenant | 148th Battalion |
Mackay, J. W. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 40th Battalion | |
Mackee, J. L. | |||
Mackenzie, A. | |||
‡ | Mackenzie, A. G. | Gunner | 33rd Canadian Field Artillery |
Mackenzie, H. W. | Private | 115th Battalion | |
Mackenzie, J. T. | Gunner | 3rd New Brunswick Regiment, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Mackenzie, W. K. | Private | 193rd Battalion | |
Mackie, David | Gunner | 61st Canadian Field Artillery | |
Mackie, Peter | Private | 119th Battalion | |
‡ | Maclaurin, I. W. | Private | 42nd Battalion |
Maclean, C. H. | Private | No. 7 Stationary Hospital | |
Maclean, W. C. | Private | 106th Battalion | |
Macleod, H. J. | Private | 72nd Battalion | |
Macmaster, M. | W.T. Operator | R.N.C.V.R. | |
Macmillan, D. H. | Driver | 1st Siege Battery | |
Macminn, E. G. | Lieutenant | 63rd Reinforcement Company | |
Macminn, R. H. | Lieutenant | British West Indies Regiment | |
†# | Macnair, A. M. | Private | 5th Battalion |
† | Macnaughton, C. G. | Lance Corporal | 168th Battalion |
Macpherson, A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
‡ | Macrae, A. J. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Magnac, H. J. | Interpreter | ||
Malcolm, T. R. | Lieutenant | Canadian Engineers | |
Malcolmson, J. H. K. | |||
Malloch, Paul | Sergeant | 109th Battalion | |
† | Mann, C. F. | Private | 175th Battalion |
Mann, C. H. | Lance Corporal | 185th Battalion | |
Mann, J. | |||
Mann, J. B. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 55th Battalion | |
Mann, J. C. | Private | 134th Battalion | |
Mann, W. | Sergeant | Canadian Engineers | |
Marble, C. D. | |||
March, J. E. R. | Sapper | Royal Canadian Engineers | |
†# | Marquis, G. J. | Private | 31st Battalion |
Martin, G. H. | Private | Division Cyclist Corps | |
†# | Martin, G. H. | Private | 31st Battalion |
Martin, H. L. | Paymaster’s Office, Regina | ||
Martin, J. W. | Private | 160th Battalion | |
Martin, L. B. | Signaller | Division Cyclists | |
Martin, L. W. | Lieutenant | C.A.S.C. | |
Marwick, W. H. | Trumpeter | 3rd Siege Battery | |
Massicotte, H. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Masson, L. L. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Massy, C. R. | Lieutenant | British West Indies Regiment | |
Matthews, C. F. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Matthews, W. H. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Maunders, W. H. | |||
May, A. D. | Lieutenant | 7th Battalion (M.C) | |
Maycock, W. G. | Driver | 151st Battalion | |
McAlpine, A. C. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
McAlpine, A. F. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
†# | McBride, C. L. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
McCallum, A. V. | Private | Forestry Battalion | |
McCallum, H. M. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
‡ | McCallum, J. McF. | Lieutenant | Canadian Infantry |
†# | McCarter, D. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
McCarthy, L. M. | Captain | Canadian Infantry | |
McCartney, W. N. | Gunner | 71st Battery | |
McCLafferty, J. K. | Gunner | C.G.A. | |
McClelland, C. H. | Driver | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McClelland, T. A. | Cadet | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McClennan, M. T. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
McCluskey, H. D. | Gunner | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
McCormick, G. R. | Corporal | 24th Battalion | |
† | McCoy, J. S. | Sergeant | 89th Battalion |
McCrea, E. A. | Col.-Sergeant | 231st Battalion | |
McCulloch, H. S. | Private | 209th Battalion | |
McCusker, L. J. H. | Lieutenant | 107th Battalion | |
†# | McDill, D. | Private | 5th Battalion |
†# | McDonald, A. D. | Private | |
McDonald, A. W. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McDonald, D, G. | Corporal | 13th Reserve Battalion | |
† | McDonald, H. A. | Captain | Highland Cyclists |
†# | McDonald, J.A. | Private | |
McDonald, T. | Private | 54th Battalion | |
McDonald, V. | Private | 137th Battalion | |
‡ | McDonough, C. E. | ||
‡ | McDougald, C. G. | Sergeant | 72nd Battalion (Military Medal) |
McDougall, A. G. | Private | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McEown, C. E. | Royal Flying Corps | ||
McEwen, N. D. | Private | 69th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McFadyen, W. J. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
McGannon, C. W. | Seaman | R.N.C.V.R. | |
McGarrity, J. P. | Private | 172nd Battalion | |
McGaw, M. W. M. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
McGibbon, A. A. | Air Mechanic | Royal Flying-Corps | |
† | McGibbon, W. P. | 2nd Lieutenant | Artists’ Rifles |
McGimpsey, Thos | |||
McGinn, W. G. F. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McGovern, W. F. | Lieutenant | 13th Canadian Field Artillery (M.C, and Bar) | |
McGregor, D. J. | Private | 116th Battalion | |
McGregor, M. | |||
McHardy, T. E. | Lieutenant | British West India Regiment | |
† | McInerney, G. V. | Lieutenant | Canadian Field Artillery |
McInerney, J. R. | Gunner | 6th Canadian Siege Battery | |
McInnes, B. | Lance Corporal | Man. Regiment Depot | |
McIntosh, W. B. | Private | 10th Battalion | |
McIntyre, D. C. | Gunner | 2nd Brigade, Canadian Reserve Battalion | |
McIntyre, J. A. | Private | 216th Battalion | |
McIntyre, J. I. | Cadet Wing | Royal Flying Corps | |
† | McIntyre, L. H. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
‡ | McKay, A. S. | Private | 50th Battalion |
McKay, J. B. | Lieutenant | 132nd Battalion | |
McKay, J. R. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
McKee, D. | Sergeant | 119th Battalion | |
McKenna, E. P. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McKenzie, H. | “A.B.” Writer | Paymaster’s Staff, Her Majesty Canadian Ship “Niobe” | |
McKenzie, K. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McKenzie, L. A. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McKenzie, W. H. | Gunner | 4th Canadian Field Artillery | |
McKinnon, A. R. | Corporal | 168th Battalion | |
McKnight, D. | Private | 100th Battalion | |
McLachlan, A. O. | Private | C.A.D.C. | |
McLarren, A. F. | Gunner | 14th H.B.A.C. | |
McLatchy, J. H. | Sergeant | 236th Battalion | |
McLaughlin, J. W. | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | ||
† | McLea, K. W. | Lieutenant | 3rd Division Can Amm. Col. |
McLean, A. R. | Corporal | 72nd Battalion | |
McLean, C. H. | Gunner | 2nd Heavy Battery | |
McLean, E. | Corporal | 52nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
McLean, K. | Private | 231st Battalion | |
McLean, M. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McLean, W. H. | Private | Royal Flying Corps | |
McLeod, C. R. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
McLeod, H. H. D. | Staff Q.M.S. | 40th Battalion | |
McLeod, J. G. | Private | 46th Battalion | |
McMahon, J. A. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
†# | McMillan, S. A. | Private | 21st Battalion |
McMullen, A. R. | Captain | C.A.P.C | |
McNabb, J. D. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
McNamara, J. M. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
†# | McNamee, D. G. | Private | 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
McNeice, T. G. | Lance Corporal | 16th Battalion | |
McNeill, H. B. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
McNeill, J. D. | Gunner | 61st Canadian Field Artillery | |
McPhail, A. V. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
McPhail, E. W. | Sapper | 1st Battalion | |
McPhail, L. L. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
McQuade, W. C. | Lieutenant | 104th Battalion | |
McQuillan, R. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McRae, F. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
McRobert, J. A. V. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
McTeer, D. | Gunner | 61st Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | McWilliam, J. | Private | 5th Battalion |
†# | Mead, T. H. | 2nd Lieutenant | 72nd Brigade, Royal Field Artillery |
Melvin, W. D. | Sergeant | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
‡ | Menpes, W. | Lieutenant | 92nd Battalion |
Mercer, G. F. | Private | 1st Tank Battalion Canadian M.G. Company | |
‡ | Merriam, S. G. | Corporal | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Merritt, A. P. | Private | 145th Battalion | |
† | Merritt, F. G. | Corporal | 85th Battalion N.S. Highlanders, M.G. Section |
Merritt, W. H. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Messier, A. L. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Milby, P. M. | Royal Navy | ||
Millar, A. C. B. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion British Columbia Regiment | |
Millar, H. | Gunner | 74th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Miller, H. Mcr. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
‡ | Miller, M. P. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps |
† | Millett, J. N. L. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
Milligen, R. C. | Cadet | R.F.C. | |
Mills, W. G. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Milne, A. E. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 72nd Battalion | |
Milne, N. D. | Corporal | 147th Battalion | |
Milner, C. H. | Private | 193rd Battalion | |
Milner, K. V. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
‡ | Miners, C. C. | Private | 91st Battalion |
‡ | Mingeaud, A. H. | Sergeant | 37th Battalion |
† | Mitchell, A. | Sergeant | 52nd Battalion |
Mitchell, G. S. | Sergeant | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Mitchell, W. E. | |||
Mitton, G. D. | Gunner | 9th Overseas Siege Battery | |
Moblo, H. L. | |||
Moffat, J. A. | Private | Canadian Army Service Corps | |
Moffitt, F. S. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Moir, D. N. | Trooper | 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles |
†# | Moir, P. T. | Private | No.1 Overseas C.A.S.C. Training Depot |
Money, C. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 168th Battalion | |
‡ | Monson, C. G. | Private | 49th Battalion |
Montgomery, E. B. W. | Trooper | 12th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Montgomery, G. C. | Private | 187th Battalion | |
† | Montgomery, H. B. | Sergeant | 79th Battalion |
Moore, A. J. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Moore, C. G. E. | Private | 8th Battalion |
Moore, J. R. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Moore, J. W. | Signaller | 22nd Canadian Field Artillery |
Moore, S. G. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Moore, W. E. | Gunner | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Moore, W. H. | 2nd Depot Battalion | ||
Moran, F. W. | Gunner | McGill Siege Battery | |
Morash, J. R. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Morell, A. H. | Gunner | 24th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Morgan, F. W. L. | Private | 75th Battalion |
†# | Morgan, H. A. | Trooper | Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) |
Morland, J. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Morley, G. K. | Private | R.A.M.C. | |
Morren, J. | Private | Canadian Engineers | |
Morrison, C. F. | Gunner | Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Morison, D. S. | Private | 231st Highlanders |
Morrison, W. H. | Bombardier | 10th Siege Battery | |
Morrison, W. McI. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Morrissette, J. P. A. | Private | C.O.T.C. Laval | |
Morrow, J. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 40th Battalion | |
Morrow, M. H. | Signaller | Division Sig. Corps | |
† | Morton, J. M. | Lieutenant | 31st Battalion |
Morton, W. | Sergeant | 194th Battalion | |
Mosher, A. T. | Royal Air Force | ||
Mosher, W. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Moss, N. E. | Private | 110th Battalion | |
† | Muir, D. MacN. | Sergeant | 7th Battalion |
Mulcahey, T. J. | Private | No. 9 Stationary Hospital | |
Mulhern, B. E. | Private | 1st Canadian Tank Battalion | |
Mullett, C. J. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Mulligan, L. A. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
†# | Mungall, R. D. | Trooper | Canadian Cavalry Corps Regiment |
Munro, J. J. | Captain | 174th Battalion | |
Murduff, A. S. | Private | 64th Battery | |
Murphy, C. J. | Sapper | Royal Canadian Engineers | |
Murphy, L. D. | Private | 70th Battery | |
Murray, A. D. | Lieutenant | Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Murray, B. | Private | 185th Battalion |
Murray, G. H. | Sergeant | 4th Pioneer Battalion | |
† | Murray, N. | Cadet | Royal Air Force |
‡ | Murray, N. W. | Lieutenant | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Murrell, E. | Sergeant | 1st Division Headquarters |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
† | Nairn, W. | Gunner | 68th Depot Field Battery, Canadian Field Artillery |
Nash, R. F. | Gunner | 3rd Siege Battery | |
Nason, C. G. | Sapper | 6th Field Company, Canadian Engineers | |
Nellis, R. J. | Driver | 64th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Nelson, A. B. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Nelson, E. S. | |||
Nelson, F. H. | Trooper | 8th Mounted Rifles | |
Nesbitt, F. P. | Private | 58th Battalion | |
Nesbitt, W. | Driver | C Battery, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Nesbitt, W. A. H. | Gunner | 34th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Neville, E. V. | Sergeant | 1st Depot Battalion, N.S. Regiment | |
Neville, W. J. | Sergeant | 91st Battalion | |
Newall, P. G. | Private | 92nd Battalion | |
Newart, F. G. | |||
Newby, H. J. | |||
†# | Newcomb, L. | Lieutenant | 8th Battalion |
† | Nicholls, W. H. | Lieutenant | 153rd Battalion |
Nicholson, R. R. N. | Private | 194th Battalion | |
Nickerson, E. C. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Nickerson, M. H. | Private | 6th Canadian Field Engineers | |
Nickle, C. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Nicol, D. A. | Private | 175th Battalion | |
Nicoll, R. | |||
†# | Nicoll, W. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
‡ | Nicolson, R. A. | Staff-Sergeant | 151st Battalion |
Nixon, C. B. | Private | 168th Battalion | |
Nixon, M. E. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
† | Noble, J. A. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Noble, W. | Private | 20th Battalion | |
Noonan, J. F. | Private | 248th Battalion | |
Noonan, P. | Sergeant | 36th Howitzer Battery (Military Medal) | |
† | Norman, A. L. | Driver | 29th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery |
Nyffeler, F. | Private | F Company, 3rd Leicester Regiment |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Oatman, E. R. | Private | 228th Battalion | |
‡ | O’Brien, R. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps, 4th Sanitary Sec. |
O’Callaghan, A. J. | |||
Ockenden, E. F. | Lance Corporal | 49th Battalion | |
O’Connell, J. F. | Private | 185th Battalion | |
O’Donnell, C. G. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
O’Donnell, N. L. | |||
O’Grady, J. R. | Lieutenant | 17th Canadian Field Artillery | |
O’Keefe, T. P. | Gunner | 36th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Olive, A. K. | Private | Royal North West Mounted Police | |
O’Neill, K. J. | Private | 118th Battalion | |
‡ | O’Reilly, P. R. | Lance Corporal | 1st Nfld. Regiment |
Ostrander, J. P. B. | Private | 194th Battalion | |
O’Toole, A. G. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
‡ | Packer, J. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Page, E. H. | Private | 219th Battalion | |
Paget, R. J. | Captain | Canadian Infantry | |
‡ | Palmer, E. A. | ||
†# | Palmer, L. A. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
Pappin, W. McL. | Private | 2nd Depot Battalion E.O. Regiment | |
Park, R. | |||
Parker, G. A. | Private | 168th Battalion | |
Parker, G. R. | Signaller | 9th Siege Battery | |
Parlmer, E. R. | Private | Canadian Record Office | |
Partridge, H. M. | Private | 8th Battalion | |
Partridge, S. A. | |||
Paterson, A. E. | |||
† | Pattison, C. E. | Lieutenant | Aviation Corps, Royal Navy |
† | Paulin, V. R. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps |
†# | Payne, R. N. | Lieutenant | 93rd Battalion |
Peake, H. W. | Lieutenant | No. 5 Siege Battery | |
Peart, C. D. | |||
Peers, R. H. C. | Staff-Sergeant | 1st Depot Battalion N.S. | |
† | Pelluet, R. | Private | 200th Battalion |
Penney, E. W. | Canadian Records Office | ||
Pennington, C. M. | Private | Headquarters Staff, Paymaster’s Dept. U.S. Navy | |
Pepin, E. M. | U.S. Navy | ||
Percy, E. | Bugler | 148th Battalion | |
Perrier, R. J. A. | Corporal | 227th Battalion | |
Perrin, J. H. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Perry, K. F. | Private | 5th Battalion |
Perry, L. J. | Corporal | Canadian Army Service Corps | |
Perry, R. W. | Private | Motor Cycle Corps | |
† | Peters, A. W. | Corporal | 72nd Battalion |
Peters, D. G. | Lieutenant | 236th Battalion (Military Cross) | |
†# | Peters, G. H. | Lieutenant | 7th Battalion |
Peters, W. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Philip, J. | Private | 16th Battalion | |
† | Phillips, A. | Private | 142nd Battalion |
Phillips, A. J. | |||
‡ | Phinney, C. R. | Gunner | 50th Canadian Field Artillery |
Pickard, H. J. | Corporal | 25th Battalion | |
† | Pickering, R. J. B. | Leading Seaman | Royal Naval Division |
Pickup, S. | Sergeant | No. 1 Section, 5th Divisional Ammunition Company | |
† | Pigg, Raymond | Private | 78th Battalion |
Pinder, A. L. | Private | C.M.G. Depot | |
†# | Plant, R. S. | Private | 235th Battalion |
Poirier, W. P. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
†# | Pollock, W. | Private | 72nd Battalion |
Poole, V. B. | Gunner | 9th Canadian Siege Battery | |
Pope, J. J. | |||
Porritt, C. R. | Driver | 52nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Porter, J. F. | Driver | Divisional Amm. Column | |
‡ | Porter, L. | Private | 87th Battalion |
Porter, R. | Lance Corporal | 43rd Battalion | |
Portnall, C. O. | |||
Potter, J. L. | Private | 37th Battalion | |
Poudrier, H. O. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Pow, H. W. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Powe, F. W. G. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Prangley, G. W. | Gunner | 110th Battalion | |
Prevost, S. A. | Private | 35th Battalion | |
Price, E. | Royal Canadian Navy | ||
Price, J. H. W. | Lance Corporal | 28th Battalion | |
Pridham, W. C. | |||
Prieur, J. A. | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | ||
Prince, W. S. | Sapper | Division Sig. Corps | |
† | Pringle, W. R. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps |
Prizeman, W. H. | |||
†# | Proven, J. S. | Sergeant | 31st Battalion |
†# | Pugh, G. N. | Private | 46th Battalion |
Pulfer, L. J. | |||
Pumphrey, E. J. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
Purdy, W. J. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion | |
Putnam, A. R. | |||
‡ | Putnam, J. M. | Private | 82nd Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Quick, L.-H. ST. P. | Gunner | Royal Field Artillery | |
Quinn, A. L. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion W.O.R. |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
* | Racey, B. R. | Private | 14th Battalion |
Radford, A. F. | Sergeant | 50th Battalion (Military Medal) | |
Rae, W. | Gunner | 79th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Rafuse, S. A. | Sergeant | 106th Battalion | |
Railton, R. R. | |||
† | Ralston, J. A. | Lance Corporal | 3rd Battalion |
Ramsay, F. M. | Lieutenant | R.N.A.S. | |
Rankin, E. B. | Royal Newfoundland Regiment | ||
Rawlins, J. M. | Private | Royal Newfoundland Regiment | |
Read, A. F. | Gunner | 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Read, T. D. | Sapper | Division Signallers | |
Reesor, W. C. | Private | 7th Battalion | |
Reiber, C. E. | Corporal | 1st Depot Battalion, Calgary | |
Reid, A. | Private | 8th Battalion | |
Reid, E. J. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Reid, G. E. | Canadian Army Medical Corps | ||
Reid, J. S. | Private | 24th Battalion | |
Reid, M. C. | |||
Relyea, R. E. | Driver | 51st Howitzer Battery | |
Renton, A. W. | Bugler | 11th Battalion | |
Reynolds, R. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Rhind, C. E. | Private | 219th Battalion | |
Rhody, B. P. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Rice, W. | Private | 184th Battalion | |
Richards, S. | Private | 30th Battalion | |
† | Richardson, J. M. | Corporal | 66th Battalion |
Richardson, L. M. | Captain | 54th Battalion | |
Richardson, R. P. | Corporal | Canadian Tel. Corps | |
† | Riches, J. H. | Private | 33rd Battalion |
Richmond, J. F. | Private | 158th Battalion | |
Riddell, W. R. | Lieutenant | C.A.P.C. | |
Rieger, R. A. | Corporal | C.G.R. | |
Riggs, E. S. | Private | Canadian Engineers | |
‡ | Ripley, L. W. | Private | 193rd Battalion |
Risser, W. A. | Gunner | Depot, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Robb, M. J. | Lieutenant | 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
Roberts, E. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Roberts, T. K. | No. 10 Forestry and Railway Construction Company | ||
Robertson, D. W. | Gunner | 72nd Queen’s Battery | |
‡ | Robertson, S. | Captain | 1st Newfoundland Regiment |
Robinson, B. H. P. | |||
Robinson, F. G. | Private | 78th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Robinson, G. E. | Lieutenant | Railway Construction & Forestry Depot |
Robinson, G. S. | Signaller | Siege Artillery | |
Robinson, H. D. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
Robinson, J. | Private | 202nd Battalion | |
Robinson, J. H. | Sergeant | 85th Battalion | |
Robinson, W. G. | Gunner | 70th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Roche, G. E. | |||
Rodgers, J. H. M. | Private | York and Simcoe Foresters | |
‡ | Rodwell, H. J. | Private | 183rd Battalion |
Roe, G. M. C. | Staff-Sergeant | C.A.P.C. | |
Roe, S. F. D. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
Roeber, W. J. D. | Private | 25th U.S. Cavalry | |
Roenigk, F. W. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Rogers, T. B. | Lieutenant | ||
Romero, D. | Sergeant | Sanitary Corps, Porto Rico Regiment | |
Rorison, B. T. | |||
Ross, C. S. | Gunner | 5th Siege Battery | |
Ross, J. K. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Ross, K. | Trooper | Royal Canadian Dragoons | |
Ross, R. | |||
Ross, R. A. | Gunner | ||
Ross W. F. | Lance Corporal | 10th Battalion | |
†# | Ross, W. G. | Gunner | Mounted Rifles |
† | Ross, W. P. | Private | 196th Western University Battalion |
Rothwell, G. H. | |||
Rovira, A. G. | Private | 373rd Infantry, U.S.A. | |
Rowland, J. A. | Gunner | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery | |
‡ | Rowlands, A. | Gunner | 4th Division Amm. Column |
Roy, L. P. J. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Rudolph, S. C. | Private | Divisional Signal Corps | |
Ruggles, W. C. | Pay Sergeant | 1st Depot Battn, N.S. | |
Rumball, F. H. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Rushton, F. W. | 2nd Lieutenant | 3rd Battalion (Military Cross) | |
Russ, J. P. | Corporal | 65th Battalion | |
Russell, H. | Wheeler | 1st Division Amm. Column | |
Russell, J. B. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers | |
Russell, R. C. | Lance Corporal | 1st Depot Battalion, British Columbia Regiment | |
Rutherford, J. S. | Private | 24th Battalion | |
Ruttan, V. H. | Driver | C.A.S.C. | |
Ryan, A. M. | Private | 4th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
† | Salusbury, N. H. P. | 2nd Lieutenant | 117th Battalion (Imperials) |
Sanderson, E. R. | Private | 156th Battalion | |
†# | Sanderson, F. G. | Private | 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Sanderson, J. D. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Sandilands, W. T. | |||
* | Saunders, J. T. | Trooper | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
†# | Scarth, F. G. | Private | 8th Battalion |
Schaefer, F. W. | Gunner | 1st Canadian Heavy Battery, C.G.A. | |
Scharfe, J. A. | Gunner | 74th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery | |
Schjolseth, C. | Royal Air Force | ||
†# | Scott, A. V. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Scott, C. L. | Private | First Depot Battalion British Columbia | |
†# | Scott, D. W. D. | Lance Corporal | 27th Battalion |
†# | Scott, E. S. | Sergeant | 8th Canadian Machine Gun Corps |
† | Scott, S. W. | Lieutenant | 129th Battalion (Military Medal) |
Scougall, J. M. | Quartermaster-Sergeant | 124th Battalion | |
Scriven, J. A. | Gunner | 10th Halifax Siege Battery | |
Scrivener, H. L. | |||
Seaborn, J. McK. | |||
Sear, H. L. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Seath, G. | Gunner | 77th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Selkirk, M. L. | 2nd Lieutenant | Royal Air Force | |
† | Sellers, S. G. | Sergeant | 7th Battalion |
‡ | Severs, W. E. | Gunner | 9th Canadian Field Artillery |
†# | Shannon, E. G. | Corporal | 116th Battalion |
‡ | Shannon, W. A. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 55th Battalion |
† | Sharp, F. H. | ||
Sharp, W. J. | Corporal | 66th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Sharpe, H. V. | Trooper | 34th Canadian Field Artillery |
Shaw, H. J. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
Shaw, J. C. | Gunner | 2nd Heavy Artillery | |
‡ | Shaw, R. | Lieutenant | Royal Air Force |
† | Shearer, T. P. | Private | 3rd Division Train, C.A.S.C. |
Sheldon, J. S. | Private | 186th Battalion | |
Shepherd, T. R. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Shepherd, W. E. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
Sheppard, C. M. | Private | 24th Battalion | |
Sherman, F. J. | Captain | C.A.P.C. | |
† | Sherman, L. S. | Lance Corporal | Royal Sussex Regiment |
Sheriffs, W. R. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
† | Shields, D. DeV. | Lieutenant | 112th Battalion |
Shields, S. B. | |||
Shimmen, J. H. | Private | ||
† | Shore, J. A. M. | Lieutenant | 186th Battalion |
Shorey, S. O. | Gunner | 27th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Simmons, A. R. | Private | 116th Battalion |
Simon, P. M. | 2nd Class Seaman | 2-C-l Battalion, U.S. Navy | |
Simpson, C. B. | Corporal | Canadian Engineers | |
Simpson, H. G. | Gunner | 34th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Simpson, H. J. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Simpson, R. T. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Simpson, R. T. H. | Private | 31st Battalion | |
Simpson, W. J. | Private | 170th Battalion | |
‡ | Sims. V. | Private | 78th Battalion |
‡ | Singleton, A. | Private | 2nd Battalion |
† | Skeaff, J. M. | Lieutenant | 92nd Battalion |
Skeene, O. E. | Private | 66th Battalion | |
Sly, A. F. | |||
Small, H. J. | Gunner | 33rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Smith, A. | |||
Smith, A. F. | |||
Smith, A. G. H. | Private | C.A.P.C. | |
Smith, A. R. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 112th Battalion | |
Smith, C. K. | Lieutenant | 4th Con. British West Indies Regiment | |
Smith, F. C. | Sergeant | 131st Battalion | |
Smith, G. J. | Sergeant | 10th Siege Battery | |
Smith, H. H. | Private | No. 3 General Hospital | |
† | Smith, J. T. | Private | 8th Battalion |
Smith, P. J. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 2nd Quebec Regt | |
Smith, R. | Lieutenant | 11th Battalion | |
† | Smith, R. H. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps |
‡ | Smith, S. W. | Corporal | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
† | Smith, T. V. G. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers |
Smith, W. P. | |||
Smith, W. R. | Private | 174th Battalion | |
† | Smyth, F. A. | Private | 162nd Battalion |
Smyth, R. S. V. | Private | Royal Flying Corps | |
Snelgrove, E. G. | |||
Snell, L. L. | Private | No. 1 Forestry Battalion | |
† | Snow, F. W. | Corporal | 1st Newfoundland Regiment |
† | Snowdon, J. L. | Private | 160th Battalion |
Snowdon, M. J. | Driver | 3rd Sec. Division Amm. Column | |
Soanes, E. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
‡ | Spence, C. M. V. | Lieutenant | 21st Battalion (Military Medal) |
† | Spence, R. E. | Sergeant-Major | 6th Canadian Field Artillery |
Spero, W. P. | Captain | 135th Battalion | |
Squire, A. G. | Lieutenant | 1st Battalion West India Regiment | |
Squire, T. E. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Squires, R. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
‡ | Stableford, F. | Private | 46th Battalion |
‡ | Stafford, J. H. | Private | 16th Battalion |
Stanley, F. A. | Bombardier | 36th Howitzer Battery | |
Stark, R. | Private | 139th Battalion | |
Starke, A. M. | Private | 1st Reinforcing Company 5th R.H.C. | |
Statham, E. H. | Private | 48th Battalion | |
Steedman, A. W. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
‡ | Steele, C. F. | Private | 153rd Battalion |
† | Steele, J. H. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
† | Stein, C. D. P. | Sapper | Canadian Engineers |
† | Stephen, C. N. | Bombardier | 2nd Division Amm. Column |
‡ | Stephen, H. J. | Private | 5th Battalion |
Stephen, W. M. | Private | British Columbia Cycle Platoon | |
Stephens, A. E. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Stephens, F. L. | Private | 157th Battalion | |
Stephens, J. D. | 177th Battalion | ||
Stephens, R. M. | |||
Sterns, H. E. | |||
Stevens, E. V. | |||
‡ | Stevens, F. H. | Sergeant | 7th Battalion |
†# | Stevenson, A. M. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Stewart, D. J. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
†# | Stewart, D. S. | Private | 44th Battalion |
Stewart, E. W. H. | Lieutenant | 23rd Battalion | |
Stewart, H. L. | Private | 69th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Stewart, J. | Private | 63rd Battalion | |
†# | Stewart, J. | Private | 28th Battalion |
†# | Stewart, J. G. | Private | Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) |
Stewart, J. McL. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
‡* | Stewart, T. | Sergeant-Major | 8th Battalion |
†# | Stewart, W. A. | Lieutenant | 50th Battalion |
Stewart, W. C. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Stinson, J. E. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
* | Stone, B. C. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Stone, J. G. | 89th Battalion | ||
Stoneman, H. K. | Sergeant | Forestry Battalion | |
Strachan, A. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Strachan, W. S. | Private | 4th Division Train | |
‡ | Strong, H. P. | Sergeant | 145th Battalion |
Strople, H. G. A. | Private | 64th Battalion | |
Stuart, A. | Corporal | Royal Fusiliers | |
† | Stuart-Bailey, C. | Lieutenant | 44th Battalion |
Stubbs, H. C. | Private | Royal Flying Corps | |
Summerhayes, R. C. | Lance Corporal | Special Service | |
Sutherby, R. E. | Driver | 53rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Sutherland, H. B. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Sutherland, R. M. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
Sydenham, O. S. | Sergeant | 10th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Tache, J. G. C. | Private | C.O.T.C. | |
Taitt, N. R. | Lieutenant | ||
†# | Tallman, S. B. | Lieutenant | Royal Canadian Dragoons |
Tanner, B. H. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 130th Battalion | |
Tanner, H. R. | Lieutenant | 24th Battalion (Military Cross) | |
Tassie, J. S. G. | Lieutenant | R.F. Artillery | |
Tate, J. R. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Taylor, B. S. | Private | 27th Battalion |
Taylor, P. B. | Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel | 77th Battalion | |
Taylor, R. A. | Private | 51st Battalion | |
† | Taylor, W. T. | Private | 13th Battalion |
Teasdale, C. A. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
†# | Teasdall, R. C. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps |
Teeple, J. H. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
Teevan, T. F. | Private | 67th Battalion | |
Telfer, H. C. | Lieutenant | Royal Flying Corps | |
† | Temple, C. C. | Lieutenant | Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Tessier, R. McN. | Lance Corporal | 1st Newfoundland Regiment | |
Thibault, A. H. | Private | 227th Battalion | |
† | Thompson, C. G. | Lieutenant | Canadian Field Artillery |
Thompson, C. S. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry | |
Thompson, F. A. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Thompson, G. P. | Private | 102nd Battalion | |
Thompson, J. F. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 232nd Battalion | |
Thomson, Frederick | Private | 43rd Battalion | |
Thomson, H. J. | Private | 151st Battalion | |
Thomson, J. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Thomson, W. P. | Private | 7th Battalion | |
†# | Thornton, E. | Major | 5th Battalion |
Thornton, N. H. | Private | 49th Battalion | |
Thorp, C. A. | Signalman | Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve | |
† | Thorsteinson, O. F. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Thurstons, H. S. Y. | Gunner | 34th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Tilley, H. S. T. | Private | 54th Battalion |
Tindale, A. S. | Gunner | 3rd Canadian Division Artillery | |
Tindall, O. L. | Gunner | Royal Canadian Horse Artillery | |
†# | Tobin, A. E. | Private | 21st Battalion |
Todd, C. C. | Private | 187th Machine Gun Corps | |
Todd, Henry | |||
Tompkins, N. C. | Private | 26th Battalion | |
Toothill, W. A. | Leading Seaman | Royal Naval Reserve | |
Torrado, E. | Private | Medical Corps, Base Hospital, San Juan | |
† | Tower, R. E. | Corporal | 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Travers, R. G. H. | Captain | 20th Battalion | |
Trepanier, W. P. | Gunner | 74th Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Trick, F. J. | Private | 10th Battalion |
Trigg, J. | |||
†# | Trow, A. J. | Corporal | 5th Battalion |
‡ | Troy, L. T. | Flight Lieutenant | Royal Air Force |
Trunkfield, V. J. | 2nd Clerk | Royal Air Force | |
† | Tuach, D. M. | Private | Royal Fusiliers |
Tuck, D. C. | Gunner | Siege Artillery | |
†# | Tucker, B. J. | Driver | 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery |
† | Tully, N. J. | Sapper | 127th Battalion |
† | Tupper, M. L. | Captain | 112th Battalion |
† | Turnbull, G. A. | Sergeant | 40th Battalion |
Turnbull, G. V. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Turnbull, J. | Gunner | 74th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Turnbull, W. J. | Captain | Canadian Field Artillery (Military Cross) |
Turner, A. V. | Gunner | Canadian Field Artillery | |
Turner, J. B. | Sergeant | 65th Battalion | |
Turner, S. A. | 8th Canadian Inf. Brigade Signallers | ||
* | Tutt, F. H. | Private | 14th Battalion |
Tyler, G. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, Saskatchewan | |
Tyner, H. R. | Captain | 3rd Battalion Dorset Regiment | |
Tyson, G. | Private | 23rd Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Underbill, R. | Sergeant | Territorial Forces | |
Underwood, T. H. | Private | 63rd Battalion | |
Uren, A. C. | Asst. Paymaster | Royal Naval Reserve |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Valdezate, I. | |||
Vale, G. ST. J., JR. | Trooper | 20th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
‡ | Van Allen, W. H. | Lance Corporal | 29th Light Horse of Saskatchewan |
† | Van Kleek, G. W. | Private | 209th Battalion |
Van Wyck, T. H. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Vann, A. J. | Captain | ||
Vickers, E. I. | |||
Vickerson, J. L. | Gunner | 78th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Voaden, C. E. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
† | Voelker, C. R. | Lieutenant | 192nd Battalion |
Vye, P. J. | |||
Vyse, E. T. | Lieutenant | 12th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
†# | Waddell, N. J. | Private | 43rd Battalion |
Wakelin, E. V. | Siberian Exp. Force | ||
Waldie, W. | Corporal | 62nd Battalion | |
†# | Walker, R. S. | Private | 58th Battalion |
† | Wallace, C. W. | Private | 72rd Battalion |
‡ | Wallace, F. C. | Lieutenant | |
† | Wallace, H. | Private | 40th Battalion |
Wallace, R. A. | Lieutenant | 168th Siege Battery, R.G.A. (Military Cross) | |
Waller, G. DeW. | Gunner | 74th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Wallis, I. N. | Trooper | Canadian Mounted Rifles |
Walter, M. M. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
† | Ward, S. W. | Gunner | 72nd Canadian Field Artillery |
†# | Warde, G. B. | Corporal | 32nd Battalion |
†# | Warin, H. J. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
† | Warner, F. M. | Lieutenant | 4th Royal Scots |
Watson, G. R. D. | Lieutenant | R.N.V.R. | |
Watt, D. J. | Sergeant | 55th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Watt, R. A. McR. | Private | R.A.M.C. | |
Weaver H. C. | Private | 7th Battalion | |
Weaver, W. C. | Paymaster-Sergeant | 154th Battalion | |
Webster, G. L. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Webster, W. J. | Private | Paymaster’s Staff | |
Weeks, T. B. | Lance Corporal | 73rd Battalion | |
Weir, J. J. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Weir, T. | Corporal | 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles | |
‡* | Wells, D. P. | Private | 13th Battalion |
† | Wells, G. E. | Lieutenant | 65th Battalion |
Wellwood, W. G. | Gunner | 68th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Wensley, J. H. | |||
† | West, C. F. | Private | R.C.M. |
West, W. H. L. | Sapper | 6th Field Company,Canadian Engineers | |
Westbrook, L. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Wetmore, L. C. | Gunner | 9th Siege Battery | |
Whatmore, K. | |||
Whidden, E. L. | Gunner | 10th Siege Battery | |
White, F. J. | Gunner | McGill Siege Battery | |
‡ | White, G. | Gunner | 10th Halifax Siege Battery |
†# | White, G. H. | Private | 43rd Battalion |
White, J. | Private | 228th Battalion | |
† | White, R. B. | Sergeant | Royal Newfoundland Regiment |
Whitehead, F. W. F. | Lieutenant | Royal Highlanders of Canada | |
Whitehead, G. V. | Lieutenant | 148th Battalion | |
Wickett, R. A. W. | Private | 49th Battalion | |
Wicks, W. E. | Private | Division Cycle Corps | |
‡ | Wickwire, L. H. | Private | 193rd Battalion |
Widmeyer, L. H. | Private | 248th Battalion | |
Wilkins, A. H. J. | Corporal | 79th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Wilkinson, A. | Private | 43rd Battalion | |
†# | Wilkinson, E. J. | Driver | 3rd Divisional Ammunition Column |
Wilkinson, W. L. | Gunner | 16th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Willdey, J. R. | |||
Willey, J. E. | |||
† | Williams, A. J. | Private | 65th Battalion |
Williams, L. A. | Sapper | 11th Field Company C.E. | |
Williams, W. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Williams, W. H. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Williamson, E. L. | Private | Sask. Rly. Cons. Company | |
† | Williamson, J. C. | Lance Corporal | 176th Battalion |
Willis, G. A. | Gunner | 47th Canadian Field Artillery | |
Wilmot, A. J. | Private | C.A M C. | |
†# | Wilson, A. | Private | Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) |
Wilson, A. B. | Private | 147th Battalion | |
Wilson, G. C. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
† | Wilson, G. T. | Corporal | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Wilson, H. J. | Private | Mechanical Transport, C.A.S.C. | |
Wilson, J. L. | Private | 85th Battalion | |
Wilson, J. M. | Private | C.A.S.C. | |
Wilson, R. M. | Gunner | 63rd Battery | |
Wilson, S. N. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps | |
Wilson, W. | |||
Wilson, W. A. | Private | First Tank Battalion | |
Wilson, W. McL. | Lieutenant | 25th Battalion | |
Wilson, W. P. McK. | Sergeant | 1st C.D.A.C. | |
Winstone, F. J. | Private | Canadian Army Medical Corps | |
Winters, G. W. | Private | 219th Battalion | |
† | Wishart, R. J. | Private | 72nd Battalion |
Withrow, C. A. | Lance Corporal | 85th Battalion | |
Witter, D. L. | Gunner | 54th Canadian Field Artillery | |
† | Wolfe, E. M. | Gunner | 67th Canadian Field Artillery |
‡ | Wolley-Dod, W. R. | ||
Womersley, W. | Corporal | 184th Battalion | |
Wood, A. H. | Cadet | Royal Air Force | |
Wood, C. R. | Private | 18th Battalion | |
Wood, M. M. | Private | 4th Battalion | |
†# | Wood, S. M. | Private | 75th Battalion |
‡ | Woodcock, C. E. S. | Lance Corporal | C.A.S.C. |
‡ | Wright, F. | Private | 16th Battalion |
† | Wyatt, C. G. | Private | No. 3 General Hospital |
†# | Wyatt, C. J. | Flight Lieutenant | Royal Naval Air Service |
Wynn, A. R. | Lieutenant | 44th Battalion |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
Yates, G. G. | Private | 196th Battalion | |
Yool, J. | |||
Young, A. S. | |||
Young, H. A. | Signaller | 160th Battalion | |
Young, L. LeR. | Carpenter | Engineers Corps, Forestry and Railway Con. Depot. | |
Youngs, H. | Gunner | 63rd Canadian Field Artillery | |
†# | Yuill, A. E. | Private | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Name | Rank | Unit | |
* | Zapfe, A. K. | Corporal | Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry |
Zinck, A. M. | Private | 1st Depot Battalion, N.S. | |
Zinck, H. A. | Cadet | Royal Flying Corps. | |
Zoller, J. L. | Driver | 3rd Division Amm. Column |
First World War Roll of Honour
Royal Bank and Union Bank of Canada employees who gave their lives in the Great War, 1914 – 1918.
# Union Bank of Canada Employee
Name | Branch | Details |
Adderley, Edward John | MacLeod, Alberta | PRIVATE ADDERLEY, born at Ferozepore, India, November 12, 1889. Home in Thornton Heath, Surrey, England. Joined the Northern Crown Bank in 1912. Enlisted from MacLeod, Alberta branch in the 8th Battalion, February 11, 1915. Present at Vimy Ridge, Hill 70 and Lens. Killed in action at Lens, August 15, 1917. |
Addison, Walter George Albert | Toronto, Gerrard & Main, Ontario | CORPORAL ADDISON, born at Hastings, England, August 15, 1897. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Joined Toronto, Danforth Avenue branch, October 13, 1913. Enlisted from Toronto, Gerrard and Main branch, in the 3rd Division Ammunition Column, November 10, 1915. Present at Ypres, the Somme, and Vimy Ridge. Died of double pneumonia at Camiers, France, February 17, 1917. |
Anderson, Francis Joseph# | Rosetown, Saskatchewan | Lance Corporal Anderson, born at Plymouth, Devon, England on November 22, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank of Canada’s Rosetown, Saskatchewan branch on July 15, 1915 with the 3rd University Company. Joined the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in the field on December 6, 1915. Died of wounds obtained during the Battle of Vimy Ridge on January 25, 1917. |
Anthony, Leslie Francis | Bear River, Nova Scotia | LANCE-CORPORAL ANTHONY, born at Bear River, Nova Scotia, March 25, 1896. Joined Bear River branch, March 8, 1915. Enlisted from Bear River in the 112th Battalion, February 1, 1916. Subsequently transferred to 25th Battalion. Present at Vimy Ridge, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens. Killed in action near Arras, September 13, 1918. |
Arundell, John D’ Auvergne Harris | Montreal, Quebec | SERGEANT ARUNDELL, born at Fairmont, Minnesota, U.S.A., May 14, 1889. Home in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Joined Halifax branch, Secretary’s Department, June 1, 1907. Enlisted from Montreal branch in the 14th Battalion, August 14, 1914. Was present at St. Julien. Killed in action at Langemarck, April 24, 1915. |
Astbury, Neville Ayrton# | Edmonton, Alberta | Lieutenant Astbury, born in England, April 6, 1889. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Edmonton, Alberta branch, originally with the 49th Battalion, later assigned to the 66th Battalion. Killed in Action at Courcelette on September 16, 1916. Recipient of The British Medal, The Victory Medal and The Canadian Memorial Cross (the latter awarded to his widow) |
Auldjo, John William | Ciego de Avila, Cuba | SERGEANT AULDJO, born at Edinburgh, Scotland, January 14, 1891. Home in Felton, Northumberland, England. Served two years in the Bank of Scotland. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, May 10, 1910. Enlisted from Ciego de Avila, Cuba branch, in the 60th Battalion, July 1915. Also served with the 87th Battalion. Present at Vimy Ridge, the Somme, Lens, Passchendaele, and Ypres. Received Card of Honour from his battalion for performing his duty with gallantry and distinction at Ypres, Salient and Lens. Killed in action near Passchendaele, November 14, 1917. |
Austen, George Alan | Halifax, South End, Nova Scotia | SECOND-LIEUTENANT AUSTEN, born at London, England, July 24, 1896. Home in Gravesend, Kent, England. Joined Halifax, Nova Scotia branch, Supervisor’s Department, February 3, 1913. Enlisted from Halifax, South End branch, in the 2nd Divisional Cycle Corps, November 26, 1914. Killed in action, October 26, 1917. |
Ayres, A. Charles E.# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Ayres, enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 100th Winnipeg Grenadiers. Killed in Action on April 27, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Badger, Archibald James Robert# | Minnedosa, Manitoba | Lieutenant Badger, born at Percy, Ontario, February 23, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank of Canada’s Minnedosa, Manitoba branch with the 226th Battalion on February 29, 1916. Later with the 5th Battalion. Killed in Action on September 1, 1918. |
Baldwin, Kennedy Gideon Francis | Dalhousie, New Brunswick | CORPORAL BALDWIN, born at Bathurst, New Brunswick, March 14, 1896. Home in Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Joined Dalhousie, New Brunswick branch, February 7, 1912. Enlisted from Dalhousie branch, in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles, March 19, 1915. Also served with the 4th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Ypres, June 2, 1916. |
Barlee, Herbert Dalling | Grand Forks, British Columbia | PRIVATE BARLEE, born at Lakefield, Ontario, November 25, 1897. Home in Grand Forks, British Columbia. Joined Grand Forks branch, October 16, 1914. Enlisted from Grand Forks branch, in the 196th Battalion, July 10, 1916. Drafted into the 46th Battalion. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 12, 1917. |
Barwis, Sheppard James | Victoria, Fort Street, British Columbia | PRIVATE BARWIS, born at Calgary, Alberta, May 29, 1892. Home in Innisfail, Alberta. Joined Vancouver, Cordova Street branch, November 10, 1909. Enlisted from Victoria, Fort Street branch, in 143rd Battalion in 1916. Present at Vimy, Passchendaele, Lens and Arras. Killed in action at Avion, France, January 8, 1918. |
Bate, George John Mercier | Newcastle, New Brunswick | GUNNER BATE, born at Sydenham, Ontario, June 13, 1896. Home in Newcastle, New Brunswick. Joined Newcastle branch, August 13, 1913. Enlisted from Newcastle branch, in the 8th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery, August 24, 1914. Present at Neuve Chapelle, Second Battle of Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy, Sanctuary Wood, Kemmel Hill, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Fresnoy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Amiens. Mortally wounded at Amiens, and died at No. 12 General Hospital, Rouen, August 16, 1918. |
Bawtree, Edgar Leonard# | Vernon, British Columbia | Private Bawtree, born at London, England. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Vernon, British Columbia with the 46th Battalion on August 23, 1916. Killed in Action on July 3, 1917, aged 22. |
Bayne, Robert Sedgewick | Saltcoats, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE BAYNE, born at Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia, March 21, 1885. Home in Mabou, Nova Scotia. Joined the Northern Crown Bank in 1908. Enlisted from Saltcoats, Saskatchewan branch, in the 195th Battalion, March 31, 1916. Present at Lens in August 1917, and other engagements up to July 1918. Killed in action at Arras, July 29, 1918. |
Belford, Thomas# | Tompkins, Saskatchewan | Private Belford, born at Edzell, Forfarshire, Scotland, January 12, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Tompkins, Saskatchewan with the 1st Depot Battalion on June 14, 1918. Died of Spanish Influenza on October 25, 1918. |
Bell, Errol Stewart | Montreal, Beaver Hall, Quebec | LANCE-CORPORAL BELL, born at Stellarton, Nova Scotia, December 24, 1895. Home in Joggins Mines, Nova Scotia. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, June 26, 1912. Enlisted from Montreal, Beaver Hall branch, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, June 16, 1915. Saw continuous service with the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry from September 1915. Was shell-shocked at Courcelette. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 30, 1917. |
Belt, James Edwin Devey# | Toronto, Ontario | Lieutenant Belt, born at Arthur, Ontario, July 6, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Toronto, Ontario with the 20th Battalion on November 13, 1914. Killed in Action on June 28, 1916. |
Belyea, Arthur Fred | Calgary, Alberta | SECOND-LIEUTENANT BELYEA, born at Penetanguishene, Ontario, October 21, 1894. Home in Calgary, Alberta. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Calgary, September 4, 1909. Enlisted from Calgary branch, in the Royal Flying Corps, November 27, 1917. Engaged in Scout Duty on the East Coast of England. Accidentally killed at East Boldre, Camp Beaulieu, Hants, England, September 17, 1918. |
Bender, Carl Auguste | Conquest, Saskatchewan | CADET BENDER, born at St. Thomas, Montmagny, Quebec, May 28, 1894. Joined the Quebec Bank, Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, November 22, 1915. Enlisted from Conquest, Saskatchewan branch, in the Royal Flying Corps, December 14, 1917. Accidentally killed at Deseronto, Ontario, June 10, 1918. |
Berkeley, Alfred Fitzhardinge Murray | Georgetown, British Guiana (Guyana) | SECOND-LIEUTENANT BERKELEY, born at Holy Innocents’ Vicarage, Bridgetown, Barbados, March 26, 1896. Joined Georgetown, British Guiana [Guyana] branch, March 9, 1915. Enlisted from Georgetown branch, in the 74th Machine Gun Corps, December 15, 1915. Killed in action at Messines, Wytschaete Ridge, June 7, 1917. |
Berry, Ian Norman Reid# | Wawota, Saskatchewan | Private Berry, born at Ellisboro, Saskatchewan, April 18, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Wawota, Saskatchewan on April 20, 1916 with the 5th Battalion. Killed in Action on April 9, 1917. |
Bird, George Morton | Vancouver, British Columbia | PRIVATE BIRD, born at Port Angeles, Washington, U.S.A., April 22, 1891. Home in Port Alberni, British Columbia. Joined Alberni branch, February 10, 1908. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, in the 62nd Battalion, October 21, 1915. Present at the Third Battle of Ypres, June 1916, the Somme, Courcelette, Vimy Ridge. Mortally wounded at Vimy Ridge, May 5, 1917, and died at No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station, May 6, 1917. |
Bird, Harry Godwin Decimus | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE BIRD, born at Plymouth, England, October 22, 1893. Home in Penzance, Cornwall, England. Joined Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan branch, January 24, 1913. Enlisted from Moose Jaw branch, in the 5th Battalion, August 15, 1914. Present at the Second Battle of Ypres, the Somme, Arras, Vimy Ridge. Mortally wounded at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917, and died in the 32nd General Hospital, Boulogne, April 23, 1917. |
Bissonnette, Roy Patterson# | Stirling, Ontario | Private Bissonnette, born at Napanee, Ontario on February 15, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Stirling, Ontario with the 80th Battalion on September 18, 1915. Later with the 50th Battalion. Killed in Action, November 19, 1916. |
Black, James Somerville | Regina, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE BLACK, born at Fauldhouse, Scotland, November 23, 1890. Home in Lanark, Scotland. Joined Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, November 21, 1911. Enlisted from Regina, Saskatchewan branch, in the 46th Battalion, September 16, 1915. Afterwards transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Killed by the fall of his machine in France, May 1917. |
Black, William | Vancouver, Bridge Street, British Columbia | PRIVATE BLACK, born at Barrhead, Renfrew, Scotland, May 13, 1896. Home in Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined Vancouver, Bridge Street branch, November 22, 1913. Enlisted from Vancouver, Bridge Street branch, in the 231st Battalion, May 26, 1916. Killed at Avion, France, August 15, 1917. |
Blackwell, Charles Henry# | Holland, Manitoba | Private Blackwell, born at Winnipeg, Manitoba on October 8, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Holland, Manitoba with the 106th Regiment. Later with the 27th Battalion. Killed in Action on October 1, 1918. |
Blake, Patrick John Lascelles# | Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan | Private Blake, born October 14, 1897 in Normandy, France. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan with the 46th Battalion on September 21, 1915. Killed in Action on September 17, 1916. |
Bole, Stanley Duncan | Winnipeg, Manitoba | SERGEANT BOLE, born at Meaford, Ontario, March 8, 1890. Home in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Joined Traders Bank of Canada, Sault Ste. Marie, April 1906. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, in the Strathcona Horse, April 23, 1918. Died of pneumonia at Military Hospital, Calgary, Alberta, while in training at Calgary, July 5, 1918. |
Bolton, Frederick George | Montreal, Quebec | BOMBARDIER BOLTON, born at Strathroy, Ontario, September 19, 1891. Home in Strathroy. Joined Traders Bank of Canada at Bridgeburg, Ontario, October 4, 1909. Enlisted from Montreal, Quebec branch, in the 27th Canadian Field Artillery, May 1, 1915. Present at St. Eloi, Aisne, La Bassee, Ypres, Mons, Bapaume, the Somme, Vimy, Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 31, 1917. |
Bradshaw, David Campbell | Sudbury, Ontario | QUARTER-MASTER-SERGEANT BRADSHAW, born at Stratford, Ontario, August 25, 1889. Joined Traders Bank of Canada, Stratford, September 1906. Enlisted from Sudbury, Ontario branch, in the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 1915. Present at Vimy and Passchendaele. Wounded at Passchendaele, October 30, 1917, and died at No. 3 Canadian Casualty Clearing Station, November 3, 1917. |
Bradt, George Wesley# | Fenwick, Ontario | Sergeant Bradt, born at Seneca Township, Haldimand County, Ontario, June 8, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Fenwick, Ontario branch with the 114th Battalion on January 28, 1916. Died in Canada, August 2, 1917. |
Brehon, Richard Colles | Maymont, Saskatchewan | Private Brehorn, born at Newcross, Wexford, Ireland on January 18, 1894. Enlisted from the Northern Crown Bank branch in Maymont, Saskatchewan with the 9th Canadian Mounted Rifles on July 23, 1915; later with the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed June 3, 1916. |
Briden, George Miller | Langham, Ontario | PRIVATE BRIDEN, formerly of the Northern Crown Bank, Seeley’s Bay, Ontario. Enlisted from Langham, Saskatchewan branch, July 30, 1916, in the 152nd Battalion. Served also in the 5th Battalion. Killed in action, April 10, 1917. |
Brittan, Stanley Victor | Montreal, Quebec | LIEUTENANT BRITTAN, born May 20, 1892. Joined the Quebec Bank, July 2, 1910. Enlisted from Montreal branch, August 17, 1914, in the 13th Battalion. Killed in action, June 13, 1916. |
Brooke, Gerald William# | Humboldt, Ontario | Gunner Brooke, born at Oxford, England on August 8, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Humboldt, Saskatchewan with the 18th Battery, 5th Field Artillery Brigade on March 25, 1915. Killed in Action on April 28, 1917. |
Brooks, Donald Douglas | Weymouth, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE BROOKS, born at Weymouth, Nova Scotia, on April 19, 1898. Joined Weymouth branch on December 6, 1913. Enlisted from Weymouth branch, in the 64th Battalion, August 15, 1915. Transferred to 1st Canadian Motor Machine Gun Brigade. Present at Lens, Passchendaele, Vimy Ridge and Arras. Gassed at Lens, 1917. Killed in action near Arras, March 25, 1918. |
Brown, Donald Archibald | Stettler, Alberta | LANCE-CORPORAL BROWN, born at Mount Forest, Ontario, on May 22, 1896. Home in Bulwark, Alberta. Joined Stettler, Alberta branch, October 14, 1912. Enlisted from Stettler branch, in the 89th Battalion, December 14, 1915. Transferred to 10th Battalion. Served with the 10th Battalion in France from August 1916, to April 1917. Killed in action at Arleux, April 28, 1917. |
Brown, Harold | Toronto, Ontario | PRIVATE BROWN, born at Nassau, Bahamas, October 31, 1895. Joined Nassau branch on February 7, 1913. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario branch, in the 3rd Battalion, August 22, 1914. Killed in action at Festubert, May 25, 1915. |
Bruce, William A.# | Head Office, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Lieutenant Bruce born at Cromore, Isle of Lewis, Scotland around 1890. Originally enlisted from the Union Bank’s Head Office in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 210th Battalion on September 9, 1916. Seconded to the 104th Squadron, Royal Air Force on October 12, 1917, and promoted to the rank of Lieutenant on February 17, 1918. Died on May 25, 1918. |
Bryce, Wilfred Austin Torrance | Hamilton, Ontario | GUNNER BRYCE, born at Paisley, Ontario, November 13, 1896. Home in Owen Sound, Ontario. Joined Owen Sound branch, April 7, 1913. Enlisted from Hamilton, Ontario branch, in the 55th Canadian Field Artillery, February 29, 1916. Present at Vimy Ridge, Arleux, Fresnoy, La Coulotte, Avion, Hill 70 and Passchendaele. Mortally wounded at Passchendaele, and died in No. 2 Casualty Clearing Station, October 23, 1917. |
Burke, Edmund John# | Morden, Manitoba | Lance Sergeant Burke, born at New Darlingford, Manitoba, March 28, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Morden, Manitoba with the 61st Battalion on September 21, 1915. Later with the 44th Battalion. Won the Military Medal in 1917. Killed in Action on June 3, 1917. |
Butler, James Kenneth | Berwick, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE BUTLER (Scout and Dispatch Bearer), born at Berwick, Nova Scotia, September 13, 1896. Joined Berwick branch on July 15, 1912. Enlisted from Berwick branch, in the 25th Battalion, November 23, 1914. Present at Third Battle of Ypres, Courcelette and St. Eloi. Shell-shocked, gassed and died of tuberculosis at Berwick, October 27, 1918. |
Butler, James William | Kelowna, British Columbia | SECOND-LIEUTENANT BUTLER, born at Blackheath, near London, England, on February 11, 1894. Home in Blackheath, England. Was for nearly three years in the London County, Westminster & Parr’s Bank, Limited. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia East End branch, on February 28, 1913. Enlisted from Kelowna, British Columbia branch, in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles, December 8, 1914. Granted a commission in the 3rd Battalion, East Kent Regiment, attached 7th Battalion, September 26, 1916. Killed in action near Arras, May 3, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Cairns, James Ambrose | Liverpool, Nova Scotia | CORPORAL CAIRNS, born at Newton, Prince Edward Island, March 16, 1895. Home in Newton. Joined Summerside, Prince Edward Island branch, October 14, 1912. Enlisted from Liverpool, Nova Scotia branch, in the 185th Battalion, February 8, 1916. Present on the Arras front. Killed in action at Arras, June 13, 1918. |
Caldwell, Russell Roberts# | Loverna, Saskatchewan | 2nd Lieutenant Caldwell, born April 29, 1899. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Loverna, Saskatchewan with the Royal Air Force. Killed in an air accident on September 15, 1918 in England. |
Campbell, Archibald# | Shoal Lake, Manitoba | Private Campbell, born at Strathclair, Manitoba on September 16, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Shoal Lake, Manitoba with the 190th Battalion on November 9, 1916. Died on November 10, 1917 |
Cargill, Thomas | London, England | PRIVATE CARGILL, born at Glenisle, Forfarshire, January 30, 1881. Home in Edinburgh, Scotland. For eight years with the Royal Bank of Scotland. Joined London, England branch, September 9, 1914. Enlisted from London branch, in the 6th Black Watch, Royal Air Force, March 20, 1916. Present at Festubert and Beaumont Hamel. Killed in action at Beaumont Hamel, November 14, 1916. |
Carleton, Francis Guy# | Tessier, Saskatchewan | Private Carleton, born at Bradford, York, England on October 24, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Tessier, Saskatchewan branch in the 46th Battalion on July 17, 1915. Killed in Action on December 11, 1917. |
Carr, Charles Clifton# | Toronto, Ontario | Private Carr, born at Toronto, Ontario on October 25, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Toronto, Ontario on September 22, 1914, with the 3rd Battalion. Prisoner of War, died of wounds sustained at St. Julien on May 2, 1915. |
Carson, John Clontarf Kelvyn# | Montreal, Quebec | Captain Carson, born in Montreal, Quebec on March 21, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Montreal, Quebec branch with the 14th Battalion on March 31, 1916. He was awarded the Military Cross in 1916. Killed in Action on August 11, 1918. |
Carson, Thomas Johnston | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE CARSON, born at Omagh, Ireland, December 4, 1891. Home in Omagh, Ireland. Joined Ardath, Saskatchewan branch, July 7, 1913. Enlisted from Swift Current, Saskatchewan branch, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, February 4, 1916. Killed in action, June 29, 1916. |
Carter, Leslie Skelton# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Carter, born at Carlisle, England on May 30, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Winnipeg, Manitoba branch in the 61st Battalion. Killed in Action on November 16, 1916. |
Chawner, Alain Percy Mark# | London, England | Lieutenant Chawner, born at Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, September 7, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s London, England branch with the East Surrey Regiment in August 1914. Later served with the Essex Regiment, 3rd Battalion. Killed in Action on October 21, 1916. |
Chisholm, George Roderick Jr. | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE CHISHOLM, born at Pictou, Nova Scotia, March 15, 1897. Home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Joined Saskatoon branch, July 2, 1914. Enlisted from Saskatoon branch, in the 78th Battalion, April 15, 1916. Present on the Somme and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. |
Chisholm, John Walter | Montreal, Beaver Hall, Quebec | PRIVATE CHISHOLM, born at Dumbarton, Ontario, October 28, 1896. Home in Montreal, Quebec. Joined Montreal, Beaver Hall branch, June 30, 1913. Enlisted in Montreal, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, June 16, 1915. Present at Sanctuary Wood and other engagements. Killed in action at Sanctuary Wood, June 2, 1916. |
Christie, William Davidson Cairns# | Orillia, Ontario | Captain Christie, born at Montreal, Quebec on December 25, 1884. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Orillia, Ontario branch with the 13th Battalion on August 15, 1916. Originally held the rank of Lieutenant, later promoted to Captain. Awarded the DSO for actions in Hangard Wood on August 8th 1918. Wounded at Arras between August 27th and September 4th 1918. Succumbed to wounds on September 17, 1918. |
Clark, Elias James | Edmonton, Alberta | PRIVATE CLARK, born at Swinden, Wiltshire, England, December 31, 1895. Joined Edmonton, Alberta branch, June 10, 1912. Enlisted from Edmonton branch, in the 49th Battalion, January 12, 1915. Present at Maple Copse and Courcelette. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 16, 1916. |
Cole, Arthur Hammond | New Westminster, British Columbia | TROOPER COLE, born at Brundall, Norfolk, England, February, 19, 1889. Home in Brundall, Norfolk, England. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, June 8, 1909. Enlisted from New Westminster, British Columbia branch, in the 11th Canadian Mounted Rifles, June 1, 1915. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 10, 1917. |
Cole, Charles Stanger# | Edmonton, Alberta | Corporal Cole, born at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England, November 14, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Edmonton, Alberta branch with the 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles under the rank of Trooper, on December 29, 1914. Later, Corporal with the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in Action on August 1, 1918. |
Copp, Thomas Pearson | Vancouver, British Columbia | LIEUTENANT COPP, born at Riverside, New Brunswick, October 19, 1890. Home in West Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined Vancouver, East End branch, November 22, 1907. Enlisted from Vancouver branch, in the 72nd Battalion, September 14, 1915. Also served with 102nd Battalion. Killed in action at Regina Trench, on the Somme, October 21, 1916. |
Corbett, William Lorne# | Barrie, Ontario | Private Corbett, born July 29, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Barrie, Ontario branch with 157th Battalion on November 17, 1915. Taken on strength of the 38th Battalion in March 1918. Killed in Action on September 2, 1918. |
Cowles, Robert James# | Montreal, Quebec | Gunner Cowles, born at London, England on December 21, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Montreal, Quebec branch with the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery on March 6, 1916. Died of wounds on October 1, 1917. |
Craig, George Loring | Moncton, New Brunswick | SERGEANT CRAIG, born at St. Stephen, New Brunswick, May 17, 1898. Home in Moncton, New Brunswick. Joined Moncton branch, September 24, 1915. Enlisted from Moncton branch, in the 236th Battalion, September 9, 1916. Present at Cambrai. Killed in action at Cambrai, September 27, 1917. |
Craighead, William King# | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Private Craighead, born at Glasgow, Scotland, December 31, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Saskatoon, Saskatchewan branch with the 38th Battalion on April 5, 1915. Taken on strength of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry on July 16, 1915. Killed in Action on April 15, 1916. |
Cross, Claude Harold | Ashcroft, British Columbia | Lance Corporal Cross, born December 23, 1890. Enlisted from the Northern Crown Bank’s branch in Ashcroft, British Columbia on December 8, 1914 with the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Wounded during the 4th phase of the Battle of the Somme in the vicinity of Mouquet Farm; succumbed to wounds on September 16, 1916. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Davidson, John Frederick# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Sergeant Davidson, born at Peterborough, Ontario on April 27, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 27th Battalion on March 1, 1917. Died of Wounds on September 29, 1918. |
Davies, Thomas Emlyn# | Zealandia, Saskatchewan | Private Davies, born at Morriston, South Wales on October 8, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Zealandia, Saskatchewan branch with the 232nd Battalion on May 18, 1916. Later served with the 28th Battalion. Died of wounds on November 3, 1917. |
Davis, John Alfred# | Calgary, Alberta | Private Davis, born at London, England on November 12, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Calgary, Alberta branch with the 10th Battalion on September 23, 1914. Died of wounds on April 24, 1915. |
De Boissiere, Jacques Valleton | Port of Spain, Trinidad | SECOND-LIEUTENANT DE BOISSIERE, born at Port of Spain, Trinidad, April 18, 1896. Joined Port of Spain branch, July 6, 1912. Enlisted from Port of Spain branch, in the 8th Battalion, 4th Contingent, British West Indies Regiment, April 28, 1917. Present at Ypres. Died of pneumonia at Taranto, Italy. |
Deans, John Harold | Orillia, Ontario | LIEUTENANT DEANS, born at Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 1896. Home in Orillia, Ontario. Joined Orillia branch, August 23, 1915. Enlisted from Orillia branch, in the 162nd Battalion, May 1, 1916. Transferred to Royal Flying Corps. Killed in action near West Roocbeke, near Ypres, about November 7, 1917. |
Delaney, John Joseph | Toronto, Ontario | PRIVATE DELANEY, born at Liverpool, England, August 9, 1891. Joined Toronto, Ontario branch, March 27, 1913. Enlisted from Toronto branch, in the 15th Battalion, August 15, 1914. Reported missing for over a year and then declared dead. |
Destrube, Paul Jean | London, England | PRIVATE DESTRUBE, born at London, England, December 26, 1891. Joined Edmonton, Alberta branch, November 19, 1913. Left Edmonton in August 1914, for England. Enlisted in London in the 22nd Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, September 1914. Present at Cambrai, Vermeilles, Festubert, Givenchy, Souchez, Vimy Ridge, Delville Wood, Hebuterne, Beaumont, Courcelette, Miraumont. Recommended for commission. Killed in action at Petit Miraumont, February 17, 1917. |
Doble, John James | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | LIEUTENANT DOBLE, born at Sunderland, Ontario, May 9, 1882. Home in Sunderland. Joined the Northern Crown Bank, 1906. Enlisted from Swift Current, Saskatchewan branch, in the 116th Battalion, December 1915. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 11, 1917. |
Donald, John Redmond# | Montreal, Quebec | Lieutenant Donald, born at Wigton, Cumberland, England on October 18, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Montreal, Quebec with the 24th Battalion on October 18, 1914. Died on July 3, 1917 |
Dow, Andrew Thomas | Winnipeg, Manitoba | PRIVATE DOW, born at Airnkilly, Stanley, Perthshire, Scotland, May 29, 1891. Home in Bankfoot, Perthshire, Scotland. Served with the Bank of Scotland four years. Joined Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, December 1, 1911. Enlisted from Winnipeg branch, in the 10th Battalion, November 14, 1914 (Fort Garry Horse, 32nd Battalion). Killed in action at Festubert, May 21, 1915. |
Doyle, Nelson Patrick | Rodney, Ontario | PRIVATE DOYLE, born at Wardsville, Ontario, April 21, 1898. Home in Walkerville, Ontario. Joined Rodney, Ontario branch, November 24, 1915. Enlisted from Rodney branch, in the 91st Battalion, as Stretcher-Bearer, February 25, 1916. Present at the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Arras, Fresnoy, Cambrai. Recommended for honours several times. Killed in action between Inchy and Cagnicourt, September 3, 1918. |
Duff, John Rutherford | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE DUFF, born at Carberry, Manitoba, June 27, 1892. Home in Davidson, Saskatchewan. Joined Northern Crown Bank in 1909. Enlisted from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan branch, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry on March 15, 1916. Killed in action at Neuville, St. Vaast, France, about November 29, 1916. |
Duff, William Selkirk# | Cayuga, Ontario | Private Duff, born at Selkirk, Ontario, December 30, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Cayuga, Ontario branch with the 114th Battalion on March 23, 1916. Later attached to the 4th Battalion. Died of wounds received two days earlier at the Battle of Passchendaele, on November 8, 1917. |
Duncan, Joseph Clynch Campbell | Saint John, New Brunswick | PRIVATE DUNCAN, born at Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 4, 1895. Home in Kentville, Nova Scotia. Joined Wolfville, Nova Scotia branch, June 20, 1911. Enlisted from Saint John, New Brunswick branch, in the 115th Battalion, February 16, 1916. Present at Vimy Ridge. Died in hospital at Wimcraux, February 4, 1918, from wounds received in September 1917. |
Dunsire, Alexander# | London, England | Private Dunsire, born at Kinghorn, Fife, Scotland. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s London, England branch with the Royal Scots. Died of wounds on August 20, 1918, aged 26 |
Durie, William Arthur Peel | Toronto, Ontario | CAPTAIN DURIE, born at Toronto, Ontario, April 7, 1881. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Toronto, July 1899. Enlisted from Toronto branch, in the 58th Battalion, May 27, 1915. Present at Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Avion, Passchendaele, Hill 70. Wounded at Ypres, May 1916. Killed near Lens, December 29, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Eamer, Leonard Alvia# | Tessier, Saskatchewan | Private Eamer, born at Montreal, Quebec, June 16, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Tessier, Saskatchewan with the 1st Depot Battalion on July 9, 1918. Died of pneumonia on October 4, 1918. |
Eastland, Charles Cleveland | Gadsby, Alberta | PRIVATE EASTLAND, born at Apsley, Ontario, March 22, 1893. Home in Calgary, Alberta. Joined Gadsby, Alberta branch, March 16, 1914. Enlisted from Gadsby branch, in the 187th Battalion, July 31, 1916. Served also with 50th Battalion. Present at Passchendaele, Denain, Amiens, Bourlon Wood, Valenciennes, Cambrai. Honours-Military Medal. Killed in action at Cambrai, September 27, 1918. |
Eaton, Rupert William# | Victoria, British Columbia | Lieutenant Eaton, born at London, England, December 6, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Victoria, British Columbia branch with the 103rd Battalion on January 3, 1916. Later with the 54th Battalion and awarded the Military Cross. Killed in Action on September 27, 1918. |
Edens, John Francis | St. John’s, Newfoundland | LIEUTENANT EDENS, born at St. John’s, Newfoundland, on October 1, 1896. Joined St. John’s branch, September 2, 1912. Enlisted from St. John’s branch, January 2, 1915, in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Present at Ypres, the Somme, Beaumont Hamel, Guedecourt, Cambrai, and other engagements. Killed in action at Cambrai, November 20, 1917. |
Elliott, Fred Fletcher | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | LIEUTENANT ELLIOTT, born at Matsumoto, Japan, January 26, 1891. Home in Sardis, British Columbia. Joined Victoria, British Columbia branch, May 18, 1907. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia, East End branch, August 22, 1914, in the 7th Battalion. Present at most of the early Canadian engagements. Killed in action at the Third Battle of Ypres, June 3, 1916. |
Elsdon, Charles Wesley | Dorchester, New Brunswick | BOMBARDIER ELSDON, born at Dorchester, New Brunswick, December 28, 1896. Joined Dorchester branch, August 4, 1913. Enlisted from Dorchester branch, August 20, 1914, in the 7th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Present at all Canadian Corps engagements from the Second Battle of Ypres, April 1915, to Haynecourt, before Cambrai, in September 1918. Killed in action at Haynecourt, September 28, 1918. |
Embree, David Thornton | Halifax, Nova Scotia | COMPANY SERGEANT-MAJOR EMBREE, born at Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, August 25, 1891. Joined Port Hawkesbury branch, February 1, 1910. Enlisted from Halifax, Nova Scotia branch, March 27, 1915, in the 40th Battalion. Transferred and served with the 58th Battalion. Present at Ypres, Vimy Ridge, the Somme, and other engagements. Killed in action near Lens, December 29, 1917. |
Estey, Richard Albert | Grand Falls, New Brunswick | SIGNALLER ESTEY, born at Grand Falls, New Brunswick, June 26, 1898. Joined Grand Falls branch, April 14, 1914. Enlisted from Grand Falls branch, July 15, 1915, and served with the 55th and 25th Battalions. Present at Courcelette and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. |
Evans, John Llewellyn# | Yorkton, Saskatchewan | Lieutenant Evans, born at Newport, Monmouthshire, Wales, April 5, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Yorkton, Saskatchewan with the 188th Battalion on July 24, 1915. Later with the 54th Battalion. Killed in Action on March 1, 1917 |
Evans, William David# | Outlook, Saskatchewan | Lieutenant Evans, enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Outlook, Saskatchewan with the 46th Battalion. Killed in Action on June 11, 1918, age 22. |
Eyden, Lawrence Robert# | London, England | Private Eyden, born in Crewe, England in 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in London, England with the 10th Royal Fusiliers. Killed on September 15, 1916 |
Name | Branch | Details |
Farnell, Allison Hood | Bear River, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE FARNELL, born at Upper Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia, April 18, 1897. Home in Elmsvale, Nova Scotia. Joined Bear River, Nova Scotia branch, November 4, 1913. Enlisted from Bear River branch, February 26, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Died at Elmsvale, January 13, 1917, the result of exposure. |
Ferguson, James Andrew# | Crystal City, Manitoba | Private Ferguson, born at Crystal City, Manitoba on March 4, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Crystal City, Manitoba branch with the 184th Battalion on March 18, 1916. Later with the 27th Battalion. Died on November 6, 1917. |
Fergusson, Archibald McKenzie | Calgary, Alberta | PRIVATE FERGUSSON, born at Essex, Ontario, March 25, 1891. Home in Calgary, Alberta. Joined the Lumsden, Saskatchewan branch, June 23, 1911. Enlisted from Calgary, Alberta branch, October 24, 1917, in the 31st Battalion. Killed in action at Neuville Vitassee, France, August 24, 1918. |
Forbes, Herbert | Forget, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE FORBES, born at Greenisland, County Antrim, Ireland, February 7, 1886. Home in Greenisland, Ireland. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Regina, Saskatchewan, June 1912. Enlisted from Forget, Saskatchewan branch, September 17, 1915, in the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Lauez, France, December 3, 1916. |
Foster, Davis Roy | Enterprise, Ontario | CORPORAL FOSTER, born at Bracebridge, Ontario, July 30, 1894. Home in Bracebridge. Joined the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Enterprise, Ontario branch. Served with the 37th Battalion and 4th Canadian Machine Gun Company. Present on the Somme and at Passchendaele. Killed in action at Lyne Cott, November 6, 1917. |
Franklin, Albert Edward# | Empress, Alberta | Private Franklin, born at Walthamstow, Essex, England on July 9, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Empress, Alberta with the 31st Battalion on October 11, 1915. Died on November 9, 1916. |
Franks, Rolland Sutton# | London, England | 2nd Lieutenant Franks, born at Suffolk, England, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in London, England with the East Surrey Regiment. Killed in Action on October 12, 1917. |
Fraser, Arthur Milton | Sydney, Nova Scotia | LIEUTENANT FRASER, born at New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, April 28, 1896. Home in Sydney, Nova Scotia. Joined Sydney branch, September 12, 1912. Enlisted in the 40th Battalion, August 2, 1915. Transferred later to the 185th Battalion. Killed in action at Monchy Arras, August 26, 1918. |
Fraser, Donald Drummond | Saint John, North End, New Brunswick | COMPANY SERGEANT-MAJOR FRASER, born at Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia, November 14, 1895. Home in West Saint John, New Brunswick. Joined Saint John branch, June 12, 1911. Enlisted from Saint John, North End branch, November 26, 1914, in the 1st Battalion. Present at the Third Battle of Ypres, the various engagements of the salient, the Somme and Vimy Ridge. Mortally wounded during the Vimy Ridge engagement and died in No. 6 Casualty Clearing Station on April 12, 1917. |
Fright, Edward James | Brownsville, Ontario | PRIVATE FRIGHT, born at Springfield, Ontario, December 21, 1896. Joined the Springfield branch of the Traders Bank of Canada, February 1, 1912. Enlisted from Brownsville, Ontario branch, January 15, 1916, and served with the 36th Battalion. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 26, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Garbutt, Earl Casford# | Warkworth, Ontario | Lance Corporal Garbutt, born at Aurora, York Township, Ontario on June 17, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Warkworth, Ontario with the 80th Battalion and the rank of Private on November 6, 1915. Transferred to the 44th Battalion on August 7, 1916. Promoted to rank of Lance Corporal on April 15, 1917. Killed in Action on June 3, 1917. |
Gay, Duncan Scott# | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Private Gay, born at Edinburgh, Scotland on August 24, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with the 2nd University Company on June 15, 1915. Joined the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in the field on September 1, 1915. Killed at the Battle of Sanctuary Wood on June 2, 1916 |
Gillies, William | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | PRIVATE GILLIES, born at Alexandria, Scotland, on January 26, 1890. Home in Craigendoran, Helensburgh, Scotland. Served with the Union Bank of Scotland for more than four years. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, November 11, 1909. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia, East End branch, May 10, 1915, with the 29th Battalion. Killed in action at Dickebusch, April 30, 1916. |
Glass, John | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | LANCE-CORPORAL GLASS, born at Montreal, Quebec, September 24, 1890. Home in Verdun, Quebec. Joined Head Office staff, Montreal, May 1, 1914. Enlisted from Head Office on October 30, 1915, in the 87th Battalion, Canadian Grenadier Guards. Killed in action at La Coulotte, June 9, 1917. |
Godwin, Arthur Gerald# | Belleville, Ontario | Private Godwin, born at Ottawa, Ontario on March 14, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Belleville, Ontario with the 8th Battalion on November 1, 1917. Died of wounds on August 12, 1918. |
Goldsworth, William Gardner | Montreal, Laurier Ave., Quebec | GUNNER GOLDSWORTH, born at Montreal, Quebec, January 27, 1897. Home in Lachine, Quebec. Joined Montreal, Cote St. Paul branch, July 25, 1910. Enlisted from Montreal, Laurier Avenue branch, September 23, 1916, in the 6th Canadian Siege Battery. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 6, 1917. |
Goodsir, Thomas | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | PRIVATE GOODSIR, born at Galashiels, Scotland, April 19, 1894. Home in Galashiels, Scotland. Served for more than four years in the Royal Bank of Scotland. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia, East End branch, on November 22, 1912. Enlisted from Vancouver, East End branch, August 10, 1914, in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders. Killed in action near Ypres, April 18, 1915. |
Gordon, Norman Davidson# | Eastend, Saskatchewan | Corporal Gordon, born at Boissevain, Manitoba on July 19, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Eastend, Saskatchewan with the 34th Fort Garry Horse on March 2, 1916. Died of wounds on July 8, 1917. |
Grant, Kenneth Marshall | St. Marys, Ontario | SERGEANT GRANT, born at Guelph, Ontario, March 10, 1892. Joined Guelph branch, September 2, 1911. Enlisted from St. Marys, Ontario branch, October 19, 1915, in the 29th Howitzer Battery. Present on the Somme. Killed in action at Martinpuich, October 30, 1916. |
Grieve, Davis Clark | Montreal, Quebec | LIEUTENANT GRIEVE, born at Aberfeldy, Scotland, November 17, 1890. Home in Aberfeldy, Scotland. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, January 24, 1911. Enlisted from that office, August 13, 1914, in the 5th Royal Highlanders. Present at Ypres, Festubert, the Somme and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. |
Grigg, Edward Jonathan# | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Lance Corporal Grigg, born at Somerset, England on October 14, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Medicine Hat, Alberta branch with the 3rd Canadian Mounted Rifles on January 12, 1915. Died of wounds on November 3, 1916. |
Gutteridge, Leslie Alvin | Vancouver, Mount Pleasant, British Columbia | PRIVATE GUTTERIDGE, born at Mitchell, Ontario, February 20, 1896. Home in Point Grey, British Columbia. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia branch, July 16, 1913. Enlisted from Vancouver, Mount Pleasant branch, July 31, 1915, in the 62nd Battalion. Later transferred to the 14th Battalion. Present at the Third Battle of Ypres, Courcelette, Sanctuary Wood and Mouquet Farm. Killed in action at Mouquet Farm, September 7, 1916. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Hames, Edgar Reginald# | Hamiota, Manitoba | Private Hames, born at MacLeod, Alberta on November 30, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Hamiota, Manitoba with the 8th Battalion on March 6, 1916. Died of wounds received three days earlier on August 18, 1917. |
Hamilton, John Horne | Toronto, Ontario | PRIVATE HAMILTON, born at London, Ontario, April 3, 1892. Joined London branch, July 12, 1909. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario branch, August 17, 1914, in the 15th Battalion. Killed in action at St. Julien, April 24, 1915. |
Hamilton, William Robertson | New Westminster, British Columbia | PRIVATE HAMILTON, born at Aberdalgie, Scotland, January 30, 1892. Home in Perth, Scotland. Served for two years with the Commercial Bank of Scotland. Joined New Westminster, British Columbia branch, November 21, 1911. Enlisted from that office on August 10, 1914, in the 7th Battalion. Killed in action at Ypres, April 1915. |
Hammill, Wilfred Charles# | Quebec City, Quebec | Private Hammill, born at Winnipeg, Manitoba on July 3, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Quebec City, Quebec with the 19th Battalion on July 22, 1915. Died on July 21, 1916. |
Hanna, Victor Middleton | Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE HANNA, born at Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia, January 7, 1898. Joined Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia branch, February 24, 1916. Enlisted from Shubenacadie branch, March 15, 1916, in the 85th Battalion. Present at Lens, Arras, Passchendaele. Wounded and gassed at Passchendaele, October 31, 1917. Died in Cogswell St. Hospital, Halifax, January 17, 1919. |
Hannah, Harold McDougall | Edmonton, Alberta | LANCE-CORPORAL HANNAH, born at Richibucto, New Brunswick, September 10, 1890. Joined Rexton, New Brunswick branch, August 1, 1907. Enlisted from Edmonton, Alberta branch, April 8, 1916, in the 194th Battalion. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 7, 1917. |
Harron, Goldwin William | Venn, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE HARRON, born at Kitchener, Ontario, September 18, 1897. Home in Venn, Saskatchewan. Joined the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Venn branch, October 22, 1915, in the 53rd Battalion, serving later with the 28th Battalion. Present at Ypres and the Somme. Killed in action on the Somme, July 5, 1916. |
Haszard, Gordon Thomas | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | GUNNER HASZARD, born at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, September 13, 1896. Joined Charlottetown branch, March 6, 1912. Enlisted from Charlottetown branch, August 17, 1915, in the 6th Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 7, 1917. |
Hatfield, Arthur Wellesley | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | SERGEANT HATFIELD, born at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, November 7, 1896. Joined Yarmouth branch, July 29, 1912. Enlisted from Yarmouth branch, November 12, 1914, in the 25th Battalion. Killed in action at Ypres, November 3, 1915. |
Heath, Gerald Coussmaker | Vancouver, British Columbia | CORPORAL HEATH joined the Northern Crown Bank in 1912. Served formerly with the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, August 22, 1914, in the 16th Battalion. Killed in action, April 22, 1915. Recommended by Sir John French for gallantry and distinguished services on the field. Mentioned in dispatches. |
Hereron, Charles | Kelowna, British Columbia | LIEUTENANT HERERON, born at Kelowna, British Columbia, August 13, 1896. Joined Kelowna branch, July 29, 1912. Enlisted from Kelowna branch, November 9, 1915, in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Present at Arras, Lens, Loos, Avion, Hill 70, Passchendaele and Cambrai. Mentioned twice at Hill 70 in Battalion orders. Won the Military Medal at Passchendaele. Recommended for a commission. Killed in action on the road between Valenciennes and Mons, November 6, 1918. |
Higgins, Omar Leonard# | Melita, Manitoba | Lieutenant Higgins, born on June 29, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Melita, Manitoba with the 12th Reserve Battalion on June 8, 1915. Died on January 23, 1919 from the effects of gas poisoning. |
Hobkirk, Charles Hamilton | Fredericton, New Brunswick | LIEUTENANT HOBKIRK, born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 2, 1896. Home in Fredericton, New Brunswick. Joined Fredericton branch, September 4, 1912. Enlisted from Fredericton branch, June 30, 1915, in the 64th Battalion; also served with the 25th and 71st Battalions. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 17, 1916. |
Hodkinson, John Patterson | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | PRIVATE HODKINSON, born at Newton Stewart, Scotland, May 25, 1889. Home in Newton Stewart. Served for more than four years with the Commercial Bank of Scotland. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant branch, June 12, 1913. Enlisted from Vancouver, East End branch, in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders. Present at Ypres, Arras, the Somme, and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. |
Holden, Wilfred Maurice# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Holden, born at Melita, Manitoba on November 25, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 222nd Battalion on April 11, 1916. Later attached to the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Died on August 20, 1917. |
Holliday, Cecil Sanford | Bethune, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE HOLLIDAY, born at Crystal, North Dakota, U.S.A., August 12, 1894. Home in Elm Creek, Manitoba. Joined Conquest, Saskatchewan branch, September 15, 1914. Enlisted from Bethune, Saskatchewan branch, June 9, 1916, in the 203rd Battalion. Killed in action at the Second Battle of Arras, August 31, 1918. |
Holliday, Frank Stewart# | Head Office, Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Holliday, born at Crystal, North Dakota, USA on March 15, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank Head Office in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 2nd Depot Cyclist Platoon on May 29, 1916. Later with the 2nd Battalion, Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Died of wounds on September 9, 1918. |
Hood, James Swirles | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | LIEUTENANT HOOD, born at Kirkcaldy, Scotland, August 9, 1894. Home in Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Served for more than two years with the Commercial Bank of Scotland. Joined Head Office staff, November 4, 1912. Enlisted from Head Office, October 28, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion. Killed in action, May 3, 1917, at Fresnoy. |
Horton, Christopher Bagnall# | Hartney, Manitoba | Gunner Horton, born at Walthamstow, Essex, England on August 14, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Hartney, Manitoba with the 76th Battery on September 19, 1916. Died of pneumonia on February 1, 1917. |
Houston, John# | Blairmore, Alberta | Private Houston, born at Glasgow, Scotland on August 14, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Blairmore, Alberta with 10th Battalion on May 10, 1916. Killed in Action on August 15, 1917. |
Hudson, Reginald Selby# | Vancouver, British Columbia | Private Hudson, born at Bradwardine, Manitoba on July 30, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Vancouver, British Columbia with the 196th Battalion on April 11, 1916. Later with the 46th Battalion. Died on March 26, 1917. |
Hunter, Roy Cameron | Vancouver, British Columbia | PRIVATE HUNTER, born at Wiarton, Ontario, September 11, 1889. Home in Wiarton. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, October 14, 1914, in the 23rd Battalion. Later transferred to the 3rd Battalion. Killed in action at Givenchy, June 17, 1915. |
Hunter, Wilfred Laurier | Toronto, Ontario | PRIVATE HUNTER, born at Lansing, Ontario, February 2, 1897. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Joined Toronto branch, July 14, 1914. Enlisted from Toronto branch, June 12, 1915, in the 58th Battalion. Also served in the 2nd Machine Gun Company, 1st Canadian Division. Present at Ypres, St. Julien, Courcelette, and the Somme. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 26, 1916. |
Hurrell, Douglas Strutt# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Hurrell, born at Malden, Essex, England on June 3, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Winnipeg, Manitoba branch on January 9, 1915 with the 43rd Battalion. Killed in Action on April 24, 1916. |
Hynes, Andrew Arthur | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | PRIVATE HYNES, born at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, February 15, 1897. Joined Sault Ste. Marie, Queen & Bruce Street branch, March 1, 1913. Enlisted from Sault Ste. Marie branch, July 22, 1915, in the 76th Battalion. Transferred later to the 37th Battalion and 17th Reserve. Served in France with the 3rd Battalion, 1st Division. Killed in action near Vimy Ridge, October 26, 1916. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Jeffreys, Ernest Fred# | Fenwick, Ontario | Private Jeffreys, born at Erin Township, Ontario on October 9, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Fenwick, Ontario with the 176th Battalion, 2nd Dragoons on April 1, 1916. Later with the 102nd Battalion. Died on October 1, 1918. |
Johnson, Asgeir Finnson | Winnipeg, Portage & Sherbrook, Manitoba | PRIVATE JOHNSON, home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Joined the Northern Crown Bank in 1915. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Portage & Sherbrook branch, February 19, 1916, in the 184th Battalion. Also served in the 78th Battalion. Killed in action, October 30, 1917. |
Johnson, Frank Lawrence | Roseau, Dominica | SECOND-LIEUTENANT JOHNSON, born at Bridgetown, Barbados, March 15, 1898. Home in Bridgetown. Joined Roseau, Dominica branch, April 5, 1915. Enlisted from Roseau branch, January 15, 1916, in the St. Lucia Volunteers, British West Indies Regiment. Afterwards attached to the Royal Flying Corps. Accidentally killed at Aboukir, Egypt, September 6, 1917. |
Johnston, Mark St. Clair | Ingersoll, Ontario | PRIVATE JOHNSTON, born at Winona, Ontario, May 29, 1894. Home in Winona. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada at Stoney Creek, Ontario branch, July 2, 1912. Enlisted from Ingersoll, Ontario branch, February 1, 1916, in the 129th Battalion. Later served in France with the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry as a Dispatch Runner. |
Jones, Henry William | Grand Forks, British Columbia | PRIVATE JONES, born at Rayleigh, Essex, England, June 7, 1892. Home in Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined Vancouver branch, May 23, 1910. Enlisted from Grand Forks, British Columbia branch, July 1, 1915, in the 54th Battalion. Present on the Somme and at Ypres. Killed in action at Ypres, June 1916. |
Jones, Richard Bathoe# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Jones, born at Winnipeg, Manitoba on August 22, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 61st Battalion on August 28, 1915. Later with the 44th Battalion. Died on October 25, 1916. |
Jones, Richard Hyde# | Pense, Saskatchewan | Lance Corporal Jones, born at Workington, Cumberland, England on May 24, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Pense, Saskatchewan with the 79th Cameron Highlanders on September 22, 1915. Later with the 43rd Battalion Died on October 8, 1916. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Kearney, John Hempenstall | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | PRIVATE KEARNEY, born in March 1892. Joined the Quebec Bank, Montreal, St. Catherine Street East branch, September 28, 1913. Enlisted from Montreal, St. Matthew Street branch, in the 14th Battalion, August 15, 1914. Killed in action, June 3, 1916. |
Kelly, Ernest Tilton Sumpter# | Picton, Ontario | Lieutenant Kelly, born at Athol Twp, Prince Edward County, Ontario on June 20, 1896. Originally enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Picton, Ontario with the 155th Battalion on January 11, 1916. He joined the Royal Air Force on July 6, 1917. Killed in Action on June 15, 1918. |
Kelly, Henry Joseph# | Orillia, Ontario | Private Kelly, born at Dummer Township, Ontario on June 20, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Orillia, Ontario with the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles on February 4, 1915. Killed in Action on June 7, 1916. |
Kempton, John | Strasbourg, Saskatchewan | LANCE-CORPORAL KEMPTON joined the Quebec Bank, August 1912. Enlisted from Strasbourg, Saskatchewan branch, September 15, 1915, in the 82nd Battalion, Calgary, Alberta. Served also in the 5th Battalion. Killed in action, April 1917. |
Kerr, Louis | Brantford, Ontario | GUNNER KERR, born at Holstein, Ontario, August 17, 1890. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Joined Arthur, Ontario branch, February 15, 1912. Enlisted from Brantford, Ontario branch, March 16, 1918, in the 70th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Died of pneumonia in Toronto, October 22, 1918. |
King, John Joshua Wallace | Pictou, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE KING, born at Dorchester, New Brunswick, March 20, 1895. Home in Pictou, Nova Scotia. Joined Pictou branch, May 12, 1913. Enlisted from Pictou branch, September 20, 1915, in the 64th Battalion. Later transferred to the 24th Battalion. Present at Courcelette. Wounded on September 18, 1916, and died of wounds at Moore Barracks, Shorncliffe, Kent. |
Kirkman, Charles Frederick | Edmonton, Alberta | PRIVATE KIRKMAN, born at Leicester, England, May 22, 1888. Home in Leicester. Joined Quebec Bank, Edmonton, Alberta, April 1913. Enlisted from Edmonton branch on November 26, 1914, in the 31st Battalion. Present at St. Eloi, Sanctuary Wood, the Somme and Courcelette. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 26, 1916. |
Kirvan, Fredrick Sylvester | Cargill, Ontario | SIGNALLER KIRVAN, born at Elora, Ontario, April 29, 1897. Home in Guelph, Ontario. Joined Collingwood, Ontario branch, November 4, 1912. Enlisted from Cargill, Ontario branch, February 29, 1916, in the 160th Battalion. Later served with the 87th Battalion, Grenadier Guards. Killed in action at Arras, September 2, 1918. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Laing, Alexander Rollo | Vancouver, British Columbia | PRIVATE LAING, born at Cowdenbeath, Fifeshire, Scotland, January 17, 1893. Home in Cowdenbeath. Served for more than two years with the Commercial Bank of Scotland. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia branch, November 4, 1912. Enlisted from Vancouver branch, May 31, 1915, with the 2nd Brigade, Machine Gun Company. Present at Vimy Ridge. Killed in action, April 9, 1918. |
Langille, Lloyd Haliburton | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE LANGILLE, born at Kingston Village, Nova Scotia, February 17, 1897. Home in Middleton, Nova Scotia. Joined Middleton branch, September 3, 1912. Enlisted from Wolfville, Nova Scotia branch, February 29, 1916, in the 219th Nova Scotia Highlanders. Also served with the 85th Battalion. Present at Arras and Drocourt-Queant. Killed in action at Arras, September 2, 1918. |
Laurie, John Gordon | Orillia, Ontario | CAPTAIN LAURIE, born at Hamilton, Ontario, January 12, 1892. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Hamilton, East End branch, November 9, 1910. Enlisted from Orillia, Ontario branch, January 31, 1916, in the 173rd Battalion. Present at Vimy Ridge and Fresnoy. Killed in action at Fresnoy, May 9, 1917. |
Leake, Eric Gilbert | Toronto, Ontario | CAPTAIN LEAKE, born at Fallowfield, Manchester, England, January 26, 1893. Home in Altrincham, England. Served for nearly three years with the Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank, Limited, England. Joined Toronto, Ontario branch, April 4, 1913. Enlisted from Toronto branch, August 17, 1914. Won the Military Cross. Killed in action in France, July 31, 1918. |
Leeming, Alfred Johnson | Vancouver, Robson, British Columbia | CAPTAIN LEEMING, born at Lewisham, near London, England, May 22, 1889. Joined the London, England branch, September 1, 1912. Enlisted in England, having been rejected in Canada while with the Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson Street branch, June 16, 1915. Joined the 1st Battalion, Royal Fusiliers, British Expeditionary Force. Present on the Somme and at the Second Battle of Ypres. Mentioned in dispatches. Killed in action near Ypres, July 31, 1917. |
Lewis, Spencer Hubert# | Russell, Manitoba | Captain Lewis, born at Richwood, Brant County, Ontario on August 4, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Russell, Manitoba on December 20, 1914. Originally held the rank of Lieutenant, then Captain with the 1st Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in Action at the Battle of Ypres on June 5, 1916. |
Lipsit, Cecil Willard# | Foremost, Alberta | Private Lipsit, born at Mount Brydes, Ontario on March 2, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Foremost, Alberta with the 43rd Battalion on March 23, 1916. Died on April 25, 1918. |
Lister, Robert Winfield | Montreal, Stanley Street, Quebec | PRIVATE LISTER, born at Keighley, Yorkshire, England, June 14, 1890. Home in Keighley. Served with the Bradford District Banking Company, England, and for two years with the Imperial Bank of Canada. Joined Westmount, Quebec, Greene Avenue branch, April 11, 1914. Enlisted from the Montreal, Quebec, Stanley Street branch, August 17, 1914, in the 14th Battalion. Killed in action at St. Julien, April 1915. |
Loney, Ernest Victor | Edmonton, Alberta | SERGEANT LONEY, born at Dunrobin, Ontario, March 25, 1892. Home in North Bay, Ontario. Joined Toronto, Ontario branch, November 13, 1911. Also served for four years with the Quebec Bank. Enlisted from Edmonton, Alberta branch, April 8, 1916, in the 194th Regiment. Was present at Lens and Hill 70. Killed in action at Hill 70 on August 15, 1917. |
Longhurst, Harold Reece# | Montreal, Quebec | Private Longhurst, enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Montreal, Quebec with the 14th Battalion. Died at Military Hospital, Quebec on September 24, 1914. |
Lounsbury, Judson Erskine# | Goderich, Ontario | Private Lounsbury, born at Wellandport, Ontario on December 25, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Goderich, Ontario with the 1st Depot Battalion on June 6, 1918. Died on October 20, 1918. |
Lowe, John Robert# | Wainwright, Alberta | Private Lowe, born at Clements, Kansas, USA on June 2, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Wainwright, Alberta with the 49th Battalion on January 30, 1915. Died of wounds on October 8, 1916. |
Lyon, Alexander Muir | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | CORPORAL LYON, born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, August 26, 1889. Home in Kilmarnock. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia, East End branch, November 25, 1912. Enlisted from Vancouver, East End branch, October 1915, in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders. Present at Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 28, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
MacCallum, Donald McPhail | Regina, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE MacCALLUM, born at Campbellton, Scotland, August 19, 1893. Home in Campbellton. Joined Toronto, Ontario branch, September 11, 1912. Enlisted from Regina, Saskatchewan branch, September 22, 1915, in the 179th Cameron Highlanders. Died in St. Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 26, 1916, from typhoid fever, followed by pneumonia. |
MacDonald, Norman Stewart | Winnipeg, Manitoba | LANCE-CORPORAL MacDONALD, born at Woodstock, Ontario, June 7, 1891. Joined the Northern Crown Bank in 1910. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch in the 27th Battalion, Machine Gun Section, October 28, 1914. Present at Courcelette and other engagements between September 1915, and September 1916. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 15, 1916. |
Mack Jost, Norman Roy# | Edmonton, Alberta | Lieutenant Mack Jost, born at London, England on August 25, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Edmonton, Alberta with the 9th (Reserve) Battalion, attached to the 49th Battalion. Killed in Action at the 3rd Battle of Ypres on June 3, 1916. |
MacKay, Arthur Gordon | Montreal, Stanley Street, Quebec | LIEUTENANT MacKAY, born at Hamilton, Ontario, March 2, 1896. Home in Notre Dame de Grace, Montreal, Quebec. Joined Montreal, Stanley Street branch, March 15, 1913. Enlisted from Montreal, Stanley Street branch, January 11, 1916, in the 148th Battalion. Later transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. Killed in action near Arras, May 18, 1917. |
MacNair, Alexander Mackenzie# | Vidora, Saskatchewan | Private MacNair, born at Edyerstone, Roxburghshire, Scotland on May 1, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank in Vidora, Saskatchewan with the 5th Battalion on September 23, 1914. Killed in Action on May 24, 1915. |
MacNaughton, Colin Gordon | Norwich, Ontario | LANCE-CORPORAL MacNAUGHTON, born at Wroxeter, Ontario, September 3, 1895. Joined Wroxeter Branch, December 10, 1912. Enlisted from Norwich, Ontario branch, March 8, 1916, in the 168th Battalion. Later transferred to the 2nd Battalion. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 6, 1917. |
Mann, Cyril Frederic | Medicine Hat, Alberta | PRIVATE MANN, born at Birmingham, England, December 11, 1890. Home in Bridgeford, Saskatchewan. Joined Saskatoon, Saskatchewan branch of the Northern Crown Bank, May 19, 1913. Enlisted from Medicine Hat, Alberta branch, in the 175th Battalion. Also served with the 50th Battalion. Killed in action near Givenchy, June 3, 1917. |
Marquis, Gerard Joseph# | Pincher Creek, Alberta | Private Marquis, born at Edmundsden, New Brunswick on June 14, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Pincher Creek, Alberta with the 31st Battalion on December 12, 1916. Died of wounds on November 10, 1917. |
Martin, George Harold# | Newdale, Manitoba | Private Martin, born at Newdale, Manitoba on April 30, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Newdale, Manitoba with the 45th Battalion on August 27, 1915. Later with the 31st Battalion. Killed in Action on November 7, 1917 during the attack on Passchendaele. |
McBride, Charles Leo# | Rosetown, Saskatchewan | Private McBride, born at Ottawa, Ontario on April 19, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Rosetown, Saskatchewan with the 4th University Company on October 8, 1916. Joined the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in the field April 7, 1916. Killed in Action on October 8, 1916 in the attack on Regina Trench during the Somme Offensive. |
McCarter, Duncan# | Victoria, British Columbia | 2nd Lt. McCarter, born at Edinburgh, Scotland on July 4, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Victoria, British Columbia with the Royal Flying Corps on September 23, 1914. Killed in a flying accident over Willesborough, Kent, England on May 1, 1918. |
McCoy, Joseph Stanley | Montreal, Quebec | SERGEANT McCOY, born at Hamilton, Ontario, January 27, 1889. Joined Traders Bank of Canada, Hamilton, March 1908. Enlisted from Montreal, Quebec branch, September 30, 1915, in the Machine Gun Company. Killed in action at Lens, August 24, 1917. |
McDill, David# | Souris, Manitoba | Private McDill, born at Glasgow, Scotland on November 4, 1888. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Souris, Manitoba with the 5th Battalion on December 18, 1914. Killed in Action on December 11, 1915. |
McDonald, Angus Daniel# | Strathclair, Manitoba | Private McDonald, born at Shoal Lake, Manitoba on April 3, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Strathclair, Manitoba with the 174th Cameron Highlanders on December 15, 1916. Later with the 16th Battalion. Died of Wounds on August 8, 1918. |
McDonald, Harry Alexander | London, England | CAPTAIN McDONALD, born at Dundee, Scotland, March 5, 1886. Home in Dundee. Served for thirteen years in the Royal Bank of Scotland. Joined London, England branch, May 25, 1914. Enlisted from London branch, August 8, 1914, in the London Scottish Regiment; also served with the Army Cyclists Corps. Present at the First Battle of Ypres. Wounded November 14, 1914, and died in No. 1 Military Hospital at Canterbury, Kent, February 5, 1918. |
McDonald, John A.# | Cabri, Saskatchewan | Private McDonald, enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Cabri, Saskatchewan. Killed in Action on August 22, 1917. |
McGibbon, William Patrick | London, England | SECOND-LIEUTENANT McGIBBON, born at Glasgow, Scotland, December 7, 1883. Served for six years with the Royal Bank of Scotland. Joined London, England branch, September 14, 1914. Enlisted from London branch, November 6, 1915, in the Artists’ Rifles. Also served in the Durham Light Infantry. Present at St. Eloi, Ridge Wood, Tower Hamlets, etc. Killed in action near Tower Hamlets, September 23, 1917. |
McInerney, George Valentine | Newcastle, New Brunswick | LIEUTENANT McINERNEY, born at Rexton, New Brunswick, March 2, 1894. Joined Rexton branch, May 19, 1909. Enlisted from Newcastle, New Brunswick branch, August 24, 1914, in the 8th Battery. Later served with the 31st and 53rd Batteries, Canadian Field Artillery. Present at the Second Battle of Ypres, Arras, and Bourlon Wood. Killed in action near Bourlon Wood, September 27, 1918. |
McIntyre, Lorne Howson | Peterborough, Ontario | LIEUTENANT McINTYRE, born at Peterborough, Ontario, August 31, 1897. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Joined Peterborough branch, January 13, 1917. Enlisted from Peterborough branch, July 21, 1917, in the Royal Air Force. Present at Cambrai and Arras. Reported missing August 21, 1918. Later reported killed. |
McLea, Kenneth Wetzlar | Montreal, Quebec | LIEUTENANT McLEA, born at Montreal, Quebec, October 5, 1892. Joined Montreal branch, September 16, 1909. Enlisted from Montreal branch, June 15, 1915, in the 3rd Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column. Killed in action at Poperinghe, October 28, 1917. |
McMillan, Sheldon Alexander# | Alexandria, Ontario | Private McMillan, born at Glengarry County, Ontario on September 18, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Alexandria, Ontario with the 154th Battalion on December 30, 1915. Later with the 21st Battalion. Killed in Action on September 2, 1917. |
McNamee, Delmer George# | Kindersley, Saskatchewan | Private McNamee, born at Crystal City, Manitoba on September 5, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Kindersley, Saskatchewan with the 9th Canadian Mounted Rifles on September 25, 1915. Transferred to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles in February 1917. Died of wounds on May 6, 1917. |
McWilliam, John | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE McWILLIAM, born at Buckie, Banffshire, Scotland, August 12, 1892. Home in Buckie. Served for four years with the Union Bank of Scotland. Joined Craik, Saskatchewan branch, January 20, 1913. Enlisted from Swift Current, Saskatchewan branch, November 14, 1914, in the 5th Battalion. Present at Givenchy, Festubert and the Second Battle of Ypres. Killed in action at Zillebeke, near Ypres, June 6, 1916. |
Mead, Thomas Hallard# | Foremost, Alberta | 2nd Lt. Mead, born at Micheldever, Hampshire, England on December 1889. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Foremost, Alberta as a Gunner with the Canadian Field Artillery. Promoted from the ranks to 2nd Lieutenant and later attached to the Royal Field Artillery, 72nd Brigade. Killed in Action on July 24, 1916. |
Merritt, F. Gerald | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia | CORPORAL MERRITT, born at Saint John, New Brunswick, April 3, 1897. Home in Portland, Oregon. Joined Middleton, Nova Scotia branch, May 6, 1912. Enlisted from Bridgetown, Nova Scotia branch, October 6, 1915, in the 85th Battalion, Nova Scotia Highlanders. Present at Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Fampoux, near Arras, July 30, 1918. |
Millett, James Nobel Layton | Newcastle, New Brunswick | SECOND-LIEUTENANT MILLETT, born at Windsor, Nova Scotia, April 14, 1897. Joined Windsor branch, December 27, 1910. Enlisted from Newcastle, New Brunswick branch, May 25, 1917, in the 73rd Squadron, Royal Air Force. Killed in action near Crevecourt, March 13, 1918. |
Mitchell, Arthur | Quebec, Quebec | SERGEANT MITCHELL, born in England, June 16, 1890. Joined the Quebec Bank, September 3, 1914. Enlisted from Quebec, Quebec branch, June 1915, in the 52nd Battalion. Killed in action, September 16, 1916. |
Moir, Douglas Norman | Supervisor’s Dept., Vancouver, British Columbia | TROOPER MOIR, born at Aberdeen, Scotland, February 10, 1894. Home in Auldearn, Nairnshire, Scotland. Joined Montreal, Quebec branch, March 4, 1911. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department, November 26, 1914, in the 2nd Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Ypres, May 20, 1916. |
Moir, Peter Thomas# | Minto, Manitoba | Private Moir, born at Virden, Manitoba on December 24, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Minto, Manitoba with the No. 1 Overseas C.A.S.C. Training Depot on December 16, 1916. Died on September 29, 1918. |
Montgomery, Hugh Boyd | Winnipeg, Manitoba | SERGEANT MONTGOMERY, born at Glasgow, Scotland, December 21, 1892. Joined the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, October 20, 1914, in the 79th Battalion. Later served with the 27th Battalion. Present at St. Eloi and the Somme. Died from wounds received on the Somme, July 13, 1916. |
Moore, Cyril George Ettrick | Rosetown, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE MOORE, born in England, June 20, 1889. Home in Middleton, Manchester, England. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Hamilton, Ontario, December 20, 1909. Enlisted from Rosetown, Saskatchewan branch, November 14, 1914, in the 8th Battalion. Killed in action near Ypres, June 13, 1916. |
Moore, James Walker | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | SIGNALLER MOORE, born at St. Stephen, New Brunswick, November 10, 1897. Joined St. Stephen branch, August 4, 1915. Enlisted from St. Stephen branch, June 30, 1916, in the 10th Battery, and served later with the 22nd Battery. Present at Lens, Arras, and Cambrai. Fatally gassed near Cambrai, September 12, 1918. |
Morgan, Frederick William Lord | Seeley’s Bay, Ontario | Private Morgan, born at Dublin, Ireland on October 16, 1894. Enlisted from the Nothern Crown Bank branch in Seeley’s Bay, Ontario with the 166th Battalion on January 22, 1916. Later with the 75th Battalion. Died on June 8, 1917. Awarded British War Medal and Victory Medal. |
Morgan, Henry Archie# | Shoal Lake, Manitoba | Trooper Morgan, born at Shoal Lake, Manitoba on October 28, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Shoal Lake, Manitoba with the 6th Battalion on September 24, 1914. Later attached to Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians). Killed in Action on May 25, 1915. |
Morison, Donald Spence | Vancouver, British Columbia | PRIVATE MORISON, born at Montreal, Quebec, May 12, 1898. Home in Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Vancouver branch, Northern Crown Bank, August 27, 1916, in the 231st Highlanders. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 31, 1917. |
Morton, James MacLaren | Beiseker, Alberta | LIEUTENANT MORTON, born at Carluke, Lanarkshire, Scotland, June 5, 1891. Home in Carluke. Served for five years with the Bank of Scotland. Joined Calgary, Alberta branch, November 25, 1911. Enlisted from Beiseker, Alberta branch, August 20, 1914, in the 31st Battalion. Present at Vimy Ridge and Fresnoy. Killed in action at Fresnoy, May 3, 1917. |
Muir, Duncan McNichol | Vancouver, British Columbia | SERGEANT MUIR, born at Kilmarnock, Scotland, January 7, 1891. Home in Kilmarnock. Served for more than three years with the Bank of Scotland. Joined Victoria, British Columbia branch, August 2, 1910. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, August 8, 1914, in the 7th Battalion. Present at Neuve Chapelle, St. Eloi, Ypres, Hill 60, and St. Julien. Killed in action at St. Julien, April 24, 1915. |
Mungall, Robert Demain# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Trooper Mungall, born at Carlisle, England on August 8, 1889. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 6th Battalion on September 24, 1914. Later attached to the Canadian Corps Cavalry Regiment. Killed in Action on November 4, 1916. |
Murray, Byron | St. Peter’s, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE MURRAY, born at Port Richmond, Nova Scotia, December 9, 1897. Home in St. Peter’s, Nova Scotia. Joined St. Peter’s branch, April 21, 1915. Enlisted from St. Peter’s branch, April 3, 1916, in the 185th Battalion. Died of pleurisy in hospital in England, August 24, 1917. |
Murray, Norman | Elrose, Saskatchewan | CADET MURRAY, born at Glencoe, Ontario, September 7, 1892. Home in Killam, Alberta. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Glencoe, May 6, 1910. Enlisted from Elrose, Saskatchewan branch, April 15, 1918, in the Royal Air Force. Died of Spanish influenza in Toronto, Ontario, October 5, 1918. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Nairn, William | Vancouver, Cordova Street, British Columbia | GUNNER NAIRN, born at Boreland, Blackford, Perth, Scotland, December 2, 1887. Home in Boreland. Served for six years with the Bank of Scotland. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia, Bridge Street branch, April 4, 1911. Enlisted from Vancouver, Cordova Street branch, March 13, 1918, in the Canadian Field Artillery. Later joined the Tank Corps. Died on board the H.M.T. Victoria of pneumonia following Spanish influenza, October 18, 1918. |
Nelson, Archie Bremner | Rosetown, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE NELSON, born at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, March 27, 1896. Joined Prince Albert branch, April 15, 1913. Enlisted from Rosetown, Saskatchewan branch, April 29, 1916, in the 196th Western Universities Corps. Also served with the 46th Battalion. Present at Passchendaele and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Avion, near Arras, May 3, 1918. |
Newcomb, Landell# | Melfort, Saskatchewan | Lieutenant Newcomb, born at Dulwich, England on December 2, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Melfort, Saskatchewan with the 8th Battalion on February 5, 1915. Died on November 10, 1917. |
Nicholls, William Hardy | Fergus, Ontario | LIEUTENANT NICHOLLS, born at Montrose, Ontario, March 6, 1894. Home in Bowmanville, Ontario. Joined Bowmanville branch, December 12, 1910. Enlisted from Fergus, Ontario branch, March 3, 1916, in the 153rd Battalion. Died in the Sanitarium at Gravenhurst, Ontario, while in training with his battalion, February 19, 1919. |
Nicoll, William# | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Private Nicoll, born at Castle-Fraser, Sauchen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland on June 11, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with the 38th Battalion on April 5, 1915. Transferred to Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry on July 26, 1915. Killed in Action at the Battle of Vimy Ridge on February 3, 1917. |
Noble, James Albert | Lockwood, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE NOBLE, born at Manor, Saskatchewan, February 4, 1895. Home in Manor. Formerly of the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Lockwood, Saskatchewan branch, August 8, 1915, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Killed in action at the Third Battle of Ypres, June 2, 1916. |
Norman, Alfred Lloyd | Galt, Ontario | DRIVER NORMAN, born at Ingersoll, Ontario, February 6, 1898. Joined Galt, Ontario branch, July 13, 1915. Enlisted from Galt branch, December 4, 1915, in the 29th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Also served in the 36th Battery. Present at all engagements from the Somme (July 1916) to Lens (August 1917). Killed in action near Lens, August 8, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Palmer, Lewis Arthur# | Toronto, Ontario | 2nd Lieutenant Palmer, born at Highbury, London, England on October 19, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Toronto, Ontario with the Royal Flying Corps on December 4, 1914. Died on November 9, 1917. |
Pattison, Charles Edward | Winona, Ontario | FLIGHT LIEUTENANT PATTISON, born at Glasgow, Scotland, July 13, 1896. Joined Winona, Ontario branch, March 2, 1914. Enlisted from Winona branch, December 15, 1915, in the Royal Naval Air Service (Imperial). Fought with the French Army for several months. Present in the Frieburg raid and numerous other air raids. Died at Redcar, Yorkshire, England, April 2, 1918, from wounds. Awarded the Croix de Guerre by the French Government. |
Paulin, Victor Reginald | Vancouver, British Columbia | FLIGHT LIEUTENANT PAULIN, born at Victoria, British Columbia, June 19, 1897. Joined Victoria branch, April 1, 1913. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, July 14, 1917, in the Royal Air Force. Killed in action, May 8, 1918, near Saint-Omer, France. |
Payne, Richard Norman# | Peterborough, Ontario | Lieutenant Payne, born on August 11, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Peterborough, Ontario branch with the 93rd Battalion. Died on May 28, 1916. |
Pelluet, Ralph | North Battleford, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE PELLUET, born at London, England, September 15, 1893. Home in Edmonton, Alberta. Joined Athabasca, Alberta branch, January 22, 1914. Enlisted from North Battleford, Saskatchewan branch, June 3, 1916, in the 200th Battalion. Killed at Shorncliffe Camp, Folkestone, England, during an air raid on the Canadian Camp, May 25, 1917. |
Perry, Kenneth Fraser# | Manitou, Manitoba | Private Perry, born at Arnprior, Ontario on February 22, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Manitou, Manitoba with the 5th Battalion on November 16, 1915. Killed in Action on August 15, 1917. |
Peters, Arthur Walker | Vancouver, British Columbia | CORPORAL PETERS, born at Saint John, New Brunswick, March 31, 1894. Home in Kerrisdale, Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined Saint John branch, August 29, 1910. Enlisted from Vancouver branch, October 1, 1915, in the 72nd Seaforth Highlanders; also served in the 102nd Battalion. Present at the Somme, Vimy Ridge and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 1, 1917. |
Peters, Gerald Hamilton# | Prince Rupert, British Columbia | Lieutenant Peters, at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island on November 8, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Prince Rupert, British Columbia with the 7th Battalion on February 9, 1915. Killed in Action on June 3, 1916. |
Phillips, Allan | London, Ontario | PRIVATE PHILLIPS, born at London, England, April 21, 1897. Home in London, Ontario. Joined London, Ontario branch, October 13, 1915. Enlisted from London branch, May 13, 1916, in the 142nd Battalion. Also served in the 18th Battalion. Present at Lens and Hill 70. Killed in action on a road near Aix Moulette, August 21, 1917. |
Pickering, Richard James Bramwell | Toronto, Spadina Avenue, Ontario | LEADING SEAMAN PICKERING, born at London, England, November 9, 1896. Joined the Northern Crown Bank, May 1912. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario, Spadina Avenue branch, February 16, 1915, in the Canadian Royal Horse Artillery. Subsequently transferred to the Royal Naval Division. Present at the Somme and other engagements. Killed in action on the Somme, November 13, 1916. |
Pigg, Raymond | Winnipeg, Manitoba | PRIVATE PIGG, born at Pelham, Herts, England, in 1896. Home in Reston, Manitoba. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch in the 78th Battalion. Killed in action on the Somme, November 20, 1916. |
Plant, Reginald Sydney# | Roseneath, Ontario | Private Plant, born at Norwood, Ontario on December 20, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Roseneath, Ontario with the 235th Battalion on July 31, 1916. Died on August 30, 1918. |
Pollock, Walter# | Vancouver, British Columbia | Private Pollock, born at Port Glasgow, Scotland on July 7, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Vancouver, British Columbia with the 231st Battalion on October 2, 1916. Later with the 72nd Battalion. Died on September 27, 1918. |
Pringle, William Ross | Gadsby, Alberta | PRIVATE PRINGLE, born at Stella, Ontario, May 1, 1889. Home in Stella. Joined Gadsby, Alberta branch, June 5, 1916. Enlisted from Gadsby branch, September 30, 1916, in the 11th Canadian Field Ambulance. Present at Lens, Amiens and Cambrai. Killed in action at Cambrai, September 29, 1918. |
Proven, James Spalding# | Claresholm, Alberta | Sergeant Proven, born at Linlithgow, Scotland on October 12, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Claresholm, Alberta with the 31st Battalion on November 18, 1914. Died on April 15, 1916 from wounds received during actions at St. Eloi on April 6th. |
Pugh, George Nelson# | Brandon, Manitoba | Private Pugh, born at Virden, Manitoba on April 1, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Brandon, Manitoba with the 196th Battalion on May 22, 1916. Later with the 46th Battalion. Killed in Action on June 21, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Ralston, James Alfred | Toronto, Queen & Broadview, Ontario | LANCE-CORPORAL RALSTON, born at Lefroy, Ontario, September 25, 1897. Home in Lefroy. Joined Schomberg, Ontario branch, July 21, 1913. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario, Queen & Broadview branch, August 21, 1915, in the 35th Battalion. Also served in the 3rd Battalion. Present at the Somme, Vimy, Courcelette and Hill 70. Killed in action at Amiens, August 8, 1918. |
Richardson, James Monilaws | Peace River, Alberta | CORPORAL RICHARDSON, born at Seaforth, Ontario, September 2, 1886. Home in St. Marys, Ontario. Joined Edmonton, Alberta branch, August 12, 1913. Enlisted from Peace River, Alberta branch, July 9, 1915, in the 66th Battalion. Also served in the 31st Battalion. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 15, 1916. |
Riches, James Henry | Stratford, Ontario | PRIVATE RICHES, born at London, England, October 18, 1896. Home in Stratford, Ontario. Joined Stratford branch, September 30, 1912. Enlisted from Stratford branch, August 30, 1915, in the 33rd Battalion. Afterwards transferred to the 7th Battalion. Present at Ypres, the Somme and Vimy Ridge. Killed in action at Vimy Ridge, April 9, 1917. |
Robinson, George Edward# | Ottawa, Ontario | Lieutenant Robinson, born at Orangeville, Ontario on December 9, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s Bank Street branch in Ottawa, Ontario with the Railway Construction & Forestry Depot on October 1, 1917. Died of injuries from a fall on March 20, 1918. |
Ross, Walter George# | Kindersley, Saskatchewan | Gunner Ross, born at Turnbridge Wells, England on January 30, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Kindersley, Saskatchewan with the Mounted Rifles. Killed in Action on July 9, 1916. |
Ross, William Patrick | Vancouver, British Columbia | PRIVATE ROSS, born at Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta, June 8, 1895. Home in Vancouver, British Columbia. Joined Scott, Saskatchewan branch, August 28, 1911. Enlisted from Vancouver branch, June 5, 1916, in the 196th Western Universities Battalion. Also served in the 46th Battalion. Present at Vimy Ridge, Lens, Hill 70, and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 26, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Salusbury, Norman Horace Pemberton | Ottawa, Ontario | SECOND-LIEUTENANT SALUSBURY, born at Newton Arlosh Vicarage, Cumberland, England, November 23, 1893. Home in Wigton, Cumberland, England. Joined Ottawa, Ontario branch of the Quebec Bank, January 20, 1914. Enlisted from Ottawa branch in the First Canadian Contingent. Afterwards transferred to the Border Regiment (Imperials), and was attached to the 117th Battalion, Highland Light Infantry. Killed in action at Cape Helles, Gallipoli. |
Sanderson, Francis Graham# | Bassano, Alberta | Private Sanderson, born on November 17, 1895 at Peterborough, Ontario. Enlisted from the Union Bank’s branch in Bassano, Alberta with the 82nd Battalion on October 14, 1915. Transferred to 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles in March 1916. |
Scarth, Frank Graham# | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Private Scarth, born at London, England on April 14, 1885. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan with the 8th Battalion on February 10, 1915. Killed in Action on September 8, 1916. |
Scott, Albert Victor# | Rapid City, Manitoba | Private Scott, born at Rapid City, Manitoba on September 3, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Rapid City with the 226th Battalion on April 4, 1916. Later with the 27th Battalion. Died on August 21, 1917. |
Scott, Douglas William Duke# | Toronto, Ontario | Lance-Corporal Scott, born at Netring, Northamptonshire, England on November 29, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Toronto, Ontario with the 84th Battalion on October 19, 1915; later transferred to the 27th Battalion. Killed in Action on August 10, 1918. |
Scott, Ellis Shook# | Hamilton, Ontario | Sergeant Scott, born at Caledon, Peel County, Ontario on September 23, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Hamilton, Ontario with 36th Battalion on April 16, 1915. Later with the 8th Canadian Machine Gun Corps. Died on November 14, 1917. Awarded the Military Medal. |
Scott, Stephen William | Stoney Creek, Ontario | LIEUTENANT SCOTT, born at Tillsonburg, Ontario, August 11, 1894. Joined Tillsonburg branch, January 17, 1911. Enlisted from Stoney Creek, Ontario branch, November 30, 1915, in the 129th Battalion. Also served in the 124th and 3rd Battalions. Present at Vimy, Fresnoy, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Canal du Nord, Bourlon Wood, and other engagements up to Cambrai. Awarded the Military Medal in October 1918. Killed in action at Cambrai, October 1, 1918. |
Sellers, Sydney George | Vancouver, British Columbia | SERGEANT SELLERS, born at Plymouth, England, October 7, 1887. Home in Barbados, British West Indies. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch in 1914, in the 7th Battalion. Present at Langemarck. Died in hospital at Orpington, Kent, England, November 27, 1917. |
Shannon, Earlby Gordon# | Toronto, Ontario | Corporal Shannon, born at Islington, Ontario on February 13, 1896. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Toronto, Ontario with the 182nd Battalion on February 25, 1916. Served with the 208th, 8th Reserve and 2nd Reserve Battalions. Transferred to the 116th Battalion in February 1918. Died of Wounds on August 8, 1918. |
Sharp, Frederick Henry | Vancouver, British Columbia | HOME in Nokomis, Saskatchewan. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia branch, April 30, 1915. Killed in action. |
Sharpe, Herbert Victor | Owen Sound, Ontario | TROOPER SHARPE, born at Owen Sound, Ontario, November 11, 1895. Joined Owen Sound branch, June 11, 1913. Enlisted from Owen Sound branch, August 23, 1915, in the Fort Garry Horse. Present at the Somme and other engagements. Wounded on August 8, 1918. Died in hospital at Shorncliffe, England, November 15, 1918. |
Shearer, Thomas Pitcairn | Davidson, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE SHEARER, born at Armadale, Scotland, December 19, 1894. Home in Partick, Scotland. Served for three years with the Bank of Scotland. Joined Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, May 22, 1913. Enlisted from Davidson, Saskatchewan branch, June 7, 1915, after having been twice rejected. Present at Vimy Ridge, Ypres and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 29, 1917. |
Sherman, Laurence Shuster | London, England | LANCE-CORPORAL SHERMAN, born at Fredericton, New Brunswick, November 9, 1884. Joined Fredericton branch, May 27, 1901. Enlisted from London, England, September 23, 1915, in the Royal Sussex Regiment (Imperials). Died of wounds on the Somme, August 5, 1916. |
Shields, Donald Devere | Bridgewater, Nova Scotia | LIEUTENANT SHIELDS, born at Bear River, Nova Scotia, June 8, 1895. Home in Liverpool, Nova Scotia. Joined Liverpool branch, June 12, 1912. Enlisted from Bridgewater, Nova Scotia branch, December 1, 1915, in the 112th Battalion. Present at Lens, Hill 70, and Passchendaele. Killed in action November 10, 1918, the last night of the War, at the capture of Moris. |
Shore, John Arthur Murton | St. Marys, Ontario | LIEUTENANT SHORE, born at Port Rowan, Ontario, December 30, 1894. Home in Ilderton, Ontario. Joined Windsor, Ontario branch, September 22, 1913. Enlisted from St. Marys, Ontario branch, March 2, 1916, in the 186th Battalion. Served later with the 18th Battalion. Present at Mons and Passchendaele. Killed in action at Passchendaele, November 11, 1917. |
Simmons, Arthur Reginald# | Shelburne, Ontario | Private Simmons, born at Shelburne, Ontario on May 12, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Shelburne, Ontario with the 164th Battalion on February 26, 1916. Later with the 116th Battalion. Died on August 14, 1918. |
Simpson, Harold James# | Alderson, Alberta | Private Simpson, born at Plymouth, Devon, England on December 15, 1894. Enlisted on from the Union Bank branch in Alderson, Alberta with the 10th Battalion on September 25, 1914. Died of wounds on September 13, 1915. |
Skeaff, John Murray | Toronto, Ontario | LIEUTENANT SKEAFF, born at Cobourg, Ontario, April 14, 1896. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Joined Toronto branch, June 4, 1914. Enlisted from Toronto branch, June 7, 1915, in the 48th Highlanders. Also served in the 92nd Battalion. Died of pneumonia in Toronto, January 24, 1916. |
Smith, John Thomson | Brandon, Manitoba | PRIVATE SMITH, born at Aberdeen, Scotland, January 2, 1892. Home in Edinburgh, Scotland. Joined Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, September 30, 1912. Enlisted from Brandon, Manitoba branch, August 23, 1914, in the 8th Battalion. Also served with the 90th Winnipeg Rifles. Present at the Second Battle of Ypres, Festubert, Givenchy and on the Somme. Died of wounds in a Casualty Clearing Station, September 8, 1916. |
Smith, Ralph Henniker | Inspector’s Dept., Calgary, Alberta | PRIVATE SMITH, born at Croydon, England, April 5, 1891. Home in Gravesend, Kent, England. Served with the London City & Midland Bank, Ltd., for eighteen months. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina Street branch, September 12, 1909. Enlisted from the Inspectors’ Department, Calgary, Alberta, November 21, 1914, in the 4th Canadian Field Ambulance. Present at St. Eloi and on the Somme. Died of wounds at Camiers, France, October 19, 1916. |
Smith, Trenholme Vasey Goldwin | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia | SAPPER SMITH, born at Dewdney, British Columbia, February 28, 1896. Home in Dewdney. Joined Vancouver, British Columbia, South Hill branch, July 14, 1914. Enlisted from Vancouver, East End branch, March 22, 1916, in the Canadian Engineers. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 27, 1917. |
Smyth, Fennell Anderson | Burk’s Falls, Ontario | PRIVATE SMYTH, born at Midford, Ontario, July 26, 1899. Home in South River, Ontario. Joined Burk’s Falls, Ontario branch, August 12, 1915. Enlisted from Burk’s Falls branch, April 30, 1916, in the 162nd Battalion. Also served with the 3rd Canadian Machine Gun Battery. Present at Passchendaele, Amiens, and Arras. Killed in action at Walrus, September 24, 1918. |
Snow, Frederick William | St. John’s, Newfoundland | CORPORAL SNOW, born at St. John’s, Newfoundland, February 4, 1896. Joined St. John’s branch, April 21, 1913. Enlisted from St. John’s branch, May 15, 1917, in the 1st Royal Newfoundland Regiment. Death by drowning, February 24, 1918. |
Snowdon, Johnston Lawrence | Kincardine, Ontario | PRIVATE SNOWDON, born in Huron Township, Ontario. May 9, 1897. Home in Kincardine, Ontario. Joined Kincardine branch, August 4, 1913. Enlisted from Kincardine branch, February 28, 1916, in the 160th Battalion. Afterwards transferred to the 18th Battalion. Present at Amiens and Arras. Killed in action at Arras, August 28, 1918. |
Spence, Ralph Erskine | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | SERGEANT-MAJOR SPENCE, born at St. Croix, Nova Scotia, August 31, 1890. Home in St. Croix. Joined Windsor, Nova Scotia branch of the Union Bank of Halifax, June 30, 1908. Enlisted from North Sydney, Nova Scotia branch, August 20, 1914, in the 6th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Present at Fleurbaix, Neuve Chapelle, First and Second Battles of Ypres, Hill 60, and Courcelette. Killed in action at Warloy, October 28, 1916. |
Steele, James Hendry | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE STEELE, born at Fergus, Ontario, February 28, 1891. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Fergus, July 1906. Enlisted from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan branch, March 15, 1916, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Present at the Somme. Killed in action at Arras, January 31, 1917. |
Stein, Charles Disney Pender | North Vancouver, British Columbia | SAPPER STEIN, born at Shipston-on-Stour, England, October 4, 1890. Home in Shipston-on-Stour. Joined North Vancouver, British Columbia branch, April 1, 1911. Enlisted from North Vancouver branch, August 12, 1914, in the Canadian Engineers. Present at Ypres and other engagements. Killed in action near Ypres, May 24, 1916. |
Stephen, Charles Norie | Winnipeg, Manitoba | ACTING BOMBARDIER STEPHEN, Home in Scotland. Served for more than nine years with the North of Scotland Town and County Bank. Joined the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch, December 7, 1914, in the 19th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Served also in the 2nd Canadian Divisional Ammunition Column. Killed in action, January 8, 1917. |
Stevenson, Alexander McLaren# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Stevenson, born at Glasgow, Scotland on February 11, 1898. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 27th Battalion on January 29, 1917. Died November 13, 1918. |
Stewart, David Stanley# | Carman, Manitoba | Private Stewart, born at Cypress River, Manitoba on May 19, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank Branch in Carman, Manitoba with the 222nd Battalion on January 17, 1916. Later with the 44th Battalion. Died of wounds on May 9, 1917. |
Stewart, James# | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Private Stewart, born at Dundee, Scotland on July 20, 1889. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan with the 28th Battalion on October 23, 1914. Died on September 26, 1916. |
Stewart, James Gordon# | Neudorf, Saskatchewan | Private Stewart, born at Stoney Mountain, Manitoba on August 18, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Neudorf, Saskatchewan with Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) on April 11, 1916. Killed in Action on March 30, 1918. |
Stewart, William Andrew# | Carstairs, Alberta | Lieutenant Stewart, born at Morden, Manitoba on May 8, 1889. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Carstairs, Alberta (where he was manager at the time) with the 187th Battalion on June 16, 1916. Later with the 50th Battalion. Died on September 17, 1918. |
Stuart-Bailey, Charles | Quebec, Quebec | LIEUTENANT STUART-BAILEY, born at New Jersey, U.S.A., September 15, 1892. Home at Ile d’Orléans, Quebec. Joined the Quebec Bank, November 9, 1914. Enlisted from Quebec, Quebec branch in the 57th Battalion. Also served with the 41st, 54th and 44th Battalions. Present at Ypres, the Somme, Vimy Ridge, Lens and Passchendaele. Died of wounds at No. 44 Casualty Clearing Station, Poperinghe, October 28, 1917. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Tallman, Stanley Bliss# | Ogema, Saskatchewan | Lieutenant Tallman, born at Merrickville, Grenville County, Ontario on May 19, 1892. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Ogema, Saskatchewan with the 6th Battalion (as Private) on September 24, 1914. Later 2nd Lieutenant and then Lieutenant with the Royal Canadian Dragoons. Died of pneumonia on November 5, 1918. |
Taylor, Bertram Stewart# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Taylor, born at Toronto, Ontario on January 15, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 44th Battalion on July 19, 1915. Later with the 27th Battalion. Died on October 3, 1916. |
Taylor, William Thomas | Toronto, Ontario | PRIVATE TAYLOR, formerly in the Quebec Bank. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario branch, August 18, 1915, in the 13th Battalion. Also served with the 92nd Battalion. Died while a prisoner of war in Germany, October 23, 1916. |
Teasdall, Robert Charles# | Toronto, Ontario | Cadet Teasdall, born at Toronto, Ontario on December 14, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Toronto with the Royal Flying Corps. Died on July 12, 1917 from head injuries sustained in an airplane accident. |
Temple, Claude Castlemaine | Vancouver, Granville Street, British Columbia | LIEUTENANT TEMPLE, born at Quebec, Quebec, December 30, 1881. Home in Toronto, Ontario. Formerly in Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia, Granville Street branch, in the Canadian Mounted Rifles, August 1914. Present at Ypres and other engagements. Killed in action at Hesser Trench, October 2, 1916. |
Thompson, Charles Gordon | Winnipeg, Manitoba | LIEUTENANT THOMPSON, born at Forest Gate, Essex, England, April 1, 1887. Home in Bickley, Kent, England. Joined the Northern Crown Bank about 1905. Enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba branch in the Royal Field Artillery. Present at Ypres, the Somme, and other engagements. Wounded on October 30, 1916. After two years and three months of great suffering, died at the Empire Hospital for Officers in London, January 28, 1919. |
Thornton, Ernest# | Wapella, Saskatchewan | Major Thornton, born at Edgbaston, Warwickshire, England on December 1, 1872. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Wapella, Saskatchewan with the 5th Battalion on September 21, 1914. Died of wounds on November 9, 1918. |
Thorsteinson, Oskar Franklin | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE THORSTEINSON, born at Gimli, Manitoba, November 14, 1893. Home in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Swift Current, Saskatchewan branch, in the 10th Battalion. Killed in action at Lens, March 13, 1918. |
Tilley, Hamilton Sylvester Taylor | Limon, Costa Rica | PRIVATE TILLEY, born at Pedro, Jamaica, November 9, 1887. Home in North Bay, Ontario. Joined North Bay branch of the Traders Bank of Canada, November 10, 1908. Enlisted from Limon, Costa Rica, September 30, 1917, and served with the 54th Battalion. Wounded on September 29, 1918, at Bourlon Wood. Died in the 53rd General Hospital, Boulogne, October 8, 1918. |
Tobin, Albert Edward# | Winchester, Ontario | Private Tobin, born at Glengarry, Ontario on April 6, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winchester, Ontario with the 2nd Battalion on March 8, 1917; later with the 21st Battalion. Died on November 3, 1917. |
Tower, Roy Ellsworth | Saint John, North End, New Brunswick | CORPORAL TOWER, born at West Sackville, New Brunswick, September 4, 1893. Joined Sackville branch, August 23, 1910. Enlisted from Saint John, New Brunswick, North End branch, February 15, 1915, in the 6th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred later to the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Present at the Third Battle of Ypres and several previous engagements. Killed by a bomb near Ypres, July 21, 1916. |
Trick, Fenton James# | Pincher Creek, Alberta | Private Trick, born at Morden, Manitoba on September 21, 1894. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Pincher Creek, Alberta with the 13th Canadian Mounted Rifles on February 1, 1915. Later with the 10th Battalion. Killed in Action on April 9, 1917. |
Trow, Arthur James# | Theodore, Saskatchewan | Corporal Trow, born at Milverton, Ontario on February 6, 1881. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Theodore, Saskatchewan with the 214th Battalion on April 26, 1916. Later with the 5th Battalion. Died on March 12, 1918. |
Tuach, David MacKeggie | London, England | PRIVATE TUACH, born at Beauly, Scotland, November 15, 1892. Home in Beauly, Scotland. Served for more than three years with the Bank of Scotland. Joined London, England branch, May 1, 1913. Enlisted from London branch, October 30, 1915, in the 1st London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers). Present at Albert and Ypres. Mentioned in dispatches for volunteering to carry messages between his regiment and Headquarters under heavy fire. Killed in action near Ypres, August 16, 1917. |
Tucker, Bertram John# | Bounty, Saskatchewan | Driver Tucker, born at Devonshire, England on November 3, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Bounty, Saskatchewan with the 1st Brigade, Canadian Field Artillery on August 8, 1914. Died of wounds sustained at Sanctuary Wood on June 13, 1916. |
Tully, Norman John | Toronto, College & Bathurst, Ontario | SAPPER TULLY, born at Toronto, Ontario, November 11, 1896. Home in Toronto. Joined Toronto, College and Bathurst branch, October 27, 1915, from which office he enlisted on February 15, 1916, in the 127th York Rangers. Subsequently transferred to 2nd Battalion Canadian Railway Troops. Died at No. 3 Canadian Stationary Hospital, Doullens, France, January 8, 1918. |
Tupper, Murray Lamont | Middleton, Nova Scotia | CAPTAIN TUPPER, born at Kingston, Nova Scotia, April 2, 1895. Home in Kingston. Joined Middleton, Nova Scotia branch, July 8, 1912. Enlisted from Middleton branch, February 11, 1916, in the 112th Battalion. Later served with the 25th Battalion. Present at Arleux, Hill 70, Passchendaele, Neuvelle-Vitasse, Amiens and Arras. Killed in action at Sherisy, August 27, 1918. |
Turnbull, George Archer | Digby, Nova Scotia | SERGEANT TURNBULL, born at Arcadia, Nova Scotia, September 5, 1895. Home in Digby, Nova Scotia. Joined Digby branch, August 17, 1914. Enlisted from Digby branch, March 31, 1915, in the 40th Battalion. Also served with the 5th Canadian Mounted Rifles. Killed in action at Courcelette, September 15, 1916. |
Turnbull, Walter James | Winnipeg, Manitoba | CAPTAIN TURNBULL, born at Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 31, 1891. Home in Winnipeg. Formerly in the service of the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Winnipeg branch in the 37th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Won the Military Cross at the Battle of Regina Trench. Killed in action on the Somme, November 14, 1916. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Vankleek, George Whiteford | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE VANKLEEK, born at Madoc, Ontario, October 9, 1898. Home in Melita, Manitoba. Joined the Northern Crown Bank, July 1914. Enlisted from Aneroid, Saskatchewan branch, April 1916, in the 209th Battalion. Transferred to the 49th Battalion in England. Killed in action at Passchendaele, October 30, 1917. |
Voelker, Charles Richmond | Blairmore, Alberta | LIEUTENANT VOELKER, born at Hamilton, Ontario, May 20, 1891. Home in Fort William, Ontario. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada at Hamilton, November 1905. Enlisted from Blairmore, Alberta branch, March 4, 1916, in the 192nd Battalion. Died of wounds at St. Catherines, France, in 1918. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Waddell, Norman James# | Minto, Manitoba | Private Waddell, born at Sunderland, Ontario on August 9, 1897. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Minto, Manitoba with the 79th Battalion on February 8, 1916. Later with the 43rd Battalion. Died on October 8, 1916. |
Walker, Roy Stanislaus# | Orillia, Ontario | Private Walker, born at Orillia, Ontario on August 8, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank Branch in Orillia with the 58th Battalion on August 18, 1915. Died on September 17, 1916. |
Wallace, Charles Walker | Abbotsford, British Columbia | PRIVATE WALLACE, born at Edinburgh, Scotland, October 10, 1895. Home in Abbotsford, British Columbia. Joined Abbotsford branch, June 2, 1913. Enlisted from Abbotsford branch, September 10, 1916, in the 72nd Battalion. Dangerously wounded, August 1, 1917. Killed in action at Cambrai, September 29, 1918. |
Wallace, Haliburton | Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE WALLACE, born at Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia, September 27, 1895. Joined Shubenacadie branch, October 9, 1913. Enlisted from Shubenacadie branch, June 4, 1915, in the 40th Battalion. Also served with the 43rd Battalion. Present at the Third Battle of Ypres, where he was wounded; was also on the Somme. Killed in action on the Somme, September 21, 1916. |
Wallis, Ivan Newell | Ayton, Ontario | TROOPER WALLIS, born at Greensville, Ontario, September 9, 1897. Home in Greensville. Joined Hamilton, Ontario branch, July 2, 1914. Enlisted from Ayton, Ontario branch, April 27, 1916, in the Canadian Mounted Rifles. Transferred later to the 173rd and 116th Battalions. Present at Lens, Passchendaele, Amiens and Arras. Killed in action at Arras, August 27, 1918. |
Ward, Stanley William | Prescott, Ontario | GUNNER WARD, born at Prescott, Ontario, March 5, 1898. Joined Prescott branch, November 23, 1915. Enlisted from Prescott branch, March 5, 1917, in the 72nd Battalion. Contracted pneumonia on his way to England and was seriously ill for many months at the Shorncliffe Hospital, England. Returned home ill, and died in April 1919. |
Warde, Geoffry Brougham# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Corporal Warde, born at Knowsley, England on November 9, 1895. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 32nd Battalion on December 24, 1914. Died on June 6, 1915. |
Warin, Harold John# | Kerrobert, Saskatchewan | Private Warin, born at Nottingham, England on February 19, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Kerrobert, Saskatchewan with the 3rd University Company on July 22, 1915. Joined Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in the field on December 6, 1915. Killed in Action at Hooge on April 12, 1916. |
Warner, Forbes MacKay | Toronto, Ontario | Lieutenant Warner, born at West Buckland, Somerset, England about 1889. Enlisted the Quebec Bank branch in Toronto, Ontario with the 4th Royal Scots, attached to the Royal Canadian Mounted Infantry in Edinburgh, in June 1915. Died on August 1, 1917. |
Wells, Gerald Edwin | Kinley, Saskatchewan | LIEUTENANT WELLS, born at Harriston, Ontario, October 3, 1892. Home in Kinley, Saskatchewan. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Kinley branch, May, 1916, in the 65th Battalion. Also served with the 46th Battalion. Present on the Somme. Killed in action near Albert, October 25, 1916. |
West, Churchill Freeman | Liverpool, Nova Scotia | PRIVATE WEST, born at Liverpool, Nova Scotia, April 1, 1899. Joined Liverpool branch, June 10, 1914. Enlisted from Liverpool branch, September 15, 1915, in the Royal Canadian Regiment. Also served with the 64th Battalion. Killed in action at Cambrai, September 28, 1918. |
White, George Haddon# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private White, born at Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, England on April 21, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 43rd Battalion on June 18, 1915. Died of wounds on June 5, 1916. |
White, Reginald Bayly | St. John’s, Newfoundland | SERGEANT WHITE, born at Fogo, Newfoundland, September 26, 1898. Joined St. John’s, Newfoundland branch, December 2, 1915. Enlisted from St. John’s branch, August 28, 1916, in the Royal Newfoundland Regiment, Died from meningitis in the Military Hospital at Etaples, France, January 9, 1918. |
Wilkinson, Ernest John# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Driver Wilkinson, born at Treesbank, Manitoba on September 29, 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 3rd Divisional Artillery Column on January 24, 1916. Died on November 9, 1917. |
Williams, Arthur Jennings | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | PRIVATE WILLIAMS, born at Newtownards, Ireland, December 31, 1897. Home in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Formerly in the Northern Crown Bank. Enlisted from Saskatoon branch in the 65th Battalion. Later transferred to the 46th Battalion. Killed in action in the Ypres salient, August 23, 1916. |
Williamson, James Carl | Thorold, Ontario | LANCE-CORPORAL WILLIAMSON born at Thorold, Ontario, October 21, 1895. Joined Thorold branch, January 21, 1914. Enlisted from Thorold branch, May 20, 1915, in the 176th Battalion. Also served in the 164th and 116th Battalions. Present at Amiens and Drocourt-Queant. Killed in action at Drocourt-Queant, August 28, 1918. |
Wilson, Alfred# | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Private Wilson, born at Maryport, Westmoreland, England on May 11, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Winnipeg, Manitoba with the 34th Fort Garry Horse in 1914. Transferred to Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) in 1914. Died on September 24, 1915. |
Wilson, George Thomas | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | CORPORAL WILSON, born at Bridlington, England, June 23, 1893. Home in Bridlington. Joined Scott, Saskatchewan branch, September 8, 1911. Enlisted from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan branch, May 7, 1915, in the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry. Killed in action at the Third Battle of Ypres, June 2, 1916. |
Wishart, Ronald John | Vernon, British Columbia | PRIVATE WISHART, born at Alloa, Scotland, February 27, 1890. Home in Aberdeen, Scotland. Joined Toronto, Ontario, Gerrard & Main branch, September 24, 1912. Enlisted from Vernon, British Columbia branch, January 3, 1917, in the 72nd Battalion. Present at Passchendaele, where he was wounded, and at Bourlon Wood. Died on board No. 17 Ambulance Train, October 12, 1918. |
Wolfe, Esdon Melville | Toronto, Ontario | GUNNER WOLFE, born at Durham, Ontario, November 6, 1888. Home in Durham, Ontario. Joined the Traders Bank of Canada, Woodstock, Ontario branch, June 12, 1908. Enlisted from Toronto, Ontario branch, March 31, 1917, in the 67th Battery, Canadian Field Artillery. Died at the Military Base Hospital, Toronto, of pneumonia. |
Wood, Sherwood Marshall# | New Dundee, Ontario | Private Wood, born at Smith’s Falls, Ontario on July 21, 1891. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch New Dundee, Ontario with the 80th Battalion on February 9, 1916. Taken on strength by the 75th Battalion on June 25, 1916. Killed in Action during the Battle of the Somme on November 18, 1916. |
Wyatt, Cecil George | Elmira, Ontario | PRIVATE WYATT, born at Goderich, Ontario, March 29, 1897. Home in Stratford, Ontario. Joined Elmira, Ontario branch of the Traders Bank of Canada. Enlisted from Elmira branch, June 15, 1915, in the 16th Battalion. Also served with the Canadian Army Medical Corps. Killed in action at Hill 70, August 15, 1917. |
Wyatt, Charles Joshua# | Mount Brydges, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant Wyatt, born in England about 1893. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Mount Brydges, Ontario with the Royal Naval Air Service. Died on August 21, 1917 when his plane crashed on landing, age 24. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Yuill, Albert Edward# | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Private Yuill, born at Gretna, Manitoba on January 11, 1890. Enlisted from the Union Bank branch in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan with the 2nd University Company on June 15, 1915. Joined with Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in the field on September 1, 1915. Killed in Action on June 3, 1916 at Sanctuary Wood. |
First World War Memorial Tablets
First World War Memorial located at then Montreal Main branch, 360 St. Jacques. The Memorial flanks the entrance with two black marble plaques with the names of the employees who gave their lives engraved in gold. Over the panels, sculptured in white marble, kneel the figures of Faith and Courage keeping alight the sacred fire of remembrance with their offerings of poppies and laurel.
First World War Memorial Tablets

First World War Memorial Tablets

Photo credit: Gabrielle Sykes
Second World War Enlisted Staff
Interested in the Post-War Roll Call? The following links provide access to lists of the whereabouts of Royal Bank employees who returned back from the armed forces.
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Adair, S. A. | Air Force | Moncton, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Adams, D. B. | Air Force | Chatham, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood |
Adams, W. B. | Air Force | Vernon, British Columbia | Kelowna, British Columbia |
Aggerholm, P. | Air Force | Chippawa, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Akenhead, C. W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia | Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Alden, H. H. | Air Force | Nassau, Bahamas | London, England |
Alexander, A. G. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill College |
Allen, A. J. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. W. | Cochrane, Alberta |
Allen, J. D. | Air Force | Moncton, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Allison, W. R. | Air Force | Prescott, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Somerset |
Anderson, C. H. | Air Force | Belize, British Honduras | Belize, British Honduras |
Anderson, G. A. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | New York Agency |
Anderson, G. W. | Air Force | Yorkton, Saskatchewan | Moosomin, Saskatchewan |
Anderson, W. G. | Air Force | Gull Lake, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Anstie, W. M. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer | West Vancouver, British Columbia |
Arbuckle, L. S. | Air Force | Fort William, Ontario | Port Arthur, Ontario |
Armstrong, D. M. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Cochrane, Alberta |
Armstrong, R. A. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Leamington, Ontario |
Arnett, J. L. | Air Force | Thorold, Ontario | Attending University |
Arnold, C. P. C. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario | Barrie, Ontario |
Ashburner, J. C. | Air Force | Lethbridge, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Atkinson, G. T. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Ayer, C. H. | Air Force | Sackville, New Brunswick | Bathurst, New Brunswick |
Adair, B. A. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | Chatham, Ontario |
Adams, R. E. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church |
Addie, J. L. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Quebec, Quebec, St. Sauveur |
Allen, H. S. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | Elmira, Ontario |
Anderson, D. S. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Anderson, J. L. B. | Army | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Anderson, W. G. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Andino, Jr., S. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Andrews, C. S. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Angus, L. M. | Army | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Ridgetown, Ontario |
Archarnbault, E. J. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | St. Catharines, Ontario |
Arden, R. P. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Somerset |
Armstrong, G. F. I. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Peterborough, Ontario |
Armstrong, R. C. | Army | Innisfail, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West |
Armstrong, S. R. | Army | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Lacombe, Alberta |
Arnold, J. W. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. | Kentville, Nova Scotia |
Atkinson, C. C. H. | Army | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Vancouver, British Columbia, Marpole |
Atkinson, J. F. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Aucoin, C. J. | Army | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Auld, N. B. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Ayearst, C. | Army | Haileybury, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Anderson, F. C. | Navy | St. John’s, Newfoundland | St. John’s, Newfoundland |
Armstrong, K. L. | Navy | Perth, Ontario | Winchester, Ontario |
Astley, D. B. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne &. Queen | Port Hope, Ontario |
August, P. S. | Navy | Port Arthur, Ontario | Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Bailey, J. F. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Osborne & Corydon | Kenora, Ontario |
Baird, S. M. | Air Force | Leamington, Ontario | Galt, Ontario |
Balfour, R. H. | Air Force | Elora, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst |
Barber, E. P. | Air Force | Arthur, Ontario | Harriston, Ontario |
Barclay, E. R. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Barre, J. R. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Bleury |
Bartleman, M. J. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood |
Baxter, W. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Beals, A. W. | Air Force | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Becker, D. J. | Air Force | Wapella, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Bélanger, J. P. C. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Catherine |
Bell, A. G. | Air Force | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | Attending University |
Bellevue, E. I. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick, North End | Saint John, New Brunswick, North End |
Bellevue, G. A. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick, North End | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie |
Benner, F. P. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Bentley, L. T. | Air Force | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | Brantford, Ontario |
Berry, H. B. | Air Force | Sexsmith, Alberta | Strathmore, Alberta |
Bevington, L. F. | Air Force | Nanaimo, British Columbia | Prince Rupert, British Columbia |
Bigelow, W. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Black, D. S. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa | Aylmer, Ontario |
Blackadar, D. G. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Amherst, Nova Scotia |
Blackmore, A. N. | Air Force | Quebec, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Blake, D. R. | Air Force | Russell, Manitoba | Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba |
Boak, G. H. | Air Force | Lunenburg, Nova Scotia | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Bonar, L. J. R. | Air Force | Vernon, British Columbia | Kelowna, British Columbia |
Bongard, G. H. | Air Force | North Bay, Ontario | Orillia, Ontario |
Bongard, M. St. C. | Air Force | Port Hope, Ontario | Fort Erie North, Ontario |
Bouey, G. K. | Air Force | Lloydminster, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Bourque, A. S. | Air Force | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola |
Bower, W. J. | Air Force | Strathroy, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Bowlby, C. F. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Market | Tillsonburg, Ontario |
Boyd, T. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario. Pape & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes |
Boyle, J. H. | Air Force | Stettler, Alberta | Camrose, Alberta |
Boyle, J. J. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | London East, Ontario |
Brannen, J. R. | Air Force | Clark’s Harbour, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington |
Brett, J. M. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Bridge, A. J. D. | Air Force | The Pas, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Logan |
Bridge, M. J. | Air Force | Manitou, Manitoba | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Brinton, S. M. | Air Force | Middleton, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Armdale |
Briscoe, D. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo | Langley Prairie, British Columbia |
Broadley, J. E. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor |
Brooks, R. H. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Toronto, Ontario, Dundas & Chestnut |
Brooks, W. R. E. | Air Force | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Upper Town | Montreal, Quebec, Atwater & Notre Dame |
Brown, B. R. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Attending University |
Brown, D. H. | Air Force | Macklin, Saskatchewan | Abbey, Saskatchewan |
Brown, E. W. | Air Force | St. Catharines, Ontario | Woodstock, Ontario |
Brown, G. W. | Air Force | Grimsby, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
Brown, J. D. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport | Guelph, Ontario |
Brown, J. F. A. | Air Force | Sherbrooke, Quebec | Verdun, Quebec, Wellington & Galt |
Brown, J. P. | Air Force | Galt, Ontario | Niagara Falls, Ontario |
Bryan, H. I. G. | Air Force | Mount Royal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Bruton, F. H. | Air Force | Fort William, Ontario | Binscarth, Manitoba |
Buchan, P. M. | Air Force | Macklin, Saskatchewan | Melville, Saskatchewan |
Bullock, R. J. I. | Air Force | Kitchener, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst |
Burnett, G. M. | Air Force | Peterborough, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Burns, G. R. | Air Force | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Busby, C. G. | Air Force | Russell, Manitoba | Roblin, Manitoba |
Butler, J. L. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West | Blackie, Alberta |
Bailey, G. H. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | Mount Royal, Quebec |
Baker, J. A. | Army | Fort Erie North, Ontario | Warkworth, Ontario |
Bale, J. H. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Barbour, J. R. | Army | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | Indian Head, Saskatchewan |
Barker, D. W. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Barlow, E. | Army | Boissevain, Manitoba | Pine Falls, Manitoba |
Barnett, R. G. | Army | Ingersoll, Ontario | Ingersoll, Ontario |
Barnes, C. G. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | St. Boniface, Manitoba, Union Stock Yards |
Barrett, W. A. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, St. John St. | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town |
Baskwell, F. J. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary Rd. |
Beacock, D. C. | Army | Galt, Ontario | Tillsonburg, Ontario |
Beck, C. E. | Army | Santurce, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Bedford, G. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Dunnville, Ontario |
Bell, V. E. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Benard, J. G. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Beaconsfield | Val d’Or, Quebec |
Benmore, J. C. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo | Kelowna, British Columbia |
Benoit, J. P. Y. F. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Place d’Armes | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
Benson, F. E. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, Point St. Charles |
Bentley, G. H. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Ottawa, Ontario |
Berry, W. A. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Lawrence & Craig | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Bertram, T. | Army | Dryden, Ontario | Morden, Manitoba |
Bible, D. H. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Leaside | Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina |
Binns, G. H. N. | Army | Strathroy, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood |
Blackadar, G. R. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
Blathwayt, C. S. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis | Hamilton, Ontario |
Bleakney, F. B. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Blumenauer, C. G. | Army | New York, New York | New York, New York |
Boak, R. M. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Bolduc, J. P. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Somerset & Booth | Montreal, Quebec, Place d’Armes |
Boll, C. A. | Army | Fillmore, Saskatchewan | Young, Saskatchewan |
Bolton, W. E. | Army | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Booth, C. G. | Army | St. Marys, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Bosse, W. de S. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, St. Sauveur | Quebec, Quebec, St. Roch |
Botham, H. T. | Army | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Carrot River, Saskatchewan |
Boudreau, P. J. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine |
Bourgeois, L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine |
Bourque, W. R. | Army | Victoria, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Grandview |
Bowlby, H. R. | Army | Guysboro, Nova Scotia. | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia |
Bowlby, J. H. | Army | Simcoe, Ontario | Port Dover, Ontario |
Boyd, E. L. | Army | Edmonton, Alberta | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Bradish, E. B. | Army | Beiseker, Alberta | Red Deer, Alberta |
Brinkman, G. J. | Army | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Broderick, S. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Office of Assistant General Manager | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Brodie, C. S. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Brophy, H. J. W. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie |
Brosseau, J. J. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Verdun, Quebec, Wellington & Galt |
Brousseau, W. E. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Market | Ottawa, Ontario, Market Branch |
Brown, A. W. | Army | Flin Flon, Manitoba | Souris, Manitoba |
Brown, A. W. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario | St. Catharines, Ontario |
Brown, C. F. | Army | Langruth, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Brown, C. H. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood |
Brown, J. S. | Army | Miniota, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Browne, J. L. | Army | Woodstock, Ontario | Woodstock, Ontario |
Brunoro, H. | Army | Sao Paulo, Brazil | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Bryan, E. E. | Army | St. Thomas, Ontario | Guelph, Ontario |
Buchanan, G. R. | Army | Nelson, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. |
Buck, J. E. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Buckrell, J. D. | Army | London, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Burgess, E. R. G. | Army | Drayton, Ontario | Hagersville, Ontario |
Burnside, J. K. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, St. Roch | Quebec, Quebec |
Burrell, M. C. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa |
Bushnell, M. J. | Army | Dorval Airport, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Butcher, G. A. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Butler, A. B. | Army | Barrington Passage, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend |
Butler, J. E. | Army | Sarnia, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College |
Baird, D. G. | Navy | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Bankes, J. M. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Barrell, R. G. | Navy | Toronto, ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
Bartlett, C. E. | Navy | Pincher Creek, Alberta | Port Coquitlam, British Columbia |
Beardsley, D. H. | Navy | Bridgetown, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Beesley, K. A. | Navy | Regina, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Beveridge, J. F. | Navy | Ottawa, Ontario | Ottawa, ontario, Glebe |
Blackwell. J. C. | Navy | Brandon, Manitoba | Fort William, Ontario |
Bowser, E. P. | Navy | Vancouver, british Columbia, Georgia & Denman | New Westminster, British Columbia |
Boyle, A. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Breed, P. S. | Navy | Middleton, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Caldecott, R. | Air Force | Nanaimo, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer |
Caldwell, D. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Callander, J. L. | Air Force | Port Arthur, Ontario | West Fort William, Ontario |
Campbell, A. | Air Force | Eyebrow, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Campbell, C. W. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Wentworth | Hamilton, Ontario |
Campbell, E. R. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, East End, British Columbia |
Campbell, P. B. F. | Air Force | St. Hyacinthe, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Cantin, A. E. | Air Force | McCreary, Manitoba | St. Boniface, Manitoba, Union Stock Yards |
Caron, J. H. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence | Montreal, Quebec, Place d’Armes |
Caron, R. E. | Air Force | Coaticook, Quebec | Sherbrooke, Quebec |
Carrick, C. D. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood | Toronto, Ontario |
Carroll, J. A. F. | Air Force | Three Rivers, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Laurent |
Carter, R. E. | Air Force | Quesnel, British Columbia | Victoria, British Columbia |
Chafe, T. L. | Air Force | Port Hood, Nova Scotia | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Charlton, E. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Selkirk & Salter | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Arlington |
Cheele, R. D. | Air Force | Guelph, Ontario | Thamesford, Ontario |
Christie, C. R. | Air Force | Viscount, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Christie, D. D. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Clark, B. E. | Air Force | Liverpool, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Clark, M. C. | Air Force | Brantford, Ontario | Napanee, Ontario |
Cloutier, J. R. | Air Force | Thetford Mines, Quebec | Quebec, Limoilou |
Coffin, H. F. | Air Force | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia |
Colling, L. D. | Air Force | Sarnia, Ontario | Ridgetown, Ontario |
Colquhoun, K. W. | Air Force | Clinton, Ontario | Clinton, Ontario |
Comeau, J. E. | Air Force | Digby, Nova Scotia | Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia |
Connell, W. L. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Winchester, Ontario |
Cook, L. H. | Air Force | Souris, Manitoba | Erickson, Manitoba |
Cooke, A. W. | Air Force | Renfrew, Ontario | Renfrew, Ontario |
Cooke, K. C. | Air Force | Stratford, Ontario | Stratford, Ontario |
Coombs, D. S. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Corbett, A. S. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Burlington, Ontario |
Corbett, R. M. | Air Force | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Attending University |
Corbett, W. G. | Air Force | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Logan |
Corlett, E. B. | Air Force | New Westminster, British Columbia | Langley Prairie, British Columbia |
Cornell, W. R. | Air Force | Burford, Ontario | London East, Ontario |
Couldrey, M. G. | Air Force | Dundas, Ontario | Cooksville, Ontario |
Coulthard, L. H. | Air Force | Minto, Manitoba | Kenora, Ontario |
Cox, R. B. | Air Force | Edmonton, Alberta | North Edmonton, Alberta |
Craig, C. G. | Air Force | Carleton Place, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton |
Craik, J. S. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Montreal, Quebec |
Crawford, A. G. | Air Force | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Woodstock, New Brunswick |
Crawford, H. A. | Air Force | London, England | London, England |
Crooks, S. R. | Air Force | Lacombe, Alberta | Lacombe, Alberta |
Crowe, R. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill College | Ottawa, Ontario |
Cumming, R. K. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Cunningham, R. H. | Air Force | Macklin, Saskatchewan | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Cushman, A. | Air Force | Tottenham, Ontario | Kirkland Lake, Ontario |
Caldwell, C. C. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Callanan, J. J. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec |
Cameron, E. S. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Campbell, P. H. R. | Army | Bruce Mines, Ontario | Blind River, Ontario |
Campbell, W. D. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Campkin, K. C. | Army | Brampton, Ontario | Walkerville, Ontario |
Cargill, F. G. S. | Army | Burlington, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt |
Carson, C. | Army | Galt, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Carson, W. L. | Army | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes |
Carter, R. H. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Marpole | New Westminster, British Columbia |
Cattell, R. M. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Office of Assistant General Manager | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department |
Champion, W. J. D. | Army | Quebec, Quebec | Quebec, Quebec |
Chapman, A. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | New York, New York |
Chapman, A. L. R. | Army | Sackville, New Brunswick | Woodstock, New Brunswick |
Chapman, R. W. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Charlton, P. V. | Army | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend |
Charlton, W. B. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Chavarie, J. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Papineau Ave. | Chicoutimi, Quebec |
Chevrier, J. A. A. L. | Army | Lachine, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Catherine |
Childs, L. J. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Chisholm, A. | Army | Pembroke, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Chisholm, D. J. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
Christie, I. A. | Army | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Queen & Bruce | Barrie, Ontario |
Church, D. S. | Army | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Chute, M. C. | Army | Galt, Ontario | Tottenham, Ontario |
Clark, G. S. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Clarkson, W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor |
Clausen, R. G. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Clennett, M. G. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Clough, C. R. | Army | Windsor, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church |
Cochrane, A. L. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Montreal, Quebec |
Cochrane, R. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Point St. Charles | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Cochrane, Miss F. V. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Toronto, Ontario, Queen & Broadway |
Cohoe, A. J. | Army | North Bay, Ontario | North Bay, Ontario |
Cole-Johnson, P. K. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill | Westmount, Quebec, Greene Ave. |
Coles, G. B. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Colleaux, L. W. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
Collins, H. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Comeau, J. A. E. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington | Inverness, Nova Scotia |
Compston, R. O. | Army | Oshawa, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor |
Conlin, J. T. | Army | Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan | Strasbourg, Saskatchewan |
Cook, G. F. | Army | Thamesford, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Cook, G. P. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Cook, J. M. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Cook, R. J. | Army | Lloydminster, Saskatchewan | Milden, Saskatchewan |
Cooke, F. D. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Corbett, A. E. | Army | Odessa, Ontario | Chippawa, Ontario |
Cormack, W. J. | Army | Blackie, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta, Jasper Ave. |
Cornborough, J. N. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Georgia & Denman | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Cornish, D. C. | Army | Woodstock, Ontario | Aylmer, Ontario |
Correas, M. A. M. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Cotton, J. B. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Coulter, J. H. | Army | Napanee, Ontario | St. Thomas, Ontario |
Cousins, C. A. | Army | Prince George, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Cowsill, E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Cox, F. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Craig, A. G. | Army | Melville, Saskatchewan | Melville, Saskatchewan |
Craig, M. S. | Army | Mount Royal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Craighead, A. M. | Army | Navan, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
Crane, G. B. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
Crawford, A. F. | Army | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan | Melfort, Saskatchewan |
Crawford, C. A. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Queen & Bruce |
Creighton, R. V. | Army | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Cretney, J. A. | Army | Lachine, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Crosbie, G. G. | Army | St. John’s, Newfoundland | St. John’s, Newfoundland |
Crosby, D. R. | Army | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Lunenburg, Nova Scotia |
Cross, S. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Toronto, Ontario, Queen & Broadview |
Crossman, D. G. | Army | Somerset, Manitoba | Shoal Lake, Manitoba |
Crouse, L. D. | Army | Windsor, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Crowe, E. L. | Army | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Summerside, Prince Edward Island |
Crowell, D. A. L. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Ottawa, Ontario, Somerset & Booth |
Cummins, D. A. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Cunningham, H. S. | Army | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Cunningham, R. T. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. | Antigonish, Nova Scotia |
Curtis, J. B. W. | Army | Fort Erie North, Ontario | Sudbury, Ontario |
Caiger-Watson, L. R. | Navy | Arnprior, Ontario | Arnprior, Ontario |
Campbell, S. C. | Navy | Sydney, Nova Scotia, Whitney Pier | Halifax, nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Card, G. S. | Navy | Liberty, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Carruthers, N. E. | Navy | Lethbridge, Alberta | Bashaw, Alberta |
Case, F. E. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Cathro, D. G. | Navy | Calgary, Alberta | Hanna, Alberta |
Cavers, F. B. | Navy | Calgary, Alberta | Halkirk, Alberta |
Chambers, E. W. | Navy | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa | Tottenham, Ontario |
Clark, K. M. | Navy | Geraldton, Ontario | Guelph, Ontario |
Cluett, J. A. | Navy | Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia | Amherst, Nova Scotia |
Cole, J. J. | Navy | St. John’s, Newfoundland | St. John’s, Newfoundland |
Collin, W. B. | Navy | Calgary, Alberta | Turner Valley, Alberta |
Copp, D. A. | Navy | Orillia, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Crowell, D. A. L. | Navy | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Ottawa, Ontario, Somerset & Booth |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Darling, D. S. | Air Force | Wiarton, Ontario | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. |
Davidson, D. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Davies, D. S. B. | Air Force | Bridgetown, Barbados | Bridgetown, Barbados |
Davies, E. | Air Force | Prince George, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Davis, D. L. G. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Davis, R. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia |
Dawe, A. S. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Dennison, L. H. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Kirkland Lake, Ontario |
Desormeaux, J. V. | Air Force | Outremont, Quebec, Van Horne, Outremont | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Catherine |
Devereaux, G. E. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Dewar, A. H. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Kamloops, British Columbia |
De Wolf, S. S. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Dewar, E. B. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Wentworth | Hamilton, Ontario, Market |
Dickson, A. R. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst | Leamington, Ontario |
Dion, R. E. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Dixon, S. C. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Donaldson, D. D. | Air Force | Orillia, Ontario | Attending University |
Doull, V. M. | Air Force | St John’s, Newfoundland | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Doupe, K. W. | Air Force | Sarnia, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Doyle, G. F. | Air Force | Chatham, Ontario | Chatham, Ontario |
Drew, J. D. | Air Force | Weymouth, Nova Scotia | Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia |
Drum, G. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Montclair | Mount Royal, Quebec |
Dryden, J. W. | Air Force | Brantford, Ontario | Fergus, Ontario |
Dunbar, R. | Air Force | Hanley, Saskatchewan | Carlyle, Saskatchewan |
Duncan, R. H. | Air Force | Cut Knife, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Duncan, R. L. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson, St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie & Broadway |
Dakin, J. K. | Army | Courtenay, British Columbia | Attending University |
Dalton, F. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Crang | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard |
Dando, A. N. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo | Prince George, British Columbia |
D’Aoust, J. N. | Army | Noranda, Quebec | Kirkland Lake, Ontario |
Davies, H. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Davies, L. F. | Army | Russell, Manitoba | Flin Flon, Manitoba |
Decarie, N. B. | Army | Shipshaw, Quebec | Edmonton, Alberta |
Decle, R. C. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie | Montreal West, Quebec |
Delaney, C. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. | St. Stephen, New Brunswick |
De Mone, R. J. | Army | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Denison, H. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Denman, E. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Mount Royal, Quebec |
Dennis, A. G. | Army | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Viscount, Saskatchewan |
Dewar, M. G. | Army | Viceroy, Saskatchewan | Southey, Saskatchewan |
Dickson, O. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Dineley, G. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Deloraine & Yonge |
Dinner, H. F. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte | London, Ontario |
Dobbin, L. M. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Lawrence & Craig | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. |
Dodge, J. C. | Army | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | Pictou, Nova Scotia |
Dominick, J. E. J. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Donnelly, S. F. | Army | Guelph, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Donnelly, T. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Douglas, J. L. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. | New Westminster, British Columbia, 6th & Princess |
Doyle, G. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Draper, J. H. | Army | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Steelton |
Draper, K. J. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, West Kildonan | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Drudge, W. J. | Army | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas |
DuBois, L. E. J. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Quebec, Quebec, St. Roch |
Duncan, E. F. | Army | Victoria, British Columbia | Port Alberni, British Columbia |
Dunn, F. R. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Dunsdon, L. H. | Army | Napanee, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Dupuis, J. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Point St. Charles | Edmundston, New Brunswick |
Dyer, A. J. W. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia |
Darby, J. F. | Navy | Sudbury, Ontario | Espanola, Ontario |
Davies, R. M. | Navy | Brandon, Manitoba | The Pas, Manitoba |
De Mary, L. A. | Navy | Kinburn, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe |
Dennis, W. J. | Navy | Owen Sound, Ontario | Huntsville, Ontario |
Dobson, T. S. | Navy | Hamilton, ontario, Main & Sherman | Port Hope, Ontario |
Doull, J. A. | Navy | Brockville, Ontario | Pembroke, Ontario |
Dwyer, Miss V. E. | Navy | Edmonton, Alberta | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Earle, C. N. | Air Force | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia |
Edmunds, A. C. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Hintonburgh | Cornwall, Ontario |
Ellis, D. R. | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, West |
Edwards, L. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe |
Emes, A. E. | Air Force | Edmonton, Alberta | North Edmonton, Alberta |
Evans, W. C. | Air Force | Melbourne, Ontario | Weyburn, Saskatchewan |
Ebbitt, W. H. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Edmondson, M. E. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Edwards, C. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec |
Elliott, W. B. | Army | Gander, Newfoundland | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
Elliott, D. G. E. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew | Toronto, Ontario |
Elliott, G. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt |
Ellis, H. M. | Army | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Emiry, M. L. | Army | Sudbury, Ontario | St. John’s, Newfoundland |
Emory, J. V. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill College | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Eustace, E. C. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. |
Evans, J. J. C. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Toronto, Ontario |
Evans, N. L. | Army | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Yorkton, Saskatchewan |
Easson, G. H. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Erlendson, J. H. | Navy | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage | St. Boniface, Manitoba |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Finlayson, J. K. | Air Force | Nanaimo, British Columbia | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Finlayson, R. C. | Air Force | Prince George, British Columbia | Vernon, British Columbia |
Fair, R. F. G. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Fisher, R. J. E. | Air Force | Okotoks, Alberta | Toronto, Ontario |
Fawley, N. A. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Fisk, R. G. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta, Supervisor’s Department | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West |
Falardeau, J. A. P. | Air Force | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Sherbrooke, Quebec |
Fallis, A. A. | Air Force | Govan, Saskatchewan | Oxbow, Saskatchewan |
Farquharson, J. | Air Force | Newboro, Ontario | Renfrew, Ontario |
Faux, W. G. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Sunnyside |
Fennings, G. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Georgia & Denman |
Ferejohn, J. W. | Air Force | New York, New York | New York, New York |
Ferguson, B. | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Greene Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Harvard |
Ferguson, J. A. | Air Force | Brampton, Ontario | Brampton, Ontario |
Foley, H. L. | Air Force | Mallorytown, Ontario | Pembroke, Ontario |
Ford, J. A. L. | Air Force | Fergus, Ontario | Fergus, Ontario |
Foster, A. E. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, 25th Ave. |
Fowle, B. A. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley Street | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Harvard |
Fox, W. G. | Air Force | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas |
Fraser, K. S. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Fraser, W. G. | Air Force | Ridgetown, Ontario | Tillsonburg, Ontario |
Fredette, J. A. C. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town |
Fullerton, D. R. | Air Force | Smithers, British Columbia | Attending University |
Farley, W. D. | Army | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Weyburn, Saskatchewan |
Farr, P. F. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Farrant, F. J. | Army | London, West End, England | London, West End, England |
Farrell, R. A. | Army | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Attending University |
Findlater, R. I. | Army | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Finniss, S. E. | Army | St. John’s, Newfoundland | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Fontaine, J. J. R. | Army | Blind River, Ontario | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte |
Forbes, J. F. | Army | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Forget, J. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs St. | Montreal, Quebec, Place d’Armes |
Forre, S. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Forsyth, C. H. M. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Fortin, J. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Papineau Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Catherine |
Fortune, J. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Deloraine & Yonge |
Foster, J. L. | Army | Renfrew, Ontario | Attending University |
Foster, W. J. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Good | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook |
Franklin, E. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst |
Fraser, A. F. | Army | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Fraser, E. L. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend | Stewiacke, Nova Scotia |
Fraser, E. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Fraser, V. M. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Frazee, R. C. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick | Attending University |
Frazer, W. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant | Vancouver, British Columbia, Fairview |
Frechette, P. A. | Army | St. Johns, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Freeman, E. H. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia |
Frelone, N. C. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End | Port Alberni, British Columbia |
Fyfe, T. G. | Army | London, Ontario | Kincardine, Ontario |
Fletcher, M. H. | Navy | Brandon, Manitoba | Brandon, Manitoba |
Ford, P. E. | Navy | Victoria, British Columbia, Fort St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Fairview |
Fraser, G. C. | Navy | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Nassau, Bahamas |
Freitas, M. D. J. de | Navy | Georgetown, British Guiana | Roseau, Dominica |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Gagne, J. W. H. | Air Force | Shawinigan Falls, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Hubert St. |
Gamlin, J. R. D. | Air Force | Edmundston, New Brunswick | Campbellton, New Brunswick |
Gandey, C. R. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Harvard | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton |
Gant, R. W. | Air Force | Steveston, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Garland, G. T. | Air Force | Milden, Saskatchewan | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Avenue |
Garvey, T. G. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Runnymede & Bloor | Leamington, Ontario |
Gauthier, C. J. | Air Force | Noranda, Quebec | Kirkland Lake, Ontario |
Gillis, J. A. | Air Force | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Gilmore, R. T. | Air Force | Durham, Ontario | Langley Prairie, British Columbia |
Gillmoure, L. E. | Air Force | Brockville, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton |
Glazier, D. H. | Air Force | Indian Head, Saskatchewan | Swift Current, Saskatchewan |
Gliddon, W. J. | Air Force | The Pas, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, St. James |
Gloin, G. A. | Air Force | St. Thomas, Ontario | Attending University |
Godard, D. M. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Terminal | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Wentworth |
Godfrey, G. W. | Air Force | Truro, Nova Scotia | Digby, Nova Scotia |
Gohl, W. A. | Air Force | Cornwall, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Goodmanson, G. E. | Air Force | Boissevain, Manitoba | Glenboro, Manitoba |
Goodwin, H. K. | Air Force | Moncton, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Goodwin, J. B. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Sackville, New Brunswick |
Gordon, D. C. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Hillhurst |
Gower, W. B. | Air Force | Fillmore, Saskatchewan | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan |
Grant, C. A. | Air Force | Norwood, Ontario | Orillia, Ontario |
Griffith, G. | Air Force | Lion’s Head, Ontario | Attending University |
Grigg, S. J. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba, St. James |
Grimes, A. A. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Gulliver, H. D. | Air Force | Lacombe, Alberta | Cardston, Alberta |
Guscott, D. S. | Air Force | North Bay, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Guse, A. O. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Waterloo, Ontario |
Galand, J. A. R. | Army | Alexandria, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Hintonburgh |
Galbraith, D. L. | Army | Cookstown, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth |
Gamblin, W. P. | Army | Harvey Station, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick |
Garcia, V. L. G. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | Santurce, Puerto Rico |
Gardner, O. P. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Attending University |
Garrett, E. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Gaudette, T. B. | Army | St. Hyacinthe, Quebec | Sherbrooke, Quebec |
Gay, L. J. | Army | Harvey Station, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick |
Gay, S. G. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. |
Gazeley, D. M. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Geddes, J. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario |
George-Gray, W. E. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Gibson, T. G. | Army | Essex, Ontario | Smithville, Ontario |
Gibson, T. S. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church | Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina |
Giguere, J. A. H. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence | Lachine, Quebec |
Glass, C. A. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Glazebrook, V. H. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Elmira, Ontario |
Gorman, A. P. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Gorritz, R. P. A. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Gough, J. R. R. | Army | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Greaves, E. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Upper Town |
Griffin, P. R. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick | Attending University |
Grose, C. G. | Army | Drayton, Ontario | Port Hope, Ontario |
Grose, H. E. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Oshawa, Ontario |
Groves, C. C. F. | Army | Thorold, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Gardiner, W. D. H. | Navy | Windsor, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Gaskin, P. M. | Navy | Dorchester, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick |
Good, J. E. | Navy | Chapleau, Ontario | Chapleau, Ontario |
Graham, R. P. B. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Attending University |
Gray, C. A. A. | Navy | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Hack, G. A. | Air Force | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. | Penticton, British Columbia |
Hall, M. W. | Air Force | Edmundston, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure |
Halpenny, R. J. | Air Force | Ingersoll, Ontario | Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Hamar, F. H. | Air Force | Brooks, Alberta | Consort, Alberta |
Hansen, J. B. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Hardy, C. D. | Air Force | Orangeville, Ontario | Islington, Ontario |
Hardy, G. H. | Air Force | Grand Valley, Ontario | Grand Valley, Ontario |
Harris, L. L. | Air Force | Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia |
Harron, M. E. | Air Force | Woodstock, Ontario | Woodstock, Ontario |
Harry, W. S. | Air Force | Minnedosa, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Hart, G. W. | Air Force | Stewiacke, Nova Scotia | Baddeck, Nova Scotia |
Hart, W. H. | Air Force | Hillsburg, Ontario | Hillsburg, Ontario |
Harvey, J. H. | Air Force | St. Marys, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Harbord & Spadina |
Harvey, R. C. | Air Force | Stratford, Ontario | Lakefield, Ontario |
Hastings, J. | Air Force | North Bay, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure |
Hay, M. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. | Vancouver, Hastings & Nanaimo |
Hayne, W. H. | Air Force | Lacombe, Alberta | Foremost, Alberta |
Haynes, B. L. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Head, R. A. | Air Force | Victoria, British Columbia, Fort St. | Abbotsford, British Columbia |
Healey, G. J. | Air Force | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. |
Hébert, P. O. G. | Air Force | Granby, Quebec | St. Johns, Quebec |
Heckman, T. C. | Air Force | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department |
Hedley, J. D. | Air Force | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Henderson, G. D. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. |
Henry, E. R. | Air Force | Thorold, Ontario | Kincardine, Ontario |
Henry, W. D. | Air Force | Kitchener, Ontario | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Highstead, E. L. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor |
Hilts, J. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Kingston, Ontario |
Hinde, J. G. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard |
Hockley, A. E. | Air Force | Goderich, Ontario | Owen Sound, Ontario |
Hodgson, W. W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Kingsway | Vancouver, British Columbia, Fairview |
Holbrow, C. W. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Holmes, W. G. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne & Queen | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard |
Hopkins, H. A. | Air Force | Galt, Ontario | Drayton, Ontario |
Horton, E. F. | Air Force | Lynden, Ontario | Owen Sound, Ontario |
Howat, J. D. W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo | Attending University |
Huget, C. M. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Hughes, G. W. | Air Force | Deloraine, Manitoba | Brandon, Manitoba |
Humeston, L. | Air Force | Melfort, Saskatchewan | Edmonton, Alberta |
Hunter, S. W. | Air Force | Elmira, Ontario | Chippawa, Ontario |
Huot, R. R. | Air Force | Alexandria, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Market |
Hurd, H. G. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, William & Sherbrook | Winnipeg, Manitoba, William & Sherbrook |
Hurly, J. R. | Air Force | North Bay, Ontario | Iroquois Falls, Ontario |
Hurrell, L. J. | Air Force | Kemptville, Ontario | Carleton Place, Ontario |
Hutchison, J. P. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Brampton, Ontario |
Hutton, G. F. | Air Force | Manotick, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Hutton, J. | Air Force | Hamiota, Manitoba | Rapid City, Manitoba |
Halbert, J. D. W. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthews |
Hall, J. M. | Army | North Bay, Ontario | North Bay, Ontario |
Halliday, C. E. | Army | Melita, Manitoba | Beausejour, Manitoba |
Halliwell, A. G. | Army | Guelph, Ontario | Kingston, Ontario |
Hambly, F. E. | Army | St. Thomas, Ontario | Peterborough, Ontario |
Hanson, G. P. | Army | Saint John, North End, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Harding, R. J. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Harflett, G. W. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Harper, I. L. | Army | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Campbellton, New Brunswick |
Harrigan, R. A. | Army | Dalhousie Station, Quebec | Dalhousie Station, Quebec |
Harris, R. M. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt | Toronto, Ontario, Sunnyside |
Harrison, E. D. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick, North End | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Harrison, G. | Army | Watrous, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Harrison, P. D. A. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage | Winnipeg, Manitoba, William & Sherbrook |
Harrop, R. L. M. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Hartley, V. C. | Army | Grand Falls, New Brunswick | Woodstock, New Brunswick |
Hartmier, L. R. | Army | Grand Valley, Ontario | Cooksville, Ontario |
Harvey, G. K. | Army | Burford, Ontario | Oshawa, Ontario |
Harvey, J. H. D. | Army | Weyburn, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Harvey, W. R. | Army | Tillsonburg, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Harwood, R. C. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Dunbar & 17th |
Haverstock, J. | Army | Foam Lake, Saskatchewan | Esterhazy, Saskatchewan |
Hay, D. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Hay, E. B. | Army | Verdun, Quebec, Wellington & Galt | Montreal, Quebec |
Hay, G. W. | Army | Indian Head, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Hedmann, D. E. C. | Army | Kingston, Jamaica | Kingston, Jamaica |
Henson, H. W. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Fairview | Victoria, British Columbia, Fort St. |
Herard, J. E. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Papineau Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs St. |
Hernandez, E. J. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Heyes, W. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst |
Hill, J. F. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Hiltz, J. K. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department |
Hines, L. A. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia, Whitney Pier | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Hodson, K. T. | Army | Lanigan, Saskatchewan | Yorkton, Saskatchewan |
Holden, A. E. | Army | London, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Holfeld, L. | Army | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd Street West | Calgary, Alberta |
Holmes, Miss E. A. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Holt, G. K. | Army | Oshawa, Ontario | Brantford, Ontario |
Honess, C. L. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario |
Honey, W. C. S. | Army | Bassano, Alberta | Sudbury, Ontario |
Horn, W. L. | Army | Leamington, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Hough, J. W. | Army | Viscount, Saskatchewan | Watrous, Saskatchewan |
Hough, K. A. | Army | London, West End, England | London, West End, England |
Howden, G. W. | Army | Napanee, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth |
Hull, C. H. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Hunt, A. E. | Army | Montreal West, Quebec | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
Hunting, J. H. B. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy |
Hurst,G. V. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Hutt, N. E. | Army | Osgoode Station, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Somerset & Booth |
Hyslop, E. W. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Hainsworth, J. L. | Navy | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Medicine Hat, Alberta |
Hall, J. E. | Navy | Saskatoon, Nutana | Saskatoon, Nutana |
Hammond, T. E. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Harding, F. W. | Navy | London, England | Port of Spain, Trinidad |
Hazell, S. W. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Healey, C. D. F. | Navy | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Heath, H. R. | Navy | Bracebridge, Ontario | Burlington, Ontario |
Holt, Mrs. M. J. | Navy | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Horton, S. J. L. | Navy | Regina, Saskatchewan | Weyburn, Saskatchewan |
Hummel, E. G. | Navy | Owen Sound, Ontario | Lions Head, Ontario |
Hunt, D. G. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill College | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Ingalls, C. E. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Innes, D. R. | Air Force | Lumsden, Saskatchewan | Watrous, Saskatchewan |
Innes, J. E. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Montreal, Quebec |
Insley, A. D. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. |
Inwards, F. J. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Imray, G. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Ince, F. H. B. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Ottawa, Hintonburgh |
Ireland, D. | Army | Pembroke, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Ireland, D. O. | Army | Metcalfe, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie |
Ireland, W. H. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Guelph, Ontario |
Irvine, L. M. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Ingram, D. W. | Navy | Crystal City, Manitoba | Boissevain, Manitoba |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Jaques, W. M. | Air Force | Lang, Saskatchewan | Craik, Saskatchewan |
Jefferies, A. W. | Air Force | Galt, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Main & Sherman |
Johns, F. S. A. | Air Force | Eatonia, Saskatchewan | Balcarres, Saskatchewan |
Johnson, C. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook | Orillia, Ontario |
Johnson, H. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant | Vancouver, British Columbia, Grandview |
Johnson, V. H. | Air Force | New Westminster, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Johnson, W. H. | Air Force | Port Arthur, Ontario | The Pas, Manitoba |
Johnstone, D. H. | Air Force | Leamington, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Jones, H. B. | Air Force | Bathurst, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. |
Jones, J. A. M. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End | Edmonton, Alberta |
Jones, J. A. R. | Air Force | Imperial, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Jones, W. S. | Air Force | Espanola, Ontario | Espanola, Ontario |
Joss, A. J. P. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Market | Hamilton, Ontario, Market |
Jackman, T. J. | Army | London, England | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Jakes, L. H. | Army | Merrickville, Ontario | Smith Falls, Ontario |
Jennings, R. H. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair |
Johann, M. B. | Army | Owen Sound, Ontario | Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Johnson, A. A. | Army | Barrie, Ontario | Attending University |
Johnson, F. E. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer |
Johnson, G. A. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Johnson, J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
Johnson, O. J. | Army | Orillia, Ontario | Brantford, Ontario |
Johnson, R. H. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Johnston, C. R. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Johnston, G. K. | Army | Burlington, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Sunnyside |
Johnston, R. W. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Johnston, W. H. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Attending University |
Jones, E. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Judd, A. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Gerrard & Greenwood | Simcoe, Ontario |
Jackson, R. P. | Navy | Port Credit, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst |
Jenks, G. M. | Navy | Vancouver, British Columbia, Georgia & Denman | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mt. Pleasant |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Kayser, Miss E. D | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Kearns, R. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec |
Kelly, W. P. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Harbord & Spadina | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard |
Kennedy, G. W. | Air Force | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Steelton | Barrie, Ontario |
Kennedy, T. H. | Air Force | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Kenny, J. T. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
King, A. L. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth |
Kinsman, J. M. | Air Force | Orillia, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Kirkness, J. D. | Air Force | Bracebridge, Ontario | Bruce Mines, Ontario |
Kitchingman, L. H. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. |
Knapp, C. H. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, West | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Bleury |
Kraemer, G. A. | Air Force | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Kranz, A. H. | Air Force | Invermay, Saskatchewan | Hanley, Saskatchewan |
Keating, W. N. | Army | Brampton, Ontario | St. Catharines, Ontario |
Kellam, C. D. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Stratford, Ontario |
Kelly, C. D. | Army | Hamilton,Ontario, Barton & Ottawa | Windsor, Ontario |
Kelly, E. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Welland, Ontario |
Kelly, W. A. | Army | Roland, Manitoba | Keewatin, Ontario |
Kennedy, J. J. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Kenny, R. J. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis | Cooksville, Ontario |
Kerr, D. G. F. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Grain Exchange |
Kerr, G. H. | Army | Sarnia, Ontario | Tillsonburg, Ontario |
Kerr, G. H. | Army | Windsor, Ontario | Comber, Ontario |
Kerr, J. H. | Army | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
King, A. S. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Logan | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Selkirk |
Kirkpatrick, F. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes | Hanover, Ontario |
Knight, H. A. R. | Army | Bassano, Alberta | Sexsmith, Alberta |
Knox, G. D. | Army | Woodstock, New Brunswick | Sackville, New Brunswick |
Koehler, K. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne & Queen | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard |
Kremer, W. P. T. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina | Attending University |
Kuhnke, F. | Army | McKay, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Kearney, R. M. | Navy | Mt. Brydges, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina |
Keating, V. E. | Navy | St. John, New Brunswick, North End | Sackville, New Brunswick |
Keller, D. P. | Navy | Wells, British Columbia | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. |
Kelly, P. J. | Navy | Thamesford, Ontario | Nassau, Bahamas |
Kelly, H. H. | Navy | Montreal, Quebec, Stationery Department | Montreal, Quebec, Stationery Department |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Lacharite, E. J. | Air Force | Quebec, St. Roch | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
Lamont, J. G. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Lamont, T. J. N. | Air Force | Bassano, Alberta | Turner Valley, Alberta |
Lane, K. E. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Largy, G. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Papineau Ave. | Sherbrooke, Quebec, Upper Town |
LaRocque, E. W. | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Ottawa, Ontario |
Lauder, J. C. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
LaViolette, J. J. H. | Air Force | Chicoutimi, Quebec | Edmundston, New Brunswick |
Law, F. W. | Air Force | Port Arthur, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Lee, F. A. | Air Force | Orangeville, Ontario | Kitchener, Ontario |
Lees, A. S. | Air Force | London, England | London, England |
Leonard, H. L. A. | Air Force | Kitchener, Ontario | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Lett, J. S. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West | Grande Prairie, Alberta |
Levasseur, J. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard | Montreal, Quebec, Place d’Armes |
Lidkea, W. R. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond | Sarnia, Ontario |
Lines, E. F. | Air Force | London, England | London, England |
Ling, A. E. | Air Force | Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island | St. Peter’s, Nova Scotia |
Little, G. A. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. |
Little, R. P. | Air Force | St. Catharines, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Littlejohns, T. E. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Fort William, Ontario |
Long, L. B. | Air Force | Edmonton, Alberta, Jasper Ave. | Bellevue, Alberta |
Long, N. T. | Air Force | Kingston, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Louden, J. S. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton |
Lougheed, R. J. | Air Force | Orangeville, Ontario | Thorold, Ontario |
Lounsbury, S. M. A. | Air Force | Welland, Ontario | Niagara Falls, Ontario |
Louthood, W. P. E. | Air Force | Three Rivers, Quebec | St. Hyacinthe, Quebec |
Love, T. H. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Arlington | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Selkirk & Salter |
Lowther, C. S. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Belleville, Ontario |
Lyons, W. M. L. | Air Force | Burk’s Falls, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Lambert, M. B. | Army | Chatham, Ontario | Mount Brydges, Ontario |
Lamont, B. M. | Army | Midland, Ontario | St. Thomas, Ontario |
Landeen, H. E. | Army | Orillia, Ontario | Sarnia, Ontario |
Lander, W. G. | Army | Barrie, Ontario | St. Catharines, Ontario |
Landry, M. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Edmundston, New Brunswick |
Langley, G. B. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Languedoc, J. B. G. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Market Branch | Montreal, Quebec, Papineau |
Laplante, H. L. L. | Army | Thetford Mines, Quebec | Lennoxville, Quebec |
Larmon, L. | Army | Prince George, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. |
Larrabee, J. M. | Army | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
LaRush, K. W. | Army | Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario | Niagara Falls, Ontario |
Law, H. H. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Locke & Main |
Lawrence, G. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Toronto, Ontario |
Lawrence, A. J. | Army | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Lawson, D. G. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Lawson, J. W. | Army | Windsor, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Leach, R. S. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Learmonth, R. K. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Leavitt, K. G. | Army | Sherbrooke, Nova Scotia | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia |
Lecours, R. A. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario, Locke & Main | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
Lee, K. S. | Army | Sao Paulo, Brazil | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
Leefe, J. G. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Lefort, J. A. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine |
Legault, E. G. | Army | Plantagenet, Ontario | Three Rivers, Quebec |
Lennox, M. V. | Army | Burford, Ontario | Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario |
Leonhart, R. L. | Army | St. Boniface, Manitoba, Un. Stock Yds. | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. |
Leroux, G. H. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Montreal, Quebec, Atwater & Notre Dame |
Leslie, C. T. | Army | Lumsden, Saskatchewan | Delisle, Saskatchewan |
Lewis, C. W. | Army | Orillia, Ontario | Odessa, Ontario |
Lind, N. | Army | Innisfail, Alberta | Bassano, Alberta |
Lindars, C. A. | Army | Tompkins, Saskatchewan | Elrose, Saskatchewan |
Ling, E. E. | Army | Tyne Valley, Prince Edward Island | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Ling, W. J. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Sunnyside | Toronto, Ontario, Queen & Broadview |
Linton, C. H. | Army | Prince Rupert, British Columbia | Nelson, British Columbia |
Little, E. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Little, W. D. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Logan, G. M. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis | Windsor, Ontario |
Logan, R. J. | Army | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola |
Lorente, R. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Lockhart, J. E. R. | Army | Montreal West, Quebec | Attending University |
Lorway, T. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Lovick, E. J. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. |
Lowe, G. E. | Army | Kitchener, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Lumsden, J. A. S. | Army | Port Arthur, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Logan |
Lundeen, E. A | Army | Okotoks, Alberta | Foremost, Alberta |
Lynch, C. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Lyonde, F. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Lafond, A. E. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Latreille, G. A. | Navy | St. Boniface, Manitoba | St. Boniface, Manitoba |
Lefaivre, W. P. | Navy | Okotoks, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Crescent Heights |
Leggatt, P. G. | Navy | London, England | London, England |
Lewis, J. E. | Navy | Burlington, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Little, R. D. | Navy | Owen Sound, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair |
Lomax, H. de G. | Navy | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. | Wells, British Columbia |
Long, G. C. | Navy | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
MacDonald, H. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
MacDonald, I. A. F. | Air Force | Barrie, Ontario | Burk’s Falls, Ontario |
MacDonald, M. W. | Air Force | Pakenham, Ontario | Rock Island, Quebec |
MacDonnell, M. B. | Air Force | Langruth, Manitoba | Baldur, Manitoba |
MacDougald, I. M. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Bridgewater, Nova Scotia |
MacGregor, W. R. | Air Force | Lethbridge, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Supervisor’s Department |
MacKenzie, R. W. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
MacLean, A. M. | Air Force | Campbellton, New Brunswick | Attending University |
MacLean, A. P. | Air Force | Dalhousie, New Brunswick | Dalhousie, New Brunswick |
MacLean, D. A. | Air Force | Woodstock, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
MacLean, H. C. | Air Force | Sydney Mines, Nova Scotia | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
MacLean, J. A. H. | Air Force | Waterloo, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
MacLean, W. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs St. | Attending University |
MacPherson, C. G. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
MacPherson, K. | Air Force | Shelburne, Ontario | Shelburne, Ontario |
Maher, H. M. J. | Air Force | Lion’s Head, Ontario | Kingston, Ontario |
Malcolmson, D. V. | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Greene Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Manning, F. J. | Air Force | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Marett, J. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Dunbar & 17th | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer |
Marsh, W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Marshall, D. C. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. |
Marshall, W. E. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. |
Martin, D. M. | Air Force | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. | New Westminster, British Columbia |
Martin, Miss F. M. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Martin, J. E. | Air Force | High River, Alberta | High River, Alberta |
Martin, O. A. J. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Sparks |
Martin, V. B. S. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. | Kamloops, British Columbia |
Marvel, J. N. | Air Force | Swift Current, Saskatchewan | Swift Current, Saskatchewan |
Mason, J. G. | Air Force | Lemburg, Saskatchewan | Cupar, Saskatchewan |
McClement, J. H. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood | Toronto, Ontario, Dundas & Chestnut |
McClymont, R. J. H. | Air Force | Kelowna, British Columbia | Vernon, British Columbia |
McConnachie, N. | Air Force | Imperial, Saskatchewan | Luseland, Saskatchewan |
McCullough, T. R. | Air Force | Galt, Ontario | Port Dover, Ontario |
McCune, R. H. | Air Force | Rock Island, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
McDonald, H. H. | Air Force | Strathroy, Ontario | Strathroy, Ontario |
McDonald, L. H. | Air Force | Shaunavon, Saskatchewan | Shaunavon, Saskatchewan |
McDormand, E. A. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
McElman, J. O. | Air Force | Moncton, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy |
McFadden, R. J. | Air Force | Paisley, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood |
McFaul, W. | Air Force | Viceroy, Saskatchewan | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
McGillivray, J. F. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Saint John, New Brunswick |
McGrath, J. A. | Air Force | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Mount Hamilton |
McGregor, R. J. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Osborne & Corydon | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sherbrook & Portage |
Mclntyre, J. W. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis |
McLean, H. R. | Air Force | Kingsville, Ontario | Walkerville, Ontario |
McLean, W. D. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Osborne & Corydon | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook |
McLean, W. G. | Air Force | Pierson, Manitoba | Minnedosa, Manitoba |
McLellan, E. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer |
McLeod, J. S. R. | Air Force | Alexandria, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
McLintoch, W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant | Port Moody, British Columbia |
McMillan, J. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer | Quesnel, British Columbia |
McMillan, J. C. | Air Force | Orangeville, Ontario | Peterborough, Ontario |
McNamara, J. F. | Air Force | Sarnia, Ontario | Ingersoll, Ontario |
McPherson, W. G. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbooke & Decarie |
McRae, A. D. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College |
McTaggart, H. O. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Church & Wellesley | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Merrifield, W. A. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Merriman, H. G. | Air Force | Melbourne, Ontario | New Liskeard, Ontario |
Messenger, K. L. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Middleton, Nova Scotia |
Middleton, J. D. | Air Force | Owen Sound, Ontario | Clinton, Ontario |
Milburn, B. J. A. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook | Winnipeg, Manitoba, West Kildonan |
Miles, G. | Air Force | Peterborough, Ontario | Dunnville, Ontario |
Milton, W. E. | Air Force | Burford, Ontario | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. |
Minard, C. W. | Air Force | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia |
Mitchell, C. C. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Mitchell, R. M. | Air Force | North Battleford, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Mitchell, R. S. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond | Leamington, Ontario |
Moffatt, D. D. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. | Prescott, Ontario |
Monahan, J. | Air Force | Cornwall, Ontario | Ogema, Saskatchewan |
Moncrief, D. L. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard |
Montgomery, J. W. | Air Force | Galt, Ontario | Fort Erie North, Ontario |
Moodie, W. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. |
Mooney, E. J. | Air Force | Sherbrooke, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Moore, F. D. | Air Force | Wiarton, Ontario | Wiarton, Ontario |
Moore, G. B. | Air Force | Port Hope, Ontario | Peterborough, Ontario |
Moore, J. K. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Market | Aylmer, Ontario |
Moores, F. A. | Air Force | Midland, Ontario | Galt, Ontario |
More, D. B. C. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood |
Morgan, O. H. | Air Force | New Westminster, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Morison, D. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Morris, D. J. | Air Force | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. | Chilliwack, British Columbia |
Morrison, D. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Bathurst | Attending University |
Mossman, P. L. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Digby, Nova Scotia |
Muir, E. W. | Air Force | New Westminster, British Columbia | Nanaimo, British Columbia |
Mulhall, K. S. C. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Mulvihill, K. P. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook | The Pas, Manitoba |
Muncaster, J. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Murphy, C. E. | Air Force | Brooks, Alberta | Blairmore, Alberta |
Murphy, N. J. | Air Force | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | New Waterford, Nova Scotia |
Murray, J. B. | Air Force | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Beacons. |
Murray, J. E. | Air Force | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Musson, J. P. | Air Force | Roland, Manitoba | Melita, Manitoba |
Mably, V. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Espanola, Ontario |
MacDonald, A. R. | Army | Chippawa, Ontario | Chippawa, Ontario |
MacDonald, A. Y. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Waterville, Nova Scotia |
MacDonald, H. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
MacDonald, J. C. | Army | Chilliwack, British Columbia | Victoria, British Columbia |
MacDonald, R. N. B. | Army | Turner Valley, Alberta | High Prairie, Alberta |
MacDonald, R. R. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Crescent Heights |
MacDougall, I. L. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. | Antigonish, Nova Scotia |
MacFarlane, A. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario, Mount Hamilton | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard |
MacFarlane, D. D. | Army | St. Johns, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
MacFarlane, I. J. R. | Army | Edmundston, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
MacKay, W. G. | Army | St. Marys, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Main & Sherman |
MacKenzie, A. H. | Army | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
MacKenzie, R. M. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
MacLachlan, D. | Army | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Wolfville, Nova Scotia |
MacLean, A. J. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
MacLean, L. B. | Army | Big Valley, Alberta | Calgary, ALberta, 3rd St. West |
MacMichael, J. G. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Bleury |
MacMillan, R. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Harvard | Nassau, Bahamas |
MacNaughton,W. D. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Airport |
MacNeill, R. V. | Army | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
MacPherson, J. C. | Army | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan |
MacRae, C. H. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, 25th Ave. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Marpole |
Malkin, J. H. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Manelli, A. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Lawrence & Craig | Montreal, Quebec, St. Lawrence & St. Zotique |
Mannering, C. L. | Army | Kelowna, British Columbia | New Westminster, British Columbia |
Margetson, R. F. | Army | New Westminster, British Columbia | Prince George, British Columbia |
Marshall, Mrs. N. A. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Martin, G. S. | Army | London, Ontario | London East, Ontario |
Martin, L. S. | Army | St. Johns, Quebec | Val d’Or, Quebec |
Martin, W. R. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia |
Mason, C. R. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | New York, U.S.A. |
Mathews, W. C. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Maxted, C. I. H. | Army | Brooks, Alberta | Brooks, Alberta |
May, W. M. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department |
Mayer, E. C. A. | Army | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Kitchener, Ontario |
Mayne, A. T. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood |
McAllister, D. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Leyton |
McArthur, A. A. | Army | Renfrew, Ontario | Arnprior, Ontario |
McArthur, L. A. | Army | Durham, Ontario | Smithville, Ontario |
McBain, J. A. | Army | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
McBride, A. A. C. A. | Army | Guelph, Ontario | Mount Brydges, Ontario |
McCaffrey, P. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, St. James | Port Arthur, Ontario |
McCarthy, E. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
McChesney, W. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, St. Clair & Oakwood |
McClenaghan, H. E. | Army | Plenty, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department |
McCloskey, J. R. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Toronto, Ontario |
McCullough, F. G. A. | Army | London, England | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
McDonald, A. B. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
McElheran, R. M. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | Windsor, Ontario |
McFarlane, G. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College |
McGill, B. J. | Army | Geraldton, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
McGrath, H. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Montclair | Perth, Ontario |
Mclvor, D. A. | Army | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department |
McKay, L. M. | Army | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West |
McKenzie, J. A. | Army | Aylmer, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
McLea, W. H. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario, Terminal | Hamilton, Ontario, Mount Hamilton |
McLean, R. | Army | Sao Paulo, Brazil | Sao Paulo, Brazil |
McLellan, G. W. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
McMillan, F. C. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Morse, Saskatchewan |
McNabb, J. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Ottawa, Ontario |
McNally, R. H. | Army | Lethbridge, Alberta | Lethbridge, Alberta |
McQuarrie, K. M. | Army | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | Kingston, Ontario |
McShane, J. D. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
McSorley, D. M. | Army | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
McTavish, J. D. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Somerset | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Melanson, J. H. | Army | Chicoutimi, Quebec | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town |
Melhado, W. K. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Menzies, C. L. M. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cordova | Penticton, British Columbia |
Mercado D. E. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Meyer, L. A. | Army | Thamesford, Ontario | Geraldton, Ontario |
Millar, J. G. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church |
Millen, J. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Queen & Broadview | Toronto, Ontario, Ontario |
Miller, E. P. | Army | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Miller, F. M. A. | Army | Edmundston, New Brunswick | Edmundston, New Brunswick |
Miller, W. J. | Army | Welland, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Mills, N. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Milner, F. P. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisors’ Department |
Milner, W. P. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Osborne & Corydon | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Good |
Mitchell, R. M. | Army | Belleville, Ontario | Belleville, Ontario |
Moffatt, P. | Army | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Mohr, A. | Army | Innisfail, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Moir, K. D. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Fairview | North Vancouver, British Columbia, Upper Lonsdale |
Monteiro, R. F. | Army | Pernambuco, Brazil | Pernambuco. Brazil |
Moore, J. S. | Army | Owen Sound, Ontario | Owen Sound, Ontario |
Moray, H. A. | Army | Dorval Airport, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard |
Morell, W. H. | Army | Newcastle, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, Monk. & Beaconsfield |
Morgan, J. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Decarie | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie |
Moss, A. C. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard | Niagara Falls, Ontario |
Moyle, W. K. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Mumford, C. A. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Munro, R. D. | Army | Govan, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Murdock, H. V. | Army | Stoney Creek, Ontario | Nassau, Bahamas |
Murphy, P. G. | Army | Lacombe, Alberta | Lethbridge, Alberta |
Murphy, W. J. | Army | London East, Ontario | Goderich, Ontario |
Murray, T. A. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Truro, Nova Scotia |
Mutch, W. H. | Army | Huntsville, Ontario | Midland, Ontario |
MacDonald, D. A. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
MacDonald, W. F. | Navy | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Road |
Maclntyre, J. F. | Navy | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. | Courtenay, British Columbia |
MacKinnon, L. R. | Navy | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department |
Magee, W. J. | Navy | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Sydney, Nova Scotia, Whitney Pier |
Martin, G. L. | Navy | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Amherst, Nova Scotia |
Martin, T. M. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Matthews, J. W. | Navy | Baddeck, Nova Scotia | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend |
McKie, G. R. | Navy | Lacombe, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
McKinnon, A. S. | Navy | Smithers, British Columbia | Nelson, British Columbia |
Mearns, B. L. | Navy | Cumberland, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie & Broadway |
Miller, G. A. | Navy | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Summerside, Prince Edward Island |
Miller, N. M. | Navy | Big Valley, Alberta | Cranbrook, British Columbia |
Moe, K. G. | Navy | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo | Attending University |
Morrison, M. O. P. | Navy | Sudbury, Ontario | Attending University |
Morton, F. E. | Navy | Napanee, Ontario | Norwood, Ontario |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Neilans, J. F. | Air Force | Edmonton, Alberta, Jasper Ave. | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne & Queen |
Nelson, H. S. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Newkirk, H. A. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Market Branch | Welland, Ontario |
Newland, F. E. | Air Force | Camrose, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Hillhurst |
Newlove, C. | Air Force | Harris, Saskatchewan | Govan, Saskatchewan |
Nicol, A. S. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, Supervisor’s Department, |
Niven, D. G. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Cornwall, Ontario |
Norman, R. A. | Air Force | Stratford, Ontario | Port Hope, Ontario |
Norton, W. E. | Air Force | Huntsville, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Dundas & Chestnut |
Napper, H. W. | Army | St. Marys, Ontario | St. Marys, Ontario |
Nell, A. E. | Army | Qu’Appelle, Saskatchewan | Invermay, Saskatchewan |
Nelson, G. C. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Pape & Danforth | Toronto, Ontario, Leaside |
Newans, G. E. | Army | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario | Bruce Mines, Ontario |
Newell, A. P. | Army | New Westminster, British Columbia | Victoria, British Columbia |
Nicholl, W. D. | Army | High River, Alberta | Innisfail, Alberta |
Nichols, P. A. | Army | London, England | London, England |
North, H. G. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
North, P. M. | Army | Carman, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Nelson, H. R. | Navy | Dutton, Ontario | Waterdown, Ontario |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Oliver, C. T. | Air Force | St. Catharines, Ontario | Geraldton, Ontario |
Oliver, F. R. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
O’Donnell, F. S. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
O’Flaherty, J. H. J. | Army | Lunenburg, Nova Scotia | Glace Bay, Nova Scotia |
Olan, R. H. | Army | Huntsville, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Road & Davenport |
Orser, E. S. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Ostlund, E. | Army | Simcoe, Ontario | Cooksville, Ontario |
Otton, C. E. | Army | Woodstock, Ontario | Woodstock, Ontario |
Owen, R. P. | Army | Cranbrook, British Columbia | Cranbrook, British Columbia |
Olsen, Miss E. O. | Navy | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Orchard, J. M. | Navy | Port Arthur, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Pagett, R. G. C. | Air Force | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas |
Palmer, R. C. | Air Force | London East, Ontario | Windsor, Ontario |
Paradis, J. A. L. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Cam. |
Parker, F. M. | Air Force | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley Street |
Parke-Taylor, M. D. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Parnaby, W. N. | Air Force | Chatham, Ontario | Chatham, Ontario |
Paton, L. M. | Air Force | Lacombe, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta, Jasper Avenue |
Pattenden, W. H. | Air Force | North Vancouver, British Columbia | West Vancouver, British Columbia |
Pearce, R. C. | Air Force | Aylmer, Ontario | Thorold, Ontario |
Pearce, R. J. | Air Force | Lemberg, Saskatchewan | Attending University |
Peat, J. E. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McG. College | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Peck, D. A. | Air Force | Aylmer, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & Harbord |
Picard, R. I. C. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Pickett, H. W. | Air Force | St. Boniface, Manitoba, Union Stock Yards | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Good |
Pimm, L. C. | Air Force | Manotick, Ontario | Cornwall, Ontario |
Poff, J. G. | Air Force | Pembroke, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard |
Pool, J. W. | Air Force | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario |
Poole, K. G. | Air Force | Ridgetown, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
Porter, A. D. F. | Air Force | Montreal West, Quebec | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Pow, A. J. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth | Ridgetown, Ontario |
Pratt, K. L. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Prentice, G. A. | Air Force | Govan, Saskatchewan | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan |
Price, C. R. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Prier, J. A. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte |
Pritchard, B. S. | Air Force | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas |
Proctor, G. H. | Air Force | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas, East End |
Purvis, G. A. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen Street | Kentville, Nova Scotia |
Palfrey, J. E. | Army | Maitland, Nova Scotia | Windsor, Nova Scotia |
Palmour, A. S. I. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, William & Sherbrook | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Paradis, G. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Place Viger | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Parker, A. | Army | Galt, Ontario | Stoney Creek, Ontario |
Paterson, J. | Army | London, West End, England | London, West End, England |
Patterson, H. L. | Army | Inverness, Quebec | Rock Island, Quebec |
Patterson, W. H. | Army | Middleton, Nova Scotia | Arichat, Nova Scotia |
Payne, J. N. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Pecknold, J. R. A. | Army | Penticton, British Columbia | Victoria, British Columbia, Fort Street |
Perez, Jr. R. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico |
Perley, A. D. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Persson, J. R. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Peters, W. J. | Army | Red Deer, Alberta | Red Deer, Alberta |
Pethick, C. H. | Army | Bracebridge, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair |
Phenix, R. W. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Osborne & Corydon | Toronto, Ontario |
Phillips, G. L. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington |
Phillips, R. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Monkland & Harvard | Montreal, Quebec |
Phillips, V. R. | Army | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Nutana |
Pick, A. R. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department |
Pigeon, B. G. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Lachine, Quebec |
Pincombe, H. J. R. | Army | Oshawa, Ontario | Oshawa, Ontario |
Pollock, H. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor | Durham, Ontario |
Pope, W. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport | London East, Ontario |
Powell, J. W. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Ottawa, Ontario |
Power, W. F. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. | Attending University |
Press, J. W. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec |
Price, E. A. | Army | Victoria, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo |
Price, J. H. W. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department |
Price, T. M. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard |
Prudhomme, F. W. | Army | Peterborough, Ontario | Belleville, Ontario |
Pullen, W. L. | Army | Sudbury, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Palmer, D. G. | Navy | Kingston, Jamaica | Kingston, Jamaica |
Paterson, E. | Navy | Vancouver, Grandview | Prince George, British Columbia |
Patterson, J. S. | Navy | Georgetown, British Guiana | Port of Spain, Trinidad |
Payne, D. W. | Navy | Crystal City, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, William & Sherbrook |
Perrin, G. A. | Navy | North Bay, Ontario | Windsor, Ontario |
Perry, P. O. | Navy | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Bridgewater, Nova Scotia |
Phillips, L. C. | Navy | Nassau, Bahamas | Nassau, Bahamas |
Pitman, W. G. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Prew, Miss D. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Purves, D. A. | Navy | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Parrsboro, Nova Scotia |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Quayle, G. A. | Army | Dunnville, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Leaside |
Quinn, R. H. | Army | Dorchester, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Radigan, V. L. | Air Force | Owen Sound, Ontario | Owen Sound, Ontario |
Rafuse, A. D. | Air Force | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia |
Randall, L. S. | Air Force | Mount Royal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence |
Reed, D. H. | Air Force | Nanaimo, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie & 23rd Avenue |
Reid, A. M. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Mount Hamilton | Sarnia, Ontario |
Reid, C. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill College |
Reid, D. M. | Air Force | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Reimer, A. B. | Air Force | Flin Flon, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Logan |
Reynolds, O. G. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Richardson, C. P. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Delisle, Saskatchewan |
Robertson, C. S. | Air Force | Plaster Rock, New Brunswick | Plaster Rock, New Brunswick |
Robertson, D. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs Street | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley Street |
Robinson, R. F. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Market Branch | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard |
Robison, O. H. R. H. | Air Force | Kingston, Jamaica | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Rochon, C. P. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department |
Rogers, J. R. | Air Force | Leamington, Ontario | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Rolston, H. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Dryden, Ontario |
Ross, N. F. | Air Force | Invermay, Saskatchewan | Shaunavon, Saskatchewan |
Roumieu, D. E. | Air Force | Port Moody, British Columbia | Smithers, British Columbia |
Rowlands, H. W. | Air Force | Fergus, Ontario | Attending University |
Roy, A. M. | Air Force | Pictou, Nova Scotia | Pictou, Nova Scotia |
Ryerse, W. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | North Bay, Ontario |
Radigan, E. J. | Army | Chatham, Ontario | Chatham, Ontario |
Ralfs, J. K. | Army | Port Moody, British Columbia | North Vancouver, British Columbia |
Ramos, J. de S. | Army | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Rea, D. K. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Reid, C. A. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs St. |
Reid, G. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Lanigan, Saskatchewan |
Rennison, W. A. | Army | Steveston, British Columbia | Steveston, British Columbia |
Rew, W. C. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Reynolds, G. B. | Army | Guelph, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
Reynolds, R. M. | Army | Morden, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Rheaume, J. R. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury | Rimouski, Quebec |
Rice, V. M. | Army | Napanee, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Rice, W. T. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan, Supervisor’s Department | Ottawa, Ontario |
Richard, S. L. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
Richardson, A. M. | Army | Fort Erie North, Ontario | Burlington, Ontario |
Riches, R. J. | Army | Cupar, Saskatchewan | Arcola, Saskatchewan |
Richaby, J. W. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Ouellette & Ellis | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance |
Rider, L. R. | Army | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Riggs, S. C. | Army | Edmonton, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Roberts, L. G. | Army | Peterborough, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Roberts, T. H. I. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec |
Robertson, D. K. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Robertson, J. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Beausejour, Manitoba |
Robinson, D. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Harbord & Spadina | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair |
Robinson, K. | Army | Holden, Alberta | Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta |
Roden, E. R. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church |
Rodger, G. F. | Army | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Root, E. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Rosado, C. A. M. | Army | San Juan, Puerto Rico | San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Ross, J. M. | Army | Dartmouth, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Ross, J. S. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Montreal, Quebec |
Ross, R. F. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec |
Rossello B. J. | Army | Santurce, Puerto Rico | Santurce, Puerto Rico |
Roth, W. H. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
Rothwell, B. W. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Glèbe | Ottawa, Ontario |
Ruemper, H. R. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Montclair | Montreal, Quebec |
Roy, J. E. | Army | Alexandria, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Jeanne d’Arc |
Rublee, J. A. | Army | Renfrew, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Ruppel, R. O. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa | Elmira, Ontario |
Ryall, A. C. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Salton, J. W. | Air Force | North Sydney, Nova Scotia | North Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Sanders, F. A. | Air Force | Burford, Ontario | Dunnville, Ontario |
Sanderson, C. D. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Avenue Rd. & Davenport | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair |
Saunders, W. D. G. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Locke & Main | Kingsville, Ontario |
Schmidt, J. P. | Air Force | Morden, Manitoba | Steinbach, Manitoba |
Scrim, R. C. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas Street |
Sears, D. M. | Air Force | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Shaffer, E. C. | Air Force | Navan, Ontario | Brockville, Ontario |
Shannon, R. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Shants, H. M. | Air Force | Kitchener, Ontario | Otterville, Ontario |
Sharp, A. D. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson Street | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson Street |
Shaver, W. E. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Ottawa, Ontario |
Shaw, R. Z. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson Street |
Siborne, G. R. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cambie & Broadway | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant |
Sime, R. D. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill Col. | Montreal, Quebec, Point St. Charles |
Simpson, A. L. | Air Force | Goose Bay, Labrador | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Simpson, R. C. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Sherwood | Noranda, Quebec |
Sinclair, H. J. | Air Force | Carleton Place, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy |
Slade, C. C. | Air Force | Hepworth, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt |
Smart, T. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard |
Smith, D. L. G. | Air Force | Port Hood, Nova Scotia | North Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Smith, F. J. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington | Sydney, Nova Scotia, Whitney Pier |
Smith, H. M. | Air Force | Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte |
Smith, J. F. | Air Force | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Attending University |
Smith-Jones, J. H. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Macklin, Saskatchewan |
Smith, J. L. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth | Embro, Ontario |
Smith, N. M. | Air Force | Dalhousie, New Brunswick | Bathurst, New Brunswick |
Smyth, G. D. L. | Air Force | Innisfail, Alberta | South Edmonton, Alberta |
Smyth, S. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Smythe, R. E. | Air Force | Owen Sound, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Snair, A. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Atwater & Notre Dame | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Snook, W. S. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Snow, J. H. T. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Somerville, D. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent & Sherbrook | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
South, L. E. | Air Force | Brampton, Ontario | Brampton, Ontario |
Speers, A. W. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Leaside | Ripley, Ontario |
Spratt, R. A. | Air Force | Consort, Alberta | Spirit River, Alberta |
Sproule, F. H. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Kingsway | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer |
Sprout, J. J. | Air Force | Roblin, Manitoba | Manitou, Manitoba |
Stabb, H. V. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Stack, M. P. E. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal |
Stackhouse, H. A. | Air Force | Turner Valley, Alberta | Three Hills, Alberta |
Stalker, C. G. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Main & Mountain | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sherbrook & Portage |
Steele, D. R. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola |
Stephens, R. R. | Air Force | Chilliwack, British Columbia | North Vancouver, British Columbia |
Stephenson, W. H. | Air Force | Warkworth, Ontario | Simcoe, Ontario |
Stevenson, C. W. | Air Force | Buenos Aires, Argentina | London, England. |
Stevenson, W. V. | Air Force | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Nassau, Bahamas |
Stewart, A. B. | Air Force | St. Marys, Ontario | Sarnia, Ontario |
Stewart, D. D. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia | Kelowna, British Columbia |
Stewart, R. E. | Air Force | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy |
Stewart, R. G. | Air Force | Winchester, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Airport |
Stewart, R. T. | Air Force | Warkworth, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne & Queen |
Stiver, L. H. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage & Good |
Stockton, W. B. | Air Force | Sussex, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick |
Storey, E. H. | Air Force | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Attending University |
Storrar, R. A. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Homer | Victoria, British Columbia, Douglas St. |
Stouse, A. A. A. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan |
Street, L. L. | Air Force | Wawota, Saskatchewan | Nassau, Bahamas |
Strongman, K. H. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Suckling, F. | Air Force | London, West End, England | London, West End, England |
Sullivan, R. D. | Air Force | Saint John, New Brunswick | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Sutherland, D. E. | Air Force | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Summerside, Prince Edward Island |
Sutherland, G. W. | Air Force | Stettler, Alberta | Attending University |
Sait, L. G. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario |
Salgado, M. A. | Army | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico | Mayaguez, Puerto Rico |
Salkeld, E. W. | Army | Schomberg, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport |
Salter, R. H. E. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Sanders, R. E. | Army | Manitou, Manitoba | Steinbach, Manitoba |
Saunders, D. R. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Supervisor’s Department | Victoria, British Columbia |
Saunders, R. C. | Army | Brantford, Ontario | Grand Valley, Ontario |
Schwab, F. J. | Army | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | Vancouver, British Columbia, Marpole |
Scott, Wm. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Scovil, T. K. | Army | Alexandria, Ontario | Ottawa, Ontario, Market |
Shankel, C. M. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Shapter, W. M. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec |
Sharman, J. C. | Army | Milden, Saskatchewan | Young, Saskatchewan |
Shattuck, A. C. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Foam Lake, Saskatchewan |
Shaw, E. C. M. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End | Vancouver, British Columbia |
Shaw, H. J. | Army | Mount Stewart, Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Shea, L. T. | Army | Fairview, Alberta | Morinville, Alberta |
Sheldrick, A. M. | Army | Waterloo, Ontario | Chatham, Ontario |
Shuttleworth, D. H. | Army | Flin Flon, Manitoba | Crystal City, Manitoba |
Simpson, J. W. | Army | Calgary, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Skelton, O. K. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Selkirk & Salter | St. Boniface, Manitoba, Union Stock Yards |
Smith, C. F. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, St. James | Flin Flon, Manitoba |
Smith, D. M. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. |
Smith, D. M. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Keele & St. Clair | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College |
Smith, G. N. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia, George & Townsend | Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Smith, H. D. | Army | Cranbrook, British Columbia | Edmonton, Alberta |
Smith, J. E. | Army | Alsask, Saskatchewan | Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan |
Smith, M. G. | Army | Edmonton, Alberta | Blairmore, Alberta |
Smith, W. H. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Portage Ave. | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton & Portage |
Smith, W. W. | Army | Sackville, New Brunswick | Sackville, New Brunswick |
Snow, E. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Soares, J. C. L. | Army | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Soucie, J. D. | Army | Church Point, Nova Scotia | Meteghan, Nova Scotia |
Souza, D. D. de | Army | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Rio de Janeiro, Brazil |
Spence, C. F. | Army | Halifax, nova Scotia, Supervisor’s Department | New York, U.S.A. |
Spencer. D. W. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Victoria, British Columbia |
Spring, H. G. | Army | Stratford, Ontario | Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario |
Springer, U. E. | Army | Woodbridge, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario, Main & Sherman |
Statham, A. J. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Steckley, H. P. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Guy | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Stedman, W. | Army | Chapleau, Ontario | Chapleau, Ontario |
Steinson, E. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Hamiota, Manitoba |
Stephen, J. H. | Army | Red Deer, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West |
Stevenson, W. D. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Mt. Royal & St. Lawrence | Fredericton, New Brunswick |
Stewart, H. N. | Army | Calgary, Alberta, Supervisor’s Department | Calgary, Alberta, Supervisor’s Department |
Stewart, K. M. | Army | Moose law, Saskatchewan | Plenty, Saskatchewan |
Stewart, M. A. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris & Barrington |
Storey, H. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Marpole | Vancouver, British Columbia, East End |
Stronach, R. B. | Army | Moncton, New Brunswick | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Strothard, J. B. | Army | Middle Musquodoboit, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon & Agricola |
Stursberg, R. K. G. | Army | New Westminster, British Columbia | Nassau, Bahamas |
Sutherland, F. J. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Grain Exchange | Calgary, Alberta, 3rd St. West |
Sylvain, G. A. | Army | Carleton Place, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & McGill |
Sanford, C. O. | Navy | Barrington Passage, Nova Scotia | Bear River, Nova Scotia |
Sarre, W. R. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine & Danforth | Galt, Ontario |
Schofield, J. T. | Navy | New York, U.S.A. | New York, U.S.A. |
Sharp, P. J. | Navy | Kelowna, British Columbia | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. |
Shupe, G. H. L. | Navy | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Windsor, Nova Scotia |
Simpson, H. F. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Smith, E. C. | Navy | Vancouver, British Columbia, Cordova St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, 25th Ave. |
Smith, J. M. | Navy | Toronto, Ontario, Sunnyside | Attending University |
Sneyd, R. M. | Navy | Stoney Creek, Ontario | Noranda, Quebec |
Stevens, F. S. | Navy | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Calgary, Alberta |
Stotesbury, B. N. | Navy | Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe | Ottawa, Ontario, Bank & Somerset |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Tait, L. B. | Air Force | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. | Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson St. |
Tallman, H. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Talmey, R. G. | Air Force | Strathroy, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Taylor, H. A. | Air Force | Holden, Alberta | Stettler, Alberta |
Taylor, J. E. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Hampton | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan |
Taylor, L. A. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Deloraine & Yonge | Attending University |
Taylor, R. C. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario | Orangeville, Ontario |
Taylor, S. W. | Air Force | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sherbrook & Portage | Birtle, Manitoba |
Theoret, J. V. | Air Force | Sturgeon Falls, Ontario | Sturgeon Falls, Ontario |
Theriault, G. A. | Air Force | New Waterford, Nova Scotia | Inverness, Nova Scotia |
Thompson, J. R. H. | Air Force | Blairmore, Alberta | Pincher Creek, Alberta |
Thompson, W. N. | Air Force | St. Marys, Ontario | St. Marys, Ontario |
Thomson, R. G. | Air Force | Spencerville, Ontario | Pembroke, Ontario |
Thomson, R. H. | Air Force | Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia | Liverpool, Nova Scotia |
Trahan, J. P. M. A. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Jeanne d’Arc |
Treleaven, G. E. | Air Force | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Nutana | Yorkton, Saskatchewan |
Trowhill, S. J. | Air Force | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, College & Bathurst |
Tucker, T. E. | Air Force | Sundridge, Ontario | Hamilton, Ontario |
Tuer, W. E. | Air Force | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Wentworth | Hamilton, Ontario |
Turnbull, J. H. | Air Force | Orangeville, Ontario | Attending University |
Tynan, G. G. | Air Force | Nanaimo, British Columbia | Vernon, British Columbia |
Tape, J. M. W. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes |
Taylor, C. W. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford |
Taylor, R. J. | Army | Kerrobert, Saskatchewan | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan |
Terry, A. J. | Army | Aneroid, Saskatchewan | Ituna, Saskatchewan |
Theriault, A. F. | Army | Grand Falls, New Brunswick | Coaticook, Quebec |
Thiele, H. H. H. | Army | Thorold, Ontario | Attending University |
Thistle, G. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Bleury | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Thomas, R. A. | Army | Sherbrooke, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Ave. |
Thomas, S. P. | Army | Buenos Aires, Argentina | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
Thomas, W. C. | Army | Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Thompson, W. C. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Wentworth |
Thorgrimson, F. A. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Langruth, Manitoba |
Thorpe, J. E. | Army | Springhill, Nova Scotia | North Sydney, Nova Scotia |
Thorstad, A. J. | Army | St. Catharines, Ontario | Victoria, British Columbia |
Tillier, L. | Army | Edmonton, Alberta | Innisfail, Alberta |
Tipler, J. E. | Army | Stratford, Ontario | London, Ontario |
Topham, D. R. | Army | Hanna, Alberta | Okotoks, Alberta |
Tracy, D. F. | Army | Moncton, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Tremblay, J. A. T. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke & Bleury | Montreal, Quebec, Amherst & St. Catherine |
Trenholme, T. C. | Army | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. | Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine & Bleury |
Trew, B. J. | Army | Essex, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Jones & Gerrard |
Trimble, M. C. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Bloor |
Trueman, R. E. S. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure | Montreal, Quebec, St. Matthew St. |
Tunstead, H. W. | Army | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa | Hamilton, Ontario, Barton & Ottawa |
Tyner, H. R. | Army | Kingston, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Coxwell & Gerrard |
Teetzel, E. D. | Navy | Edmonton, Alberta | Calgary, Alberta |
Thenholm, D. S. | Navy | Windsor, Nova Scotia | Digby, Nova Scotia |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Upstone, E. K. | Air Force | Aylmer, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Urquhart, D. J. | Air Force | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Utting, R. A. | Air Force | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Thorold, Ontario |
Urquhart, L. G. | Army | Abbotsford, British Columbia | Nelson, British Columbia |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Valentine, D. F. | Air Force | Niagara Falls Centre, Ontario | Brantford, Ontario |
Valotaire, J. M | Air Force | Buctouche, New Brunswick | La Salle, Quebec |
Veals, J. H. B. | Air Force | Ridgetown, Ontario | Hastings, Ontario |
Vogt, H. P. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Danforth & Dawes | Sudbury, Ontario |
Vachon, J. A.G. J.P. | Army | Noranda, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis & St. Catherine |
Valin, J. H. B. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario, Market | Ottawa, Ontario, Market |
Venus, A. J. | Army | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Vickers, J. W. | Army | Humboldt, Saskatchewan | Ituna, Saskatchewan |
Vine, T. G. | Army | London, England | London, England |
Vair, S. D. S. | Navy | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Vye, M. R. | Navy | Edmundston, New Brunswick | Richibucto, New Brunswick |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Walker, R. G. | Air Force | Edmonton, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta, Jasper Ave. West |
Wallace, M. S. | Air Force | St. Catharines, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Walsh, H. W. | Air Force | Navan, Ontario | Cornwall, Ontario |
Ward, C. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Montreal, Quebec |
Ward, R. J. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Warren, R. R. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & College | Kingsville, Ontario |
Watkins, R. W. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, St. Lawrence & Craig | Westmount, Quebec, Greene Ave. |
Watson, J. H. | Air Force | Thamesford, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt |
Watson, M. E. | Air Force | Simcoe, Ontario | Strathroy, Ontario |
Watts, J. W. | Air Force | Regina, Saskatchewan | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan |
Weatherill, H. P. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Office of Assistant General Manager | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Weaver, A. R. | Air Force | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte | Sundridge, Ontario |
Wegren, A. J. | Air Force | Morinville, Alberta | Hanna, Alberta |
Weymouth, A. E. | Air Force | Summerside, Prince Edward Island | Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island |
Wheeler, W. D. L. | Air Force | Winona, Ontario | Welland, Ontario |
White, T. D. | Air Force | Sudbury, Ontario | Sturgeon Falls, Ontario |
Whitley, W. W. D. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Wightman, H. M. | Air Force | Chilliwack, British Columbia | Prince Rupert, British Columbia |
Wigle, J. G. | Air Force | Chippawa, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard |
Willbee, D. B. | Air Force | Ottawa, Ontario | Attending University |
Williams, R. A. | Air Force | Moncton, New Brunswick | Outremont, Quebec, Van Home & Outremont |
Wilson, A. | Air Force | Pine Falls, Manitoba | Manitou, Manitoba |
Wilton, A. G. | Air Force | Yorkton, Saskatchewan | Imperial, Saskatchewan |
Winlow, T. C. I. | Air Force | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Wallaceburg, Ontario |
Winton, D. | Air Force | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Bathurst, New Brunswick |
Wood, H. M. | Air Force | Dryden, Ontario | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Wood, M. M. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
Wood, R. G. | Air Force | New Westminster, British Columbia | New Westminster, British Columbia |
Wood, W. H. | Air Force | Fairview, Alberta | Cranbrook, British Columbia |
Woodman, E. A. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, Bay & Temperance | Hamilton, Ontario |
Woods, J. L. | Air Force | Toronto, Ontario, King & Church | New Liskeard, Ontario |
Woolly, E. F. | Air Force | Dundas, Ontario | Dundas, Ontario |
Wright, J. V. | Air Force | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Wyatt, H. E. | Air Force | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan |
Wylie, R. M. | Air Force | Montreal, Quebec, Park & Bernard | Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall |
Walker, J. T. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport | Toronto, Ontario, Ave. Rd. & Davenport |
Walker, W. E. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. |
Wallace, A. H. | Army | Moncton, New Brunswick | Moncton, New Brunswick |
Wallace, C. D. | Army | Mulgrave, Nova Scotia | Amherst, Nova Scotia |
Warren, W. W. | Army | St. Marys, Ontario | Sudbury, Ontario |
Watson, W. S. | Army | Brockville, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec, Peel & Sherbrooke |
Welland, E. D. | Army | Vancouver, British Columbia, Mount Pleasant | Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings & Nanaimo |
Wellner, J. O. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gottingen St. | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. |
Welsby, H. G. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary & Decarie | Quebec, Quebec, Upper Town |
West, R. T. | Army | Nassau, Bahamas | Kingston, Ontario |
Whatmore, A. G. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario |
West, W. J. | Army | Simcoe, Ontario | Simcoe, Ontario |
Whelpley, L. A. | Army | Sussex, New Brunswick | Sussex, New Brunswick |
White, J. O. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Whitelaw, T. D. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Seigneurs St. | Westmount, Quebec, Victoria Ave. |
Whiting, R. G. | Army | Edmonton, Alberta | Edmonton, Alberta |
Whitley, T. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Supervisor’s Department |
Wilkie, M. E. | Army | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Inverness, Nova Scotia |
Wilkinson, J. | Army | Pincher Creek, Alberta | Pincher Creek, Alberta |
Williams, F. R. | Army | Nassau, Bahamas | Toronto, Ontario, Dundas & Chestnut |
Williams, T. L. | Army | Montreal, Quebec, Stanley St. | Gull Lake, Saskatchewan |
Williamson, R. J. R. | Army | Saint John, New Brunswick, North End | Saint John, New Brunswick |
Wilson, A. | Army | Pine Falls, Manitoba | Manitou, Manitoba |
Wilson, A. G. | Army | Digby, Nova Scotia | New Glasgow, Nova Scotia |
Wilson, F. C. | Army | West Vancouver, British Columbia | Ladner, British Columbia |
Wilson, G. B. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba, Supervisor’s Department | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec |
Wilson, J. H. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Sherbourne & Queen | Dutton, Ontario |
Wilson, R. W. | Army | Ottawa, Ontario | Montreal, Quebec |
Wilton, J. W. | Army | Rosetown, Saskatchewan | North Battleford, Saskatchewan |
Winkler, L. W. | Army | Windsor, Ontario, Pillette & Wyandotte | Waterloo, Ontario |
Winter, J. C. M. | Army | Winnipeg, Manitoba | Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Wood, A. N. | Army | Woodstock, Ontario | Woodstock, Ontario |
Wood, G. F. | Army | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia |
Wood, G. L. E. | Army | Regina, Saskatchewan | Regina, Saskatchewan |
Wood, R. F. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, Spadina & College | Toronto, Ontario, Bloor & Dovercourt |
Woodhouse, C. H. | Army | Chatham, Ontario | Toronto, Ontario, Yonge & Richmond |
Worthington, L. G. | Army | Oshawa, Ontario | Oshawa, Ontario |
Wright, E. C. | Army | Antigonish, Nova Scotia | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Spring Garden Rd. |
Wright, G. L. | Army | Truro, Nova Scotia | Antigonish, Nova Scotia |
Wright, G. V. | Army | Cookstown, Ontario | Elmira, Ontario |
Wilt, W. E. | Navy | Newcastle, New Brunswick | Bathurst, New Brunswick |
Wythe, F. A. | Navy | Boissevain, Manitoba | Miniota, Manitoba |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Yates, G. W. | Air Force | Hanover, Ontario | Hanover, Ontario |
Yearwood, P. L. | Air Force | Bridgetown, Barbados | Basseterre, St. Kitts |
Young, C. J. | Army | Toronto, Ontario, King & Spadina | Toronto, Ontario, Leaside |
Young, W. H. | Army | Oshawa, Ontario | Woodbridge, Ontario |
Youden, F. W. | Navy | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Glace Bay, Nova Scotia |
Name | Armed Forces | Enlisted From | Returned To |
Zaleschook, Mrs. I.E. | Air Force | Calgary, Alberta | Oshawa, Ontario |
Zelmer, R. A. | Air Force | High River, Alberta | Fairview, Alberta |
Zinck, G. B. | Army | Halifax, Nova Scotia, Quinpool & Oxford | Lunenburg, Nova Scotia |
Second World War Roll of Honour
Royal Bank employees who gave their lives in their Country’s Service, 1939 – 1945.
Name | Branch | Details |
Anderson, D.M. | Pembroke, Ontario | Flying Officer D.M. Anderson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was killed on September 24, 1943 while on active service in the Middle East. He entered the bank at Yorkton, Saskatchewan branch on May 1, 1937 and enlisted from Pembroke, Ontario branch on October 30, 1941. Anderson received his wings and commission at Moncton, New Brunswick in October 1942, when he stood second in his class. |
Angus, D.B. | Tillsonburg, Ontario | D.B. Angus, Royal Canadian Air Force, Dental Corps, on January 19, 1941. While on service, Augus underwent an operation for appendicitis at a hospital in London, Ontario and died from streptococci infection. A native of Saint John, New Brunswick, Mr. Angus entered the service at Toronto, Ontario, Queen and Close branch in 1934 and later served at various branches in the city. He was also attached to the staff at Wiarton, St. Thomas and Tillsonbury branches in Ontario. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on August 28, 1940. |
Armstrong, G.G. | Weyburn, Saskatchewan | Sergeant Pilot G.G. Armstrong, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported killed in an operational flight, November 27, 1941. Armstrong, who had been overseas seven months, entered the bank at Oxbow, Saskatchewan branch in 1936 and was attached to Weyburn, Saskatchewan branch when he enlisted on July 18, 1940. |
Armstrong, J.D. | Ottawa, Bank & Somerset, Ontario | Flying Officer J.D. Armstrong, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, reported missing after air operations over Poix, France, on November 9, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. He entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine and Bleury branch on June 27, 1935 and enlisted from Ottawa, Ontario, Bank and Somerset branch on December 10, 1940. Armstrong accounted for three of seven enemy planes destroyed in a moonlight sweep over France in October 1943. |
Avon, J.L.G. | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | Flying Officer J.L.G. Avon, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing after air operations overseas on August 1, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Avon entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Decarie branch on June 29, 1937 and enlisted from Montreal, St. Matthew Street branch on September 30, 1940. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Baker, W.M. | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Sergeant Observer W.M. Baker was reported missing following operations over occupied France on December 18, 1941 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Baker entered the bank at Goderich, Ontario and served at Ontario branches in Kitchener, Kingston, Orillia and Niagara Falls, enlisting from the latter branch on June 7, 1940. He received his training at Royal Canadian Air Force centres in Toronto, Montreal and Jarvis, and proceeded overseas in February 1941. Mrs. Baker, his wife was a staff-member at Outremont, Quebec, Van Horne and Outremont branch. |
Barlow, P. | Montreal, St. Catherine & Bleury, Quebec | Flying Officer P. Barlow, Royal Canadian Air Force, 35, reported missing after air operations overseas, was assumed to having been killed in action, December 17, 1944. Barlow entered the bank at Souris, Manitoba branch on November 9, 1926 and served at various branches before enlisting from Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine and Bleury branch on October 3, 1942. |
Bartle, G.V. | Vancouver, Cambie & Broadway, British Columbia | Flight Sergeant Navigator G.V. Bartle, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing after air operations on September 26, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Bartle was navigator on a Sunderland flying boat that had been detailed for a special mission. Approximately half way between Brest and the Scilly Isles, they radioed that they were being attacked by enemy aircraft. Fighter planes sent for protection were unable to find any trace of them. Bartle entered the bank at Vancouver, British Columbia, Gambie and Broadway on February 16, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on October 1, 1941. |
Bayard, J.W. | Gull Lake, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer J.W. Bayard, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was killed on active service overseas on September 14, 1944. Bayard entered the bank at Lipton, Saskatchewan branch on July 5, 1937 and enlisted from Gull Lake, Saskatchewan branch on April 6, 1942. Graduating as a Pilot, he was granted the rank of a Pilot Officer in April 1943 and was promoted to Flying Officer in October 1943. |
Bayard, R.L. | Weyburn, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer R.L. Bayard, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing on October 10, 1943 after a flight over Burma and was assumed to having been killed in action. Bayard enlisted from Weyburn, Saskatchewan branch in May 1941, won his pilot’s wings and commission at Yorkton, Saskatchewan, in 1942 and went overseas shortly afterwards. John W. Bayard, an older brother, was killed September 16, 1944 while attempting a forced landing in Scotland following a flight over the North Sea. |
Beaton, G.E. | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | Lieutenant G.E. Beaton, Canadian Army Overseas, 20, was killed in action in Holland on September 25, 1944. Beaton entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Hampton branch on May 29, 1941 and enlisted on March 25, 1943 with the 2nd Gordon Highlanders. In the spring of 1944 he volunteered for special assignment in Europe and was wounded in August during the liberation of France, but was back at the front early in September. |
Beattie, G.W. | St. Catharines, Ontario | Leading Aircraftman G.W. Beattie, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was killed in a flying accident in England on July 21, 1945. Beattie entered the bank at St. Catharines, Ontario on September 18, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on August 27, 1941. |
Bélanger, J.A.R. | Outremont, Van Horne & Outremont, Quebec | Flying Officer J.A.R. Bélanger, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing on July 9, 1944 after a mission to the Dutch coast, was assumed to having been killed in action. Bélanger received his pilot’s wings and commission at St. Hubert, Quebec in March 1943 and after a course in General Reconnaissance at Summerside, Prince Edward Island was posted overseas in July. He had flown on more than ten operations with a Royal Air Force Squadron, where he had the distinction of being the only French Canadian. Bélanger entered the bank on May 2, 1940 at Outremont, Quebec, Van Horne and Outremont branch and enlisted from there on January 27, 1942. |
Blair, S.W. | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Leading Aircraftman S.W. Blair, 29, was killed when the training plane in which he was flying solo crashed near Yorkton, Saskatchewan. Blair, who transferred from the army to the Royal Canadian Air Force in August 1940, joined the bank at Inverness, Nova Scotia branch in 1928 and was assistant accountant at Amherst when he left to go on active service. |
Boulton, R.C.H. | Red Deer, Alberta | Sergeant-Observer R.C.H. Boulton, 23, of Red Deer, Alberta, was killed in action in England on February 13, 1943. He entered the bank at Innisfail, Alberta branch on May 11, 1937 and subsequently served at Turner Valley, Alberta branch and various other branches in Alberta before enlisting in the Royal Canadian Air Force. Boulton enlisted from Red Deer branch on November 1, 1941 and received his wings at Edmonton in August 1942. He went overseas in October of that year. |
Boutilier, E.P. | Halifax, Nova Scotia | Pilot Officer E.P. Boutilier, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, reported missing on May 23, 1944, was assumed to having been killed on that date during a bombing raid on Le Mans, France. He was buried in the British cemetery there. Boutilier entered the bank at Halifax, Nova Scotia on September 18, 1940 and enlisted from that branch on January 23, 1943. |
Brosseau, L.J. | Montreal, Monkland & Harvard, Quebec | Major L.J. Brosseau, Canadian Army Overseas, 33, was killed in action on the Normandy front on July 19, 1944. At the time of his enlistment for active service he held the rank of Captain and Adjutant of the Regiment de Maisonneuve and received his promotion to Major overseas. Brosseau entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Snowdon Junction branch on September 23, 1929, and enlisted from Montreal, Monkland and Harvard branch on September 1, 1939. |
Brouillette, S.P.R. | Ottawa, Hintonburgh, Ontario | Flying Officer S.P.R. Brouillette, 25, was killed in action on June 11, 1943. He entered the bank at St. Hyacinthe, Quebec branch on July 7, 1936 and enlisted from Ottawa, Ontario, Hintonburgh branch on September 15, 1941. Brouillette graduated as Pilot Officer at St. Hubert, Quebec on July 30, 1942 and had been overseas since December. He was promoted to the rank of Flying Officer in February 1943. |
Brown, A.J. | Vancouver, Davie Street, British Columbia | Flying Officer A.J. Brown, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, reported missing after air operations over Poix, France on November 9, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Brown entered the bank at Langley Prairie, British Columbia branch on May 26, 1936 and enlisted from Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie Street branch on December 4, 1941. He obtained the highest marks in his graduating classes at Victoriaville and Ancienne Lorette, Quebec. |
Buchan, J.K. | Port Hope, Ontario | Sergeant J.K. Buchan, Canadian Army Overseas, 26, was killed in action in Germany on February 21, 1945. Buchan entered the bank at Dutton, Ontario branch on May 7, 1937 and served at Strathroy, Ontario branch and Mount Brydges, Ontario branch before enlisting from Port Hope, Ontario on January 7, 1942. He joined the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and went overseas in August 1943, going to France after D-Day and seeing much action around Caen. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Callander, A.D. | Brantford, Ontario | Flying Officer A.D. Callander, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, reported missing while on patrol duty over the French coast in June 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Callander entered the bank at Brantford, Ontario on January 24, 1941 and enlisted from that branch on October 14, 1941. |
Cameron, L.E. | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | Flying Officer L.E. Cameron, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, reported missing on October 10, 1944, was killed in action when his plane crashed on return to England from the continent. Cameron entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Hampton branch on October 18, 1939 and enlisted on October 3, 1942. |
Cameron, L.H. | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | Squadron Leader L.H. Cameron, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing after air operations over enemy territory in February 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Cameron enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on June 22, 1940, graduated from Brantford, Ontario, and was an Instructor at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and Vulcan, Alberta before going overseas. He was a member of the 434th Squadron and made several bombing raids on Germany. Cameron entered the bank at Perth, Ontario branch on April 12, 1935. |
Campbell, A.P. | Shaunavon, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer A.P. Campbell, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing after air operations over Germany on January 2, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. According to information quoting official German statements, received from the International Red Cross of Geneva, he was killed on that date and buried at St. Pol, France. Campbell entered the bank at Wapella, Saskatchewan branch on August 6, 1938 and served at Carlyle, Saskatchewan branch before enlisting from Shaunavon, Saskatchewan branch on May 16, 1941. |
Campbell, A.W. | Stratford, Ontario | Flying Officer A.W. Campbell, R.C.V.F., 26, was killed in air operations overseas on August 25, 1944. Campbell entered the bank at Strathroy, Ontario branch on July 2, 1935 and enlisted from Stratford, Ontario branch on May 27, 1941. He received his wings at Aylmer, Ontario in 1941 and, following a year and a half on Coastal Patrol duties on the Pacific Coast, he went overseas in October 1943. Campbell was posted to a Typhoon Operational Squadron that was one of the first to go into Normandy after D-Day. |
Cann, G.G. | Balcarres, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer G.G. Cann, 23, was killed in action on November 4, 1942. He entered the bank at Brock, Saskatchewan branch on July 6, 1937 and served at Balcarres, Saskatchewan branch, from which he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in January 1941. He received his wings and commission as Pilot Officer in August 1941, after which he took a course in navigation at Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. Cann was promoted to the rank of Flying Officer shortly before his death. |
Chestnut, G.A. | Moosomin, Saskatchewan | Sergeant Pilot G.A. Chestnut, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed while returning from an operational flight over France, June 11, 1941. A member of our Moosomin, Saskatchewan branch at the time of his enlistment, Chestnut received his wings at Camp Borden. He started with the bank at Moosomin in June 1935 and later served at Gull Lake, Saskatchewan branch, at Montreal, Quebec, Monkland and Harvard branch and at Montreal, Laurier Avenue branch. |
Clarke, R.B. | Toronto, Dundas & Chestnut, Ontario | Pilot Officer R.B. Clarke, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing as the result of enemy action at sea on April 22, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Clarke entered the bank at Toronto, Ontario, Bay and Temperance branch on February 12, 1940 and enlisted from Toronto, Dundas and Chestnut branch on May 14, 1942. |
Cogger, P.R. | Moncton, New Brunswick | Lieutenant P R. Cogger, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, 25, was reported missing on February 27, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. He was a member of the 14th Field Ambulance, C.A.S.F. Cogger entered the bank at Woodstock, New Brunswick branch on June 27, 1936 and served at Newcastle, New Brunswick branch before enlisting from Moncton, New Brunswick branch on August 20, 1940. |
Colter, J.C. | Melita, Manitoba | Sergeant Pilot J.C. Colter, 22, was reported missing on August 27, 1942 and was assumed to having been killed in action in July 1943. He entered the bank at Crystal City, Manitoba branch on November 25, 1937, enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from Melita, Manitoba on March 1, 1941 and went overseas in November of that year. |
Cook, R.G. | Climax, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer R.G. Cook, Royal Canadian Air Force, 32, was reported missing after air operations against the enemy on April 9, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Cook entered the bank at Hazenmore, Saskatchewan branch on July 3, 1928 and served at various branches in Saskatchewan before enlisting from Climax, Saskatchewan branch on January 2, 1941. |
Cotnam, H.C. | Mount Royal, Quebec | Sergeant Pilot H.C. Cotnam, 22, was killed in a flying accident overseas on October 31, 1941. Cotnam joined the bank at Pembroke, Ontario branch in 1937 and saw service at Brockville, Ontario, and Mount Royal, Quebec branches. It was from the latter branch that he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in December 1940. |
Coulter, R. | New Westminster, British Columbia | Flying Officer R.A. Coulter, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing after operations on February 24, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Coulter won his “O” wing as navigator-bombaimer on July 17, 1941 at Jarvis, Ontario, being commissioned a month later. He left for England on September 15, 1941 and the following July was posted to 104 Squadron in the Middle East. Coulter flew continuously in this theatre, completing 30 operations from bases in the Western Desert and Malta. He entered the bank at Chilliwack, British Columbia branch in June 1936 and enlisted from New Westminster, British Columbia branch on November 20, 1940. |
Crockett, E.G. | Ottawa, Bank & Sparks, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant E.G. Crockett, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, reported missing after air operations overseas, was assumed to having been killed in action. Crockett entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Park and Bernard branch on January 27, 1936 and enlisted from Ottawa, Ontario, Bank and Somerset branch on June 9, 1941. |
Cullen, K.E. | Vernon, British Columbia | Flight Lieutenant K.E. Cullen, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, reported missing on April 13, 1944 following an operational flight over Belgium and France, was assumed to having been killed in action. Cullen entered the bank at Vernon, British Columbia branch on July 11, 1940 and enlisted from that branch on May 5, 1941. Before going overseas in August 1943, he was an instructor at MacLeod, Alberta. |
Currie, R.J. | Bridgewater, Nova Scotia | Flying Officer R.J. Currie, Royal Air Force, 25, was killed in action overseas on August 18, 1944 while flying in a typhoon squadron supporting the Canadian attack in the Falaise-Argentan sector. Currie entered the bank at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia on April 2, 1936 and enlisted from that branch on August 24, 1940. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Dauphin, W.R. | Ridgetown, Ontario | Warrant Officer W.R. Dauphin, Royal Air Force, 23, was reported missing in January 1945 after air operations and was assumed to having been killed in action. Dauphin entered the bank at Ridgetown, Ontario branch on July 2, 1938 and also served at Port Dover, Ontario branch before enlisting from Ridgetown on May 20, 1942. |
Davenport, J.J. | Imperial, Saskatchewan | Sergeant Observer J.J. Davenport, 21, was reported killed after having been listed as missing on April 13, 1943 after an operational flight overseas. Joining the Royal Canadian Air Force from Imperial, Saskatchewan branch, Davenport received his observer’s wing at Rivers, Manitoba on July 9, 1941 and went overseas by plane a short while later. He had been with the bank since September 1938. |
Davies, W.J.R. | Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia | Sergeant Navigator W.J.R. Davies, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing after air operations over Essen on March 8, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. He was born in Baltimore, Maryland and entered the bank on December 10, 1935 at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris and Barrington branch. Davies enlisted from Shubenacadie, Nova Scotia branch on June 13, 1941. |
Davis, W.G. | Amherst, Nova Scotia | Flight Lieutenant W.G. Davis, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was missing since March 30, 1945 and was assumed to having been killed on that mission when his plane received a direct hit from an anti-aircraft gun. Davis, who was a Flight Commander of the City of Westmount Squadron, had completed over 70 operational flights and prior to going overseas had logged some 1,500 hours as a ferry pilot. He entered the bank at Amherst, Nova Scotia branch in April 1940 and enlisted from there on May 3, 1941. |
De Shane, W.C. | Guelph, Ontario | Pilot Officer W.C. De Shane, 20, was killed in action over Norfolk County, England, on March 9, 1942, shortly after receiving his promotion to officer’s rank. At the time of his death he was attached to the Interceptor Command and was one of the few Canadians piloting a twin-motored Whirlwind fighter plane. De Shane joined the bank in September 1939 at Guelph, Ontario and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from that branch in October 1940. He had been on active service overseas since August 1941. |
Des Rosiers, A.L.R. | Montreal, St. Catherine & Jeanne d’Arc, Quebec | Lieutenant A.L.R. Des Rosiers, Canadian Army Overseas, 25, reported missing in Italy last spring, was assumed to having been killed in action, January 3, 1945. Des Rosiers entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Mount Royal and St. Lawrence branch on September 21, 1938 and served at Montreal, St. Denis and St. Catherine branch before enlisting from Montreal, St. Catherine and Jeanne d’Arc branch on December 4, 1941. |
Dowlen, R. | London, England | Lieutenant R. Dowlen, Royal Army Service Corps, 38, gave his life under particularly tragic circumstances. An accomplished linguist, Dowlen was seconded to the Intelligence Corps on special duty and had been dropped by parachute behind the lines to serve with the Maquis. He was captured while carrying out these hazardous duties and immediately sent to a prisoner of war camp at St. Flossenberg, where he spent twelve months in solitary confinement. On March 29, 1945, together with several other British Intelligence Officers, he was executed. Dowlen entered the bank at Paris, France in October 1923 and ten years later was transferred to London, England branch, enlisting from there on September 24, 1941. |
Drennan, G.M. | Sherbrooke, Quebec | Sergeant Air Gunners Gerald Maxwell and James Douglas Drennan, brothers, previously reported missing, were officially listed as killed in action on December 5, 1941. Gerald, 20, enlisted from Sherbrooke, Quebec branch on November 6, 1940, while James, 23, enlisted from Lennoxville, Quebec branch on November 30, 1940. |
Drennan, J.D. | Lennoxville, Quebec | Sergeant Air Gunners Gerald Maxwell and James Douglas Drennan, brothers, previously reported missing, were officially listed as killed in action on December 5, 1941. Gerald, 20, enlisted from Sherbrooke, Quebec branch on November 6, 1940, while James, 23, enlisted from Lennoxville, Quebec branch on November 30, 1940. |
Durnford, R.E. | Toronto, Yonge & Sherwood, Ontario | Flying Officer R.E. Durnford, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, was reported missing after air operations overseas on March 18, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Durnford, who enlisted from Toronto, Ontario, Yonge and Sherwood branch on January 12, 1942, had been engaged in submarine patrol operations in the vicinity of the English Channel. He entered the bank at Toronto, Yonge and Richmond branch on September 3, 1936. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Edmonds, G.B. | Stratford, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant G.B. Edmonds, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing after air operations over enemy territory on April 18, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Edmonds entered the bank at Stratford, Ontario on July 2, 1937 and enlisted from that branch on October 7, 1940. |
Elford, E.F. | New Westminster, British Columbia | Flying Officer E.F. Elford, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, reported missing on June 19, 1945, was assumed to having been killed in action when his aircraft crashed in the Burma jungle. Elford joined the Army Pay Corps in August 1940 from New Westminster, British Columbia branch and in October 1942 re-mustered to aircrew. He obtained his Air Bomber’s wings and commission at Winnipeg, Manitoba in June 1944 and left Canada on January 1 for Jessore, India. He had flown on many missions over Burma and Siam. |
Embree, W.D.M. | Port Hood, Nova Scotia | Flight Sergeant W.D.M. Embree, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing and was assumed to having been killed in action. He entered the bank at Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia on July 26, 1937 and enlisted from Port Hood, Nova Scotia branch on November 15, 1940. Embree went overseas in September 1941 and was posted with the Royal Air Force in the Middle East in May 1942. He was posted missing on October 29, 1942 after air operations behind enemy lines. |
Emery, J.L. | Lethbridge, Alberta | Flying Officer J.L. Emery, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, was reported missing on June 10, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Emery enlisted from Lethbridge, Alberta branch on his eighteenth birthday, November 2, 1941. He won top honours in his Observers’ graduating class at Paulson, Manitoba and received his wing and officer’s commission in November 1942. He went overseas in February 1943 and after 11 operational flights with the Iroquois Squadron, volunteered for Pathfinder work. It was on his 12th mission in a Pathfinder aircraft that he was listed as missing. Emery joined the bank at Lethbridge, Alberta branch in March 1941. |
Erickson, E.H. | Sault Ste. Marie, Queen & Bruce, Ontario | Flying Officer E.H. Erickson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing after an operational flight over Hanover on October 1, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Erickson entered the bank at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Steelton branch on December 10, 1937 and enlisted from Sault Ste. Marie, Queen and Bruce branch on November 19, 1941. He received his wings at Claresholm, Alberta in November 1942, shortly before going overseas. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Ferrill, W.B. | Rock Island, Quebec | Sergeant W.B. Ferrill, U.S. Army Air Force, 20, was reported missing after air operations over Germany on December 11, 1943 and was killed in action. Ferrill entered the bank at Rock Island, Quebec branch on July 28, 1941 and enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Force from that branch on October 13, 1942. The Government of the United States posthumously awarded Sergeant Ferrill the Purple Heart and the Air Medal, “for meritorious services and bravery beyond the call of duty.” |
Fetherston, W.H. | Montreal, Laurie Ave., Quebec | Flight Lieutenant W.H. Fetherston, 24, was killed on active service overseas on Sunday, April 5, 1942. He graduated as a Sergeant Observer and received his wing at Fingal, Ontario on February 1, 1941, proceeding overseas in April. Fetherston participated in most of the early “all-out” Royal Air Force bombing attacks over France and Germany and was twice promoted for his outstanding ability and initiative. He entered the bank at Arnprior, Ontario branch in April 1935, later serving at various branches in Ontario. He enlisted in June 1940 from Montreal, Quebec, Laurier Avenue branch. |
Fiddes, J.D. | Vancouver, Davie Street, British Columbia | Warrant Officer J.D. Fiddes, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, was killed in action overseas on April 25, 1944 while on an operational flight over enemy territory. He was buried in Avesnes Communal Cemetery, France. Fiddes entered the bank at Vancouver, British Columbia, Hastings and Homer branch on April 22, 1937 and enlisted from Vancouver, Davie Street branch on May 29, 1941. He trained in the Royal Canadian Air Force Administration branch at St. Thomas, Ontario and was stationed at Western Air Command in Victoria, British Columbia before re-mustering to aircrew in August 1942. |
Finkle, W.A. | Calgary, Alberta | Staff Sergeant W.A. Finkle, 33, 4th Canadian Armoured Division, was killed on active service overseas on June 16, 1944 while destroying damaged ammunition in England. Finkle entered the bank at Cardston, Alberta branch on February 4, 1929 and also served at Barons and High River, Alberta branches, before enlisting from Calgary, Alberta branch on June 25, 1940. He went overseas in August of the same year. |
Finlayson, C.G. | Steveston, British Columbia | Flying Officer C.G. Finlayson, Royal Canadian Air Force, O.F.C. and Bar 24, was assumed to having been killed in action after having been missing since October 18, 1944. His own operational tour completed as navigator with a night intruder squadron, Finlayson was serving in a non-flying capacity and was expected home on furlough when he volunteered to substitute for a navigator who was ill. He did not return from the mission. He was awarded the D.F.C. in May 1944 for “great courage and coolness and a high standard of navigation ability that contributed to many successes obtained.” The bar to his Distinguished Flying Cross came for outstanding work while on missions over enemy country. Finlayson is credited with participation in the destruction of five enemy planes. He joined the bank at Victoria, British Columbia branch on October 8, 1936 and enlisted from Steveston, British Columbia branch on August 14, 1941. |
Finlayson, J.N.G. | Wells, British Columbia | Sergeant Pilot J.N.G. Finlayson, 22, Wells, British Columbia, was killed in action on April 22, 1943 while on a patrol flight over the Faroe Islands. He entered the bank at Wells on July 10, 1939 and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from that branch on September 6, 1941. |
Foster, T. | Oxbow, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer T. Foster, Royal Canadian Air Force, missing after a night raid over Germany on August 29, 1944, and then reported to be a Prisoner of War in Germany, was assumed to having been killed on active service. Foster went overseas in September 1943, and at the time he was reported missing he was Pilot and Captain of a Lancaster and was nearing the end of a tour of operations. Foster, who is the son of T. Foster, manager of Arcola, Saskatchewan branch, entered the bank at Oxbow, Saskatchewan on July 2, 1940 and enlisted from that branch on May 7, 1942. |
Fowlow, N.R. | Wolfville, Nova Scotia | Squadron Leader N.R. Fowlow, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was reported missing after air operations over enemy territory in May 1944, and was killed in action over Hazebrouck, France on May 19, 1944. Fowlow entered the bank at Wolfville, Nova Scotia on September 22, 1938 and enlisted from that branch on August 22, 1940. He saw service in Malta in 1942 where he was badly wounded and spent three months in hospital. In 1943 he was awarded the D.F.C. and appointed leader of the famous “Wolf” squadron of the Royal Canadian Air Force. |
Fox, G.G. | Chatham, Ontario | Flying Officer G.G. Fox, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, reported missing after an operation with the Pathfinder Squadron to Sholven on December 29, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. A navigator and veteran of 24 operational trips, Fox joined the bank at Chatham, Ontario in September 1941, enlisting from that branch in October 1942. |
Frazee, D.W. | Vancouver, Robson Street, British Columbia | Pilot Officer D.W. Frazee, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, reported missing after an operational flight over the Mediterranean on May 8, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Frazee entered the bank at Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie Street branch on August 30, 1935 and served at Vancouver, Fairview branch and Kelowna, British Columbia branch before enlisting from Vancouver, Robson Street branch on March 12, 1941. |
Friesen, V.E. | Lethbridge, Alberta | Pilot Officer V.E. Friesen, 23, was killed in a collision while flying an Anson trainer in Scotland. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force from Lethbridge, Alberta branch on November 1, 1940 and was commissioned just before sailing for overseas three months ago. Friesen joined the bank in 1936 at Medicine Hat, Alberta branch. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Gagnon, L.E. | Vancouver, British Columbia | Flying Officer L.E. Gagnon, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, Vancouver, British Columbia branch, was killed in an airplane accident on February 16, 1943 near St. Honore, Quebec. Gagnon joined the bank at Vancouver, 25th Avenue branch on August 21, 1936 and enlisted on September 25, 1940. |
Ganong, R.E. | St. Stephen, New Brunswick | Lieutenant R.E. Ganong, Canadian Army Overseas, 24, died of wounds in Italy on March 18, 1944. Ganong entered the bank at St. Stephen, New Brunswick on November 23, 1937 and enlisted from that branch in the Royal Canadian Air Force on September 18, 1939, going overseas in 1941. While in England he transferred to the Army and was sent back to Canada to take an Officer’s Training Course at Brockville, Ontario. He returned overseas in 1943 and went to Italy as a reinforcement officer for the Carleton-York Regiment. |
Glazebrook, E.H. | Montreal, Bonaventure, Quebec | Flight Lieutenant E.H. Glazebrook, 24, was killed while on active service. He entered the bank in 1936 at Mount Royal, Quebec branch and enlisted from Montreal, Quebec, Bonaventure branch in October 1940. He graduated as Pilot Officer with the highest marks in a class of 49 and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross at Malta, where his official score was 3.5 enemy aircraft destroyed. |
Gove, W. | Edmonton, Alberta | Captain W. Gove, C.A.O., 43, was accidentally killed in a motor accident in Germany on April 18, 1945. Gove enlisted on June 22, 1940 and was paymaster of the 1st Battalion, Edmonton Fusiliers. He went overseas with the Canadian Army Overseas and was inspecting German banks at the time of his accident. He entered the bank at Edmonton, Alberta on June 30, 1920 and served at various branches in Alberta and British Columbia before enlisting from Edmonton branch. |
Greenan, J.F. | Turner Valley, Alberta | Flying Officer J. F. Greenan, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, Turner Valley, Alberta was killed in action on March 2, 1943. He joined the bank at Calgary, Alberta branch on May 5, 1937 and enlisted from Turner Valley, Alberta branch on January 6, 1941. He took part in many successful raids over enemy territory and was killed while returning from a raid over Berlin. |
Grimble, H. | Winnipeg, Sargent & Sherbrook, Manitoba | Flying Officer H. Grimble, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, reported missing while on operations over Kiel, Germany, on August 17, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Grimble, who was attached to No. 433 Royal Canadian Air Force Squadron, enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sargent and Sherbrook branch on October 12, 1942. He entered the bank at Winnipeg on August 8, 1940. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Hall, G.S. | Stratford, Ontario | Lieutenant G.S. Hall, Canadian Army Overseas, 32, was killed in action in Italy on August 31, 1944. Hall enlisted on November 3, 1942 from Stratford, Ontario branch and went overseas as a reinforcement officer for the Perth Regiment. He was serving with this unit at the time of his death. Hall who was the son of W.N.D. Hall, former manager at Elora, Ontario branch, entered the bank at Elora on January 8, 1929. |
Halliday, R.B. | Hamilton, Barton & Ottawa, Ontario | Pilot Officer R.B. Halliday, listed as missing after air operations over Germany, was officially reported killed in action on April 15, 1942. A member of Hamilton, Ontario, Barton and Ottawa branch when he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in October 1940, Halliday had been on active service overseas as an observer since September 1941. He entered the bank in 1935 at North Bay, Ontario branch. |
Hastings, D.K. | Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario | Lieutenant D.K. Hastings, Canadian Army Overseas, 25, was killed on active service overseas on July 11, 1944. He was formerly Staff Sergeant at Fort Chippewa barracks in North Bay, Ontario and enlisted with the Algonquin Regiment, obtaining his commission at Brockville. Later he was posted overseas to the Central Ontario Regiment. Hastings entered the bank at New Liskeard, Ontario branch on August 30, 1938 and enlisted from Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario branch on March 3, 1941. |
Heath, D.J. | Portland, Ontario | Flight Sergeant D.J. Heath, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing on August 28, 1944, was assumed to having been killed on that raid when his plane was shot down over Szony, in North Hungary. Heath received his gunner’s wing at Mont Joli, Quebec in July 1943 and went overseas in August of the same year. In March 1944, he and his all-Canadian crew were posted to a Royal Air Force Pathfinder Squadron and it was while engaged in Pathfinder work that his plane was shot down. A native of Portland, Ontario, Heath joined the bank there in March 1941 and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on November 14, 1942. |
Hebb, G.M. | Halifax, Spring Garden Road, Nova Scotia | Lieutenant G.M. Hebb, C.A.O., 24, was killed in action on the Adriatic Coast of Italy on September 16, 1944 while serving with the West Nova Scotia Regiment. Hebb entered the bank at Bridgewater, Nova Scotia branch on July 19, 1935 and enlisted from Halifax, Spring Garden Road branch on May 8, 1942. |
Hedley, L.P. | Aylmer, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant L.P. Hedley, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action during air operations near Verden, Germany on April 26, 1945. The aircraft he was flying had to be abandoned and he did not survive the parachute descent. He was buried near the village of Verden. Hedley entered the bank at Dunnville, Ontario branch on March 20, 1939 and served at Paisley, Ontario branch and Hamilton, Ontario, Market branch, before enlisting from Aylmer, Ontario branch on October 14, 1942. |
Henderson, A.B. | Chapleau, Ontario | Flying Officer A.B. Henderson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed on active service overseas on January 16, 1944 when his plane crashed on landing. He was buried at Cambridge, England. Henderson entered the bank at Chapleau, Ontario on October 2, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on January 7, 1942. He went overseas in December 1942 and received his commission in England. |
Hill, R.G. | Ottawa, Glebe, Ontario | Sergeant Observer R.G. Hill, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was reported missing after air operations on September 13, 1942 and was assumed to having been killed in action. He entered the bank at Guelph, Ontario branch on February 23, 1937 and enlisted from Ottawa, Ontario, Glebe branch on June 14, 1941. Hill was a Navigator attached to a Royal Air Force bomber squadron at the time of his death. |
Holbrook, H.E. | Montreal, Monkland & Beaconsfield, Quebec | Flying Officer H.E. Holbrook, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing after a reconnaissance flight on June 12, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Holbrook entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Stanley Street branch on September 2, 1937, and enlisted from Montreal, Monkland and Beaconsfield branch on August 19, 1941. |
Hughes, W.R. | Montreal, St. Catherine & McGill College, Quebec | Pilot Officer W.R. Hughes, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was killed during air operations in England. Hughes joined the bank in 1936 at Carleton Place, Ontario, his hometown, and in 1938 was transferred to Newboro, Ontario branch. On January 9, 1940 he transferred to Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine and McGill College branch and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on October 11, 1940. |
Hunt, J. | Cabri, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer J. Hunt, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action on November 29, 1944 when his plane crashed near Lille, France. He was buried at the village of Lesquin, near Lille. Hunt entered the bank at Cabri, Saskatchewan on July 18, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on July 8, 1941. He was a member of the “Cougar” squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force. |
Hunter, D.J. | London, England | Flight Lieutenant D.J. Hunter, R.A.F.Y.R., 22, died as the result of injuries from a flying accident on V.E. Day, May 8, 1945. Hunter entered the bank at London, England branch on April 15, 1940 and enlisted from that branch on November 2, 1940. At the time of his death he was on active service with the 2nd Tactical Air Force, B.L.A. (Spitfire Pilot). |
Hutchins, D.R. | Leamington, Ontario | Flying Officer D.R. Hutchins, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing on January 7, 1945 after a mission to Munich, was assumed to having been killed in action. Hutchins graduated as an Observer from Ancienne Lorette, Quebec on February 9, 1943 and arrived overseas the following December. Upon completion of his operational training he was posted to No. 626 Squadron and at the time of his death was well advanced in his tour of operations. A native of Leamington, Ontario, he entered the bank there in August 1938 and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in June 1942. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Jackson, R.J. | Toronto, Queen & Close, Ontario | Sergeant Pilot R.J. Jackson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, was reported killed after having been listed as missing after air operations, January 19, 1942. A native of Toronto, Ontario, Jackson entered the bank there in January 1940 at the 1170 Yonge Street branch and was attached to Toronto, Queen and Close branch at the time of his enlistment in December 1940. |
Janes, F.P. | Montreal, Laurier Avenue, Quebec | Sergeant F.P. Janes, Canadian Army Overseas, 33, was killed in action in Normandy on July 25, 1944. Janes enlisted with the Victoria Rifles of Canada on August 5, 1940 and transferred to the Black Watch overseas, being assigned to the Intelligence Section. Janes entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Hampton branch on November 25, 1929 and was Assistant Accountant at Montreal, Laurier Avenue branch at the time of his enlistment. |
Jeanneret, P.W. | Ladner, British Columbia | Flying Officer P.W. Jeanneret, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was reported missing in March following a raid over Cologne and was assumed to having been killed in action, February 14, 1943. Jeanneret enlisted from Ladner, British Columbia branch on April 30, 1941. Before his departure overseas, he was attached to the Royal Air Force Ferry Command at Montreal and navigated a bomber across the Atlantic to England. |
Jenkins, F.S. | Roblin, Manitoba | Sergeant F.S. Jenkins, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, who was reported missing after air operations against the enemy on February 27, was assumed to having been killed in action, February 25, 1943. He entered the bank at Shoal Lake, Manitoba branch on August 15, 1938 and enlisted from Roblin, Manitoba branch on February 9, 1941. |
Johnson, F.G. | Montreal, Peel & Sherbrooke, Quebec | Flight Lieutenant F.G. Johnson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was killed in action overseas on September 25, 1944. Johnson, who was the son of Mr. F. Johnson, President of the Bell Telephone Company, entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine and McGill College Avenue branch on July 4, 1938 and enlisted from Montreal, Peel and Sherbrooke branch on September 30, 1940. He won his wings at Uplands, Ontario in July 1941. After a period of instructional duty at St. Hubert, Quebec, he was posted overseas in June 1943. |
Johnson, W.G.W. | Cut Knife, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer W.G.W. Johnson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was reported missing after air operations over enemy territory on June 3, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Johnson entered the bank at Lipton, Saskatchewan branch on July 2, 1940 and enlisted from Cut Knife, Saskatchewan branch on May 12, 1942. |
Johnston, P.H.W. | Winnipeg, Portage Avenue, Manitoba | Flying Officer P.H.W. Johnston, Royal Canadian Air Force, 32, was reported missing after air operations in West Africa on August 27, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Johnston entered the bank at Shoal Lake, Manitoba branch on August 1, 1929 and after serving at various Winnipeg, Manitoba branches, enlisted from Winnipeg, Portage Avenue branch on June 16, 1941. He received his wings at Dauphin, Manitoba in June 1942 and went overseas in January 1943. |
Johnston, W.P. | Brandon, Manitoba | Flying Officer W.P. Johnston, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, was reported missing after enemy operations on June 6, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Born in Broadview, Saskatchewan, Johnston entered the bank at Brandon, Manitoba branch in April 1940 and left to join the Royal Canadian Air Force on June 9, 1942. He trained at Dauphin, Manitoba and Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and won his pilot’s wings at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. |
Joyce, R.G. | Spirit River, Alberta | Squadron Leader R.G. Joyce, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was killed overseas on February 13, 1946 when the Dakota transport plane of which he was pilot crashed in a fog in the Surrey Hills south of London. Joyce had a distinguished service record and was mentioned in Dispatches in January 1944. He spent three years in India and Ceylon and since early 1945 had been operating from England. Joyce entered the bank at Calgary, Alberta branch in March 1937, later serving at Hillhurst, Alberta branch, High River, Alberta branch, Alix, Alberta branch and Spirit River, Alberta branch. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force from Spirit River in October 1940. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Kennedy, J.B. | Chippawa, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant J.B. Kennedy, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, missing since April 5, 1945 after air operations, was assumed to having been killed in action. Kennedy graduated and received his commission as a navigator at Ancienne Lorette in 1942 and proceeded overseas shortly afterwards. He entered the bank in 1938 at Tillsonburg, Ontario branch and was attached to Chippawa, Ontario branch when he enlisted in January 1942. |
Kenward, S.F. | Brandon, Manitoba | Gunner S.F. Kenward, Royal Canadian Artillery, 25, died on August 16, 1944, of wounds received while fighting at Falaise, France. He was wounded by an exploding mine while laying communications and died the same day, and was buried in Normandy. Kenward had previously received minor wounds on August 10, and again on August 13. He entered the bank at Minnedosa, Manitoba branch on May 27, 1936 and enlisted from Brandon, Manitoba branch on May 23, 1940. He was the son of A.T. Kenward, former manager at Boissevain, Manitoba branch. |
Kertson, R.A. | Bathurst, New Brunswick | Flight Sergeant R.A. Kertson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was reported missing on September 4, 1942 on his 18th flight over enemy territory and was assumed to having been killed in action. He was a member of the famous Moose Squadron. Kertson entered the bank at Grand Falls, New Brunswick branch on January 12, 1937 and enlisted from Bathurst, New Brunswick branch on December 23, 1940. |
Killin, R.D. | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Sergeant Observer R.D. Killin, 24, listed as missing since after air operations over Germany, was officially reported killed in action on November 8, 1941. Born in Sydney, Nova Scotia, he started with the bank at Halifax, Nova Scotia branch in 1935 and two years later was transferred to Halifax, Almon and Agricola branch. Killin enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on July 13, 1940 from Kentville, Nova Scotia branch and had participated in many air operations overseas. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Lagimodiere, D.R. | Brandon, Manitoba | Sergeant D.R. Lagimodiere, 21, reported missing on September 13, 1942 following a reconnaissance flight in Nova Scotia, was assumed to having been killed in action. Sergeant Lagimodiere entered the bank at St. Boniface, Manitoba on September 7, 1937 and joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in May 1941. |
Lane, C.T. | Toronto, Bay & Temperance, Ontario | Pilot Officer C.T. Lane, was reported missing after air operations on November 7, 1941. Prior to his enlistment in July 1940, Lane was Assistant Accountant at Toronto, Ontario, Bay and Temperance branch, previously having served at Sudbury, Leamington and Toronto, Sherbourne and Queen branches in Ontario. He received his Observer’s “Wing” in March 1941 and was awarded a commission shortly after. In June 1941 he went overseas by transatlantic bomber, acting as Navigator on the flight. |
Larin, J.B.L. | Montreal, St. Denis & St. Catherine, Quebec | Sergeant Airgunner J.B.L. Larin, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing after an air raid over Germany in March 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Larin entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, St. Denis and St. Catherine on September 4, 1937 and enlisted from that branch on September 13, 1940. |
Layton, P.C. | Great Village, Nova Scotia | Leading Writer P.C. Layton, Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, 25, was reported missing following the sinking of Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship “Valleyfield” on May 7, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Layton entered the bank at Great Village, Nova Scotia on December 1, 1937 and enlisted from that branch on March 13, 1940. |
Leach, L.C.R. | Dryden, Ontario | Pilot Officer L.C.R. Leach, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed in action over Germany on October 14, 1942 and buried in England on October 19, 1942. Leach was born on November 11, 1920, at Osaquan, Ontario and entered the bank at Dryden, Ontario branch on February 20, 1939. He joined the air force on October 23, 1940. |
Leppert, S.E. | Wawanesa, Manitoba | Flying Officer S.E. Leppert, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, was killed on active service during flying operations at Mickleton, Gloucestershire, England on December 7, 1944. He was buried at the Royal Air Force Regional Cemetery, Brookwood, Woking, Surrey, England. Leppert entered the bank at Roblin, Manitoba branch on September 9, 1940 and enlisted from Wawanesa, Manitoba branch on December 5, 1942. Following his graduation as Pilot Officer, he proceeded to Quebec to take a special Commando course and on completion of this he went overseas. He was the son of W.L. Leppert, manager, Minto, Manitoba branch. |
Little, K.W. | Brooks, Alberta | Lieutenant K.W. Little, Canadian Army Overseas, 35, was killed in action in Holland on January 28, 1945. Little entered the bank at High River, Alberta branch on July 3, 1928 and after serving at various other branches enlisted from Brooks, Alberta branch in June 1940. |
Lloyd, W.H. | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Flying Officer W.H. Lloyd, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action over France on July 29, 1944. Lloyd entered the bank at Berwick, Nova Scotia branch on April 24, 1939 and enlisted from Kentville, Nova Scotia branch on May 12, 1942. |
Love, R.J. | Winnipeg, Portage & Good, Manitoba | Warrant Officer R.J. Love, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, killed while on operational duty overseas on July 31, 1944 near Salalah, Arabia. The aircraft in which he was a member of the crew flew into a cliff, presumably while in a cloud. Love entered the bank at Winnipeg, Manitoba, Sherbrook and Portage branch on July 18, 1938 and enlisted from Winnipeg, Portage and Good branch on February 20, 1942. He went overseas in June 1943, and was with the Coastal Command attached to the Atlantic Patrol out of Northern Ireland. He later proceeded to North Africa and then to India. |
Lowe, E.R. | Barrie, Ontario | Flying Officer E.R. Lowe, Royal Canadian Air Force, 33, reported missing on July 18, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Lowe, who was the son of the late A.T. Lowe, former Supervisor at Calgary, Alberta, entered the bank at Vancouver, Kitsilano branch on April 10, 1929 and enlisted from Barrie, Ontario branch on September 9, 1942. |
Name | Branch | Details |
MacAllister, H.D.F. | Mount Royal, Quebec | Flight Lieutenant H.D.F. MacAllister, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing after air operations overseas in June 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action, August 17, 1944. MacAllister joined the bank at Ottawa, Ontario branch on December 6, 1937, later serving at Ottawa, Bank and Somerset branch. He enlisted on June 27, 1941 from Mount Royal, Quebec branch. |
Macdonald, N.A. | Sydney, Nova Scotia | Lance Corporal N.A. Macdonald, Canadian Army Overseas, 23, was killed in action in Italy on September 14, 1944. Macdonald entered the bank at Sydney, Nova Scotia, Whitney Pier branch on February 1, 1939. He enlisted from Sydney branch on August 1, 1942 in the West Nova Scotia Highlanders, going overseas in April 1943. He was the nephew of A.F. McAlpine, Supervisor of Manitoba Branches. |
MacDonald, W.E. | Office of the Assistant General Manager, Toronto, Ontario | Flying Officer W.E. MacDonald, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing while on operations over the Ruhr Valley on July 29, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. MacDonald entered the bank at St. Marys, Ontario on February 25, 1935 and served at several Ontario branches before enlisting from the Office of the Assistant General Manager, Toronto, on April 7, 1942. |
MacKenzie, E.M. | Supervisor’s Department, Vancouver, British Columbia | Lieutenant E.M. MacKenzie, Canadian Army Overseas, 29, was killed in action in Italy in February 1944. MacKenzie entered the bank at Kamloops, British Columbia on October 10, 1930 and served at various branches in British Columbia before enlisting from the Supervisor’s Department, Vancouver on January 16, 1942 in the Westminster Regiment. |
MacKenzie, J.A.H. | Montreal, St. Matthew Street, Quebec | Corporal J.A.H. MacKenzie, Canadian Army Overseas, 22, was killed in action at the Scheldt Estuary, Holland, on October 30, 1944 while serving with the 7th Reconnaissance Regiment. He had been wounded recently and had returned to his regiment just a few days before he was killed. MacKenzie entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, Queen Mary and Decarie branch on February 16, 1939 and enlisted on May 13, 1941. He was the son of J.K. McKenzie of our Montreal, Stanley Street branch. |
MacLean, C.W. | Westville, Nova Scotia | Lieutenant C.W. MacLean, Royal Canadian Artillery, 25, died in hospital on June 19, 1944 as a result of wounds received during fighting in the invasion of Normandy. He was buried in Normandy. MacLean entered the bank at Sydney, Nova Scotia on April 19, 1937 and enlisted from Westville, Nova Scotia branch on December 20, 1940. He was a graduate of the C.A.O.T.C., Brockville, Ontario, and went overseas in September 1943. |
Maclean, R. | Louisburg, Nova Scotia | Flying Officer R. Maclean, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action on January 29, 1944 when the bomber in which he was a crewmember was shot down in a raid over Berlin. Maclean entered the bank at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia branch on May 8, 1939, and enlisted from Louisburg, Nova Scotia branch on October 31, 1941. |
MacLeod, A.O. | Brooks, Alberta | Sergeant Pilot A.O. MacLeod, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, reported missing after air operations overseas on October 13, 1942, was assumed to having been killed in action. MacLeod entered the bank at Standard, Alberta branch on August 22, 1939 and enlisted from Brooks, Alberta branch on February 8, 1941. He received his wings at Dauphin, Manitoba on October 24, 1941 and went overseas in November of that year. |
MacLeod, D. | London, England | Gunner D. MacLeod, Royal Field Artillery, 39, died on active service in Salonika, Greece on May 25, 1945 of an abscess of the lungs. MacLeod entered the bank at London, England branch on April 4, 1927 and enlisted from that branch in the Royal Artillery (Field) on June 4, 1942. He was posted to the Middle East Forces in May 1943 and was on active service throughout most of the Italian campaign, later being transferred to Greece. |
Macleod, J.G. | Fredericton, New Brunswick | Flying Officer J.G. Macleod, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was killed on active service overseas on January 4, 1944. Macleod entered the bank at Saint John, New Brunswick, North End branch on June 24, 1936 and enlisted from Fredericton, New Brunswick branch on December 9, 1941, proceeding overseas in February 1943. |
Mann, E.J. | Carlyle, Saskatchewan | Flying Officer E.J. Mann, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, reported missing after operational flights over Stuttgart, Germany on July 28, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Mann entered the bank at Regina, Saskatchewan branch on June 28, 1940 and enlisted from Carlyle, Saskatchewan branch in April 1942. He went overseas in June 1943, receiving his commission in February 1944. |
Martin, J.J.B. | Weymouth, Nova Scotia | Pilot Officer J.J.B. Martin, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing on May 5, 1943, as a result of enemy action at sea, was assumed to having been killed in action. Martin entered the bank at New Glasgow, Nova Scotia branch on September 18, 1936 and after serving at other branches in Nova Scotia, enlisted from Weymouth, Nova Scotia branch on December 6, 1941. |
Matheson, W.H. | Bathurst, New Brunswick | Flying Officer W.H. Matheson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action overseas on February 9, 1945. Matheson entered the bank at Campbellton, New Brunswick on August 16, 1937 and enlisted from Bathurst, New Brunswick branch on August 28, 1941. He was posted to Newfoundland in a clerical post but after serving there for a short time he remustered to aircrew. After completing his training at Mont Joli, Quebec he was sent overseas in June 1944. |
McCracken, A.P. | Montreal, Sherbrooke & Guy, Quebec | Flying Officer A.P. McCracken, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, reported missing after air operations over Germany on July 25, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. He received his wings and commission in September 1942, proceeding overseas shortly afterwards. McCracken was wounded on May 24, 1943 and had just recently returned to his squadron when he was reported missing. He entered the bank at Westmount, Quebec, Greene Avenue branch on July 3, 1939 and enlisted from Montreal, Quebec, Sherbrooke and Guy branch on December 3, 1941. |
McDonald, C.G. | Montreal, Tramways Terminal, Quebec | Flying Officer C.G. McDonald, Royal Canadian Air Force, 27, reported missing after air operations against the enemy on October 9, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. McDonald entered the bank at Lachine, Quebec branch on February 12, 1935 and enlisted from Montreal, Quebec, Tramways Terminal branch on September 11, 1940. |
McDonell, J.D. | Smithers, British Columbia | Pilot Officer J.D. McDonell, 21, Smithers, British Columbia, was killed in an airplane accident in Scotland on May 16, 1943. He was born in Hazelton, British Columbia and entered the bank at Smithers on November 7, 1938. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from that branch on September 15, 1941. McDonell won the Len Waite Proficiency Trophy while in training at Prince Albert and received his wings and commission at Camp Borden. |
McDougall, T.R. | Strathroy, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant T.R. McDougall, Royal Canadian Air Force, 29, reported missing after air operations on May 26, 1944 when he failed to return from a mission over Dortmund, Germany, was killed in action. McDougall entered the bank at North Bay, Ontario branch on December 19, 1933 and served at Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine and Danforth branch and at South River, Ontario branch before enlisting from Strathroy, Ontario branch on January 9, 1941. He was awarded the D.F.C. in April 1943. |
McKiggan, A.A. | Sault Ste. Marie, Queen & Bruce, Ontario | Flying Officer A.A. McKiggan, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was killed in action on July 27, 1944 while on reconnaissance duty. McKiggan entered the bank at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Queen and Bruce branch on March 25, 1937 and enlisted from that branch on May 17, 1941. He received his wings at Summerside, Prince Edward Island and went overseas in March 1943. |
McLaughlin, R.L. | Plenty, Saskatchewan | Petty Officer Writer R.L. McLaughlin, Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, 23, died from peritonitis on May 19, 1945 in a hospital at Londonderry, Northern Ireland. McLaughlin entered the bank at Milden, Saskatchewan branch on August 1, 1939 and enlisted from Plenty, Saskatchewan branch on April 17, 1942. He had been stationed in Londonderry on administrative work at the time of his death. |
McAlpine, E.J. | Flight Lieutenant E.J. McAlpine, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing in December 1944, after a mission over Germany, was assumed to having been killed in action, April 4, 1945. A pilot and Bomber Command veteran, McAlpine joined the bank staff in August 1939 and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force a year later. | |
McManus, S. | Brantford, Ontario | Flying Officer S. McManus, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing following air operations on May 8, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed in action. McManus graduated as navigator from London, Ontario in December 1942. He was attached to a Bomber Command Squadron and had flown on many operations over enemy territory. He joined the bank at Toronto, Ontario, Bloor and Bathurst branch and later served at Kitchener, Ontario branch and Brantford, Ontario, enlisting from the latter branch in December 1941. |
McManus, W.W.S. | Saint John, New Brunswick | Lieutenant W.W. McManus, 25, was killed in action on August 19, 1942 with the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders in the raid on Dieppe. He previously had been reported missing by Lieutenant E. McManus, a brother, who was in the same regiment and returned safely to England. Prior to his enlistment in June 1940, McManus was attached to Saint John, New Brunswick branch. He entered the bank in September 1936 at Moncton, New Brunswick. |
Melrose, J.A. | Hamilton, Ontario | Flying Officer J.A. Melrose, Royal Canadian Air Force, 32, reported missing after air operations in the vicinity of Naples, Italy in July 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Melrose entered the bank at Dunnville, Ontario branch on July 2, 1929 and served at several other branches in Ontario before enlisting from Hamilton, Ontario branch on May 3, 1941. |
Mesheau, G.L.M. | Saint John, New Brunswick | Sergeant Observer G.L.M. Mesheau, 23, was killed in action on May 7, 1942. A member of the Saint John, New Brunswick branch at the time of his enlistment in November 1940, Mesheau entered the bank at Rexton, New Brunswick and subsequently served at additional New Brunswick branches at Richibucto, Moncton, Grand Falls and Newcastle. He got his Observer’s wing at Moss Bank on November 3, 1941 and went overseas shortly after. |
Middleton, A.J. | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Flying Officer A.J. Middleton, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed in action during air operations against the enemy on August 10, 1943. He was buried at Florennes, Belgium. Middleton entered the bank at Medicine Hat, Alberta on May 10, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on June 15, 1940. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Force, Accountant’s Section, but later remustered for aircrew and graduated in September 1942. |
Monette, R.J. | Embrun, Ontario | Rifleman R.J. Monette, 22, was killed in action on March 29, 1945, at Emmerich, Germany while serving with the First Battalion, Regina Rifles Regiment. As second in command of his section, Monette was covering its withdrawal after an attack on a fortified German position when he was seriously wounded and died while being taken to the Regimental Aid Post. He was buried at Vrasselt Canadian Cemetery, Germany. Monette enlisted in the Army from Embrun, Ontario branch on November 11, 1942, embarking for overseas in September of the following year. He saw service in North Western Europe from November 20, 1944. |
Monkhouse, W.G. | Winnipeg, Selkirk & Salter, Manitoba | Flying Officer W.G. Monkhouse died on December 12, 1941 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan after a brief illness. He was buried with full Royal Canadian Air Force honours in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Monkhouse had been posted to the New Initial Training School in Saskatoon as senior equipment officer just a few days before his death. Prior to his enlistment in June 1940 he was attached to Winnipeg, Selkirk and Salter branch. |
Morris, G. | Bath, Ontario | Sergeant Observer G. Morris was killed in action on August 13, 1941 while returning from a flight over enemy territory. G. Morris was born in Westcliff, England, in 1915 and entered the bank at Belleville, Ontario branch in 1934. At the time of his enlistment in the Royal Canadian Air Force in May 29, 1940, he was attached to the bank’s Bath, Ontario branch. |
Muir, T.J. | Montreal, St. Catherine & McGill College, Quebec | Flying Officer T.J. Muir, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was reported missing after air operations over enemy territory on October 3, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Muir entered the bank at Montreal, Quebec, St. Catherine and McGill College Avenue branch, on October 17, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on July 5, 1940. |
Muir, W.G. | Port Alberni, British Columbia | Flying Officer W.G. Muir, Royal Canadian Air Force, 27, was killed in an airplane accident on October 29, 1944 near Megantic, Quebec. He was buried at Nanaimo, British Columbia. Muir was an instructor in navigation at Ancienne Lorette, Quebec. He entered the bank at Nanaimo, on April 1, 1935 and served at various branches in British Columbia before enlisting from Port Alberni, British Columbia branch on May 31, 1942. |
Murray, A.I. | Toronto, Woodbine & Danforth, Ontario | Sergeant Pilot A.I. Murray, 22, was killed during an operational flight in England on January 19, 1942. He had been with the Royal Canadian Air Force since June 30, 1940. Murray entered the bank at Simcoe, Ontario branch in 1936 and served at several Ontario branches, enlisting from Toronto, Ontario, Woodbine and Danforth branch. |
Murray, J.L. | Halifax, Almon & Agricola, Nova Scotia | Flight Sergeant J.L. Murray, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was killed on active service overseas on August 23, 1944, while serving with the Operation Training Unit at Ely, Cambs, England. Murray entered the bank at Guysboro, Nova Scotia branch on September 2, 1941 and enlisted from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Almon and Agricola branch on August 11, 1942. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Surrey, England. |
Murray, L.K. | Montreal, Monkland & Harvard, Quebec | Lieutenant L.K. Murray, Canadian Army Overseas, 25, was killed in action on October 15, 1944 while serving in Italy with the Three Rivers Tank Regiment. Murray entered the bank at Drummondville, Quebec branch on June 28, 1937 and served at Granby, Quebec branch and Lachine, Quebec branch before enlisting from Montreal, Quebec, Monkland and Harvard branch on August 5, 1942. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Northmore, M.P. | Toronto, Coxwell & Gerrard, Ontario | Flying Officer M.P. Northmore, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, was killed in action on October 24, 1943 while piloting a Hurricane fighter plane in North Africa. He entered the bank at Toronto, Ontario, College and Bathurst branch on March 20, 1935 and enlisted from Toronto, Coxwell and Gerrard branch on December 8, 1940. Northmore spent some time in Northern Ireland before being sent to North Africa. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Oldham, W.G. | Vancouver, Dunbar & 17th, British Columbia | Flight Lieutenant W.G. Oldham, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was reported missing on March 15, 1945 following a mission over Holland as pilot of a Mosquito Intruder, and was assumed to having been killed in action. Oldham graduated with his commission from Fort William with the third highest rating out of a class of 42 pilots. He was subsequently posted to Dafoe, Saskatchewan where, for eighteen months, he was staff pilot instructor in charge of bombing and gunnery flight. He went overseas in October 1944 and was attached to 603 Squadron. Oldham joined the bank in July 1938 at Vancouver, British Columbia, Davie Street branch, and was serving at Vancouver, Dunbar and 17th branch when he enlisted in October 1941. |
O’Reilly, B.C. | Head Office, Montreal, Quebec | Private B.C. O’Reilly, C.A.C., 21, died February 24, 1944 of spinal meningitis at Bellevedere Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland. O’Reilly was born in Ireland and entered the bank at Head Office, Montreal, Quebec as page boy on May 1, 1937. At the time of his enlistment, September 27, 1943, he was attached to the Mailing Department, Head Office. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Parks, W.R. | Prince Albert, Saskatchewan | Pilot Officer W.R. Parks, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, was accidentally killed on December 18, 1943 when his plane crashed near Lethbridge, Alberta during a routine training flight. He entered the bank on June 27, 1940 at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan and enlisted from that branch on July 21, 1941. |
Parrish, E.D. | Sexsmith, Alberta | Sergeant Observer E.D. Parrish, 24, was killed on December 21, 1941 in a flying accident overseas. Parrish, who reported for service with the Royal Canadian Air Force on October 22, 1940, was born in Medicine Hat, Alberta and joined the bank there in 1935. |
Patterson, R.S. | Calgary, Third Street West, Alberta | Pilot Officer R.S. Patterson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing after night flying operations over enemy territory on July 31, 1942 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Patterson entered the bank at Calgary, Alberta, Third Street West branch on March 25, 1937 and served at various branches in Alberta before enlisting from Calgary, Third Street West branch on February 11, 1941. |
Perrin, K.E. | Medicine Hat, Alberta | Captain K.E. Perrin, Canadian Army Overseas, 24, was killed in action in the fight for the Hochwald Line in Germany on February 27, 1945. He enlisted from Medicine Hat, Alberta, branch with the South Alberta Regiment on June 11, 1940 and when he proceeded overseas in 1942 he was the youngest officer in his regiment. Then nineteen years old, he held the rank of Captain. In December 1944, when General Eisenhower inspected the Canadian troops in Holland, Perrin acted as Captain of the Guard of Honour. Perrin entered the bank at Medicine Hat, Alberta branch on August 28, 1939. |
Phillpott, J.A.M. | Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia | Flight Sergeant J.A.M. Phillpott, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, reported missing after a raid on Dusseldorf on June 12, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Phillpott entered the bank at Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia on July 17, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on May 13, 1941. |
Pickering, W.C. | Wiarton, Ontario | Private W.C. Pickering, Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps, 20, was killed in action in Normandy, July 8, 1944. He was a stretcher-bearer and went to France on the first day of the invasion. Pickering entered the bank at Port Credit, Ontario branch on July 24, 1941 and enlisted from Wiarton, Ontario branch on March 24, 1943. |
Pope, C.C. | Montreal, Mount Royal & St. Lawrence, Quebec | Sergeant C.C. Pope, 28, died in March 15, 1944 while held by the Japanese in a prisoner of war camp at Hong Kong. Pope enlisted in the Royal Rifles of Canada from Montreal, Quebec, Mount Royal and St. Lawrence branch in July 1940 and was in the specialist Signal platoon of the regiment which took part in the ill-fated Hong Kong expedition. He joined the bank at Sherbrooke, Quebec in October 1935 and served at branches in Montreal, Quebec and St. Hyacinthe, Quebec. |
Pope, W.A. | Toronto, Ontario | Flying Officer W.A. Pope, Royal Canadian Air Force, 31, was killed in action on May 2, 1944. He entered the bank at Halifax, Nova Scotia, Morris and Barrington branch on May 20, 1929 and served for two and a half years in the Supervisor’s Department, Halifax. In September 1936, Pope was transferred to Head Office, Montreal, Quebec where he remained until his appointment on May 10, 1939 as Assistant Manager, Hamilton, Ontario branch. In May 1941, he was appointed Assistant Manager at Toronto, Ontario branch and enlisted from that branch on September 7, 1942. |
Powell, W. | Toronto, Ontario | Flight Sergeant W.O. Powell, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was reported missing after air operations on February 3, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. He was in many raids over Germany and Italy, being one of the Canadians who took part in the 1,000 plane raid on Cologne. Powell enlisted from Toronto, Ontario branch on August 12, 1940. |
Price, A.K. | Toronto, Runnymede & Bloor, Ontario | Flying Officer A.K. Price, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in a crash over Germany on November 9, 1945 while commanding a squadron in the Occupational Forces. He was buried in a military cemetery in Germany. Price, who enlisted from Toronto, Ontario, Runnymede and Bloor branch in September 1941, won his pilot’s wings at Moncton, New Brunswick and was commissioned while instructing at Camp Borden, Ontario. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Quantrill, E.S. | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Flying Officer E.S. Quantrill, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed in a flying accident at Dauphin, Manitoba on May 16, 1944. Quantrill entered the bank at Port Hope, Ontario branch on March 15, 1937 and retired from Wallaceburg, Ontario branch on February 5, 1942 to take a training course that would qualify him for enlistment with the Royal Canadian Air Force as a Pilot. He enlisted on April 17, 1942. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Rathwell, E.E. | Carleton Place, Ontario | Sergeant Pilot E.E. Rathwell, 21, was killed on June 22, 1942 while on a bombing operational flight over the Channel. A native of Carleton Place, Ontario, he joined the bank there in September 1939, enlisting in the Royal Canadian Air Force in December of the following year. Rathwell won his pilot’s wings at Dunnville, Ontario in September 1941 and proceeded overseas the same month. |
Renton, A. | Montreal, Beaver Hall, Quebec | Flying Officer A. Renton, Royal Canadian Air Force, 30, reported missing after air operations overseas on July 16, 1943, was assumed to having killed in action. He graduated from Rivers, Manitoba in September 1942 and went overseas in December of that year. Renton entered the bank at Regina, Saskatchewan on October 11, 1929 and enlisted from Montreal, Quebec, Beaver Hall branch on August 18, 1941. He was the son of A.W. Renton of the Supervisor’s Department, Regina. |
Retter, A.J. | Toronto, Keele & St. Clair, Ontario | Pilot Officer A.J. Retter, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, reported missing after air operations in June 16, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Retter entered the bank at Toronto, Ontario, Keele and St. Clair on July 16, 1941 and enlisted from that branch on March 19, 1942. |
Reynolds, J.W.B. | Pembroke, Ontario | D.F.C., 21, killed in action on May 4, 1943. He was attached to Pembroke, Ont. branch when he enlisted on December 31, 1940. F/O Reynolds went overseas in September, 1941, and took part in many attacks on enemy targets. He also participated in the operations at Dieppe and was awarded the D.F.C. in September 1942. |
Richardson, J.J. | Brandon, Manitoba | Coder J.J. Richardson, Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve, 22, was reported missing after the sinking of Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship St. Croix on September 2, 1943, and was assumed to having been killed in action. Richardson entered the bank at Brandon, Manitoba on June 28, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on June 6, 1942. After completing his initial training he was posted to the St. Croix, a Canadian destroyer engaged in convoy duty. Coder Richardson saw action on several occasions before the ship was torpedoed. |
Richardson, R.D. | Norwood, Ontario | Sergeant Observer R.D. Richardson, 24, was killed in action with the Royal Canadian Air Force in England. An outstanding athlete, he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in October 1940, graduating as an observer. He entered the bank at Norwood, Ontario in 1937 and enlisted from that branch on October 15, 1940. |
Robinson, V.T. | Kentville, Nova Scotia | Flight Lieutenant V.T. Robinson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was reported missing after his plane was shot down on March 30, 1944 while on patrol duty off the coast of Norway and was assumed to having been killed in action. Robinson entered the bank at Berwick, Nova Scotia branch on December 1, 1936 and enlisted from Kentville, Nova Scotia branch on December 15, 1940. He received his wings and commission at Brandon, Manitoba in October 1941, on which occasion he was presented with a bronze plaque from the citizens of Brandon in recognition of the fact that he came first in his class. |
Roddy, W.G. | Winnipeg, Carleton & Portage, Manitoba | Sergeant Observer W.G. Roddy, 22, listed as missing following air operations overseas, was killed in action on July 7, 1942. He enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton and Portage Avenue branch, on February 19, 1941 and graduated as an Observer at Rivers, Manitoba, eleven months later. He arrived overseas on February 20, 1942 and was immediately attached to the Royal Air Force, 15th squadron. Roddy joined the bank in December 1937 at Winnipeg, Selkirk and Salter branch and was transferred to Carlton and Portage branch in April 1940. |
Roe, G.R. | Vancouver, Cambie & Broadway, British Columbia | Flight Lieutenant G.R. Roe, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed in action in the Pas-de-Calais area, France on June 24, 1944 while on the fourth flight of his second tour. He had been through a number of bombing raids over Germany and Italy and had completed one tour of 30 operational flights over enemy territory several months before. Roe had four promotions overseas and was mentioned in dispatches. He entered the bank at Vancouver, British Columbia Supervisor’s Department on September 5, 1939 and enlisted from Vancouver, Gambie and Broadway branch on January 8, 1941. |
Ross, N.W. | Moncton, New Brunswick | Sergeant N.W. Ross, 22, was killed in action on November 29, 1942 while on occupational flying. He entered the bank at Moncton, New Brunswick branch, enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on May 26, 1941 and had been taking part in bombing raids over Germany and France. |
Rylands, J.E. | Brockville, Ontario | Flying Officer J.E. Rylands, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was killed on May 11, 1943 while on active service in Africa. Rylands entered the bank at Brockville, Ontario on August 18th, 1939 and enlisted from that branch on February 15, 1941. He had been on many operational flights over enemy territory, being leader of a squadron. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Saunders, F.J.W. | Vernon, British Columbia | Pilot Officer F.J.W. Saunders, 21, was reported to have died of wounds on the Libyan front, January 4, 1942. A staff member of our Vernon, British Columbia branch, Saunders joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in July 1940, receiving his commission and wings in March 1941. He went overseas in April and later was sent to Egypt with a squadron of fighters. |
Schaefer, K.G. | Toronto, Queen & Close, Ontario | Pilot Officer K.G. Schaefer, 22, was reported missing after convoy operations and was assumed to have lost his life, December 29, 1941. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from Toronto, Ontario, Queen and Close branch on September 18, 1940 and won his wings the following summer. Schaefer joined the bank in 1937 at Harriston, Ontario branch. |
Scott, R.L. | Prescott, Ontario | Flight Sergeant R.L. Scott, Royal Canadian Air Force, 36, was reported missing on August 16, 1943 after air operations over enemy territory and was assumed to having been killed in action. He entered the bank on July 25, 1927 at Montreal West, Quebec branch and after serving at various branches in Montreal, was appointed accountant at Prescott, Ontario branch on January 9, 1939. Scott enlisted from that branch on March 1, 1941. |
Scott, T.F. | Saskatoon, Saskatchewan | Sergeant T.F. Scott, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was reported missing after an accident during a training flight on the West Coast of Scotland on May 28, 1944 and was assumed to having been killed on active service. Scott entered the bank at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on August 21, 1941 and enlisted from that branch on October 19, 1942. |
Senecal, J.H.G. | Plantagenet, Ontario | Pilot Officer J.H.G. Senecal, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, reported missing after an air raid over Stuttgart and Augsburg on March 16, 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Senecal, who had been promoted to that rank about one week before being reported missing, entered the bank at Plantagenet, Ontario on January 17, 1938 and enlisted from that branch on August 28, 1941. |
Sheppard, R.R. | Toronto, Church & Wellesley, Ontario | Lieutenant R.R. Sheppard, Royal Navy, (Fleet Air Arm), 22, was killed on March 22, 1945 while operating from an aircraft carrier in the South Pacific. Sheppard entered the bank at Toronto, Ontario, Deloraine and Yonge branch on January 8, 1940 and served at Toronto, Sunnyside branch before enlisting from Toronto, Church and Wellesley branch on October 15, 1942. |
Sherlock, H.J. | Office of the Assistant General Manager, Toronto, Ontario | Rifleman H.J. Sherlock, Canadian Army Overseas, 20, was killed in action in France on September 30, 1944. Sherlock entered the bank at the Office of the Assistant General Manager, Toronto, Ontario on August 25, 1941 as a Page and enlisted from that office on June 8, 1942 as a Private in the Queen’s Own Rifles. He was serving with that regiment at the time of his death. |
Sherman, L.G. | Calgary, Third Street West, Alberta | Lieutenant L.G. Sherman, Canadian Army Overseas, 23, was killed in action in Italy on May 23, 1944. Sherman, who was the eldest son of Archbishop L.R. Sherman of Rupert’s Land, entered the bank at Calgary, Alberta, Third Street West branch on July 9, 1940 and enlisted from that branch on April 30, 1941. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and then transferred to the army, receiving a commission with the Edmonton Fusiliers after taking an officer’s training course at Gordon Head, British Columbia. When overseas he was transferred to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment and was serving with that unit at the time of his death. |
Simpson, E.L. | Wallaceburg, Ontario | Pilot Officer E.L. Simpson, Royal Canadian Air Force, 21, Wallaceburg, Ontario branch, formerly reported missing, was officially considered lost on October 15, 1941 in the sinking of the S.S. “Vancouver Island” while proceeding overseas. |
Sinclair, A.I. | Weymouth, Nova Scotia | Flying Officer A.I. Sinclair, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was killed in England on February 24, 1944. Sinclair entered the bank at Antigonish, Nova Scotia branch on May 20, 1940 and enlisted from Weymouth, Nova Scotia branch on February 28, 1943. |
Sinclair, J.T. | Calgary, Alberta | |
Skinner, J.W.S. | Bridgetown, Barbados | Flight Lieutenant J.W.S. Skinner, Royal Air Force, 31, reported missing when his plane was shot down during a bombing raid over enemy territory on June 1944, was assumed to having been killed in action. Skinner spent all his service at Bridgetown, Barbados branch, having entered the bank there in December 1931. He joined the Royal Air Force in July 1940. |
Skinner, L.N. | Yarmouth, Nova Scotia | Pilot Officer L.N. Skinner, 21, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, was assumed to having been killed in action on May 15, 1942 while bombing an enemy convoy in the North Sea. He joined the bank on December 11, 1937, at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia branch and enlisted on October 26, 1940. He was a member of the Ace Demon Squadron and had participated in many attacks over enemy territory. |
Smith, D.I. | Sydney, Whitney Pier, Nova Scotia | |
Smith, H.A.E.G. | Abbotsford, British Columbia | Warrant Officer H.A.E.G. Smith, Royal Canadian Air Force, 33, was killed in action during air operations over Italy, on March 5, 1944. Smith, who was a Navigator on a Halifax bomber, entered the bank at Victoria, British Columbia branch on May 10, 1927 and served at various branches in British Columbia. He enlisted from Abbotsford, British Columbia branch on December 5, 1941. |
Smith, L.I. | Pakenham, Ontario | Pilot Officer L.I. Smith, Pakenham, Ontario, was reported missing on October 6, 1942, after air operations overseas and was assumed to having been killed in action. He was born at Westboro, Ontario on April 10, 1920 and entered the service of the bank at Ottawa, Ontario, Bank and Somerset branch on August 11, 1939. Smith enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on June 24, 1941 and received his wings at Hagersville, Ontario in March 1942. |
Smith, R.C. | Turner Valley, Alberta | Sergeant-Observer R.C. Smith, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was killed in action on July 12, 1943 when the Wellington Bomber in which he was serving as Navigator fell into the sea near Gibraltar. Smith entered the bank at Calgary, Alberta branch on June 21, 1940 and enlisted from Turner Valley, Alberta branch on May 13, 1941. After completing his training he was attached to the Royal Air Force Ferry Command and navigated a Liberty Bomber across the Atlantic in June 1942. |
Spurr, R.H. | New Westminster, British Columbia | Sergeant Pilot R.H. Spurr, 21, New Westminster, British Columbia, was killed in an airplane accident near Ancienne Lorette, Quebec on February 24, 1943. Spurr entered the bank at Grand Forks, British Columbia branch on August 21, 1939 and enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on September 11, 1941. He was acting as Instructor at the time of his death. |
Stanley, W.H. | Winnipeg, Carlton & Portage, Manitoba | Signalman W.H. Stanley, Royal Canadian Corps of Signals, 22, was killed in action in Normandy, June 16, 1944. Stanley entered the bank at St. Boniface, Manitoba, on July 7, 1939 and enlisted from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Carlton and Portage branch on October 24, 1942 with the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. |
Stewart, C.H. | St. John’s, Newfoundland | Sergeant C.H. Stewart, Royal Air Force, 25, St. John’s, Newfoundland, was killed in action on July 9, 1942. Stewart was born on January 18, 1917 and entered the bank at St. John’s, West End branch on December 17, 1934. He enlisted in the Royal Air Force at St. John’s on August 22, 1940 and took his initial training at No. 1 Wireless School, Montreal, Quebec. |
Styles, J.M. | Arnprior, Ontario | Flying Officer J.M. Styles, Royal Canadian Air Force, 20, was killed on active service on February 3, 1945 when his badly damaged bomber, returning from a night raid over Essen, attempted to land on an emergency field in Britain. He was buried in the Royal Air Force Cemetery at Brookwood, Surrey. Styles entered the bank at Arnprior, Ontario on April 28, 1941 and enlisted from that branch on May 31, 1943. He was a member of the 426 Royal Canadian Air Force Squadron and had made several bombing raids over Germany. |
Summerwill, J.L. | Niagara Falls, Ontario | Pilot Officer J.L. Summerwill, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, reported missing on June 5, 1943 when on an operational flight from Debert, Nova Scotia, was assumed to having been killed in action. Summerwill entered the bank at Huntsville, Ontario branch on October 15, 1937 and enlisted from Niagara Falls, Ontario branch on April 16, 1942. He graduated from No. 4 Wireless School, Guelph, Ontario, in February 1943 with honours and completed his course at Jarvis, Ontario, where he received his commission as Pilot Officer on March 24, 1943. |
Surgey, C.K. | Montevideo, Uruguay | Sergeant C.K. Surgey, Royal Air Force, 22, reported missing after air operations over Germany on May 29, 1943, was officially listed as killed in action. He entered the bank at Montevideo, Uruguay on July 19, 1937 and enlisted from that branch on March 15, 1941, being the first volunteer to leave that office. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Taylor, G.G. | Calgary, Alberta | Sergeant Pilot G.G. Taylor, previously posted as missing by the Air Ministry in London, was reported killed in active air operations, September 26, 1941. He enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from Calgary, Alberta branch on September 12, 1940 and went overseas in July of this year. Taylor was born in Winnipeg on August 19, 1921 and entered the bank at Calgary branch on August 4, 1939. |
Thomas, J.E. | Saint John, New Brunswick | Sub. Lieutenant J.E. Thomas, 20, missing following the torpedoing off Canada’s east coast of Her Majesty Canadian Ship “Raccoon,” a patrol boat, was assumed to having been killed in action, September 7, 1942. Thomas was born in Saint John, New Brunswick and entered the bank at our main branch there in August 1940. He joined the Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve in August 1941 and was commissioned after studies at an officers’ school in Halifax, Nova Scotia. |
Tinkess, D.G. | Ottawa, Market, Ontario | Pilot Officer D.G. Tinkess, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, was killed in a flying accident in England on January 13, 1945. He was a Navigator with a Canadian Bomber squadron and had been overseas since last November. Tinkess entered the bank at Ottawa, Ontario, Hintonburgh branch on December 2, 1937 and enlisted from Ottawa, Market branch on May 31, 1941. |
Todd, R.W.A. | Belleville, Ontario | Pilot Officer R.W.A. Todd, 22, Belleville, Ontario branch was killed in an airplane accident on January 16, 1943. Todd was born in Sarnia, Ontario on May 10, 1920 and entered the bank at Kingston, Ontario branch on July 16, 1938. He received his wings in May 1942 at St. Hubert, Quebec, and was attached to the Training Centre at Sea Island, British Columbia at the time of his death. |
Trewin, T.W. | Langruth, Manitoba | Flight Lieutenant T.W. Trewin, Royal Canadian Air Force, 26, was reported missing on April 5, 1945, after a special mission, and was assumed to having been killed in action. Trewin flew as pilot with a squadron in Egypt and was later sent to England for special reconnaissance work. Prior to joining the bank at Hamiota, Manitoba branch in October 1937, he went to England on the Coronation Tour for Canadian boys as representative of the Hamiota School District, being chosen for his exceptional scholastic record. Trewin enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force from Langruth, Manitoba branch, February 1941. |
Trites, R.M. | Montreal, Beaver Hall, Quebec | Flight Lieutenant R.M. Trites, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, was killed in action on January 18, 1945 when his plane crashed near Merville, France. He was buried in the British Cemetery at Merville. Trites had been flying a Mosquito plane for some months from bases in England and had just been transferred to a base in France. He entered the bank at Sackville, New Brunswick branch on June 19, 1936 and enlisted from Montreal, Beaver Hall branch on January 2, 1941. |
Tucker, G.F. | Guelph, Ontario | |
Tustin, W.A. | Consort, Alberta | Flying Officer W.A. Tustin, Royal Canadian Air Force, 22, was killed on March 6, 1945 when his Beau-fighter aircraft crashed into the sea shortly after take-off from Dallachy airfield in Scotland. A veteran of many operational missions, Tustin received his pilot’s wings and commission at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in July 1943. He entered the bank at Big Valley, Alberta branch in August 1940 and enlisted from Consort, Alberta branch in August 1942. |
Name | Branch | Details |
Wagner, W.W. | Napanee, Ontario | Flight Sergeant W.W. Wagner, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing after a raid on Worms on February 21, 1945 and was assumed to having been killed in action. A Wireless Operator, he was with the famed Goose Squadron of Bomber Command. He joined the bank at Napanee, Ontario in March 1940, enlisting from that branch on November 30, 1942. |
Walton, L.H. | Kirkland Lake, Ontario | Flying Officer L.H. Walton, Royal Canadian Air Force, 23, was reported missing after air operations over Naples, Italy on July 21, 1943 and was assumed to having been killed in action. Walton entered the bank at Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, Queen and Bruce branch on December 5, 1938 and served at several branches in Ontario before enlisting from Kirkland Lake, Ontario branch on November 21, 1941. |
Waterman, T.J.D. | Victoria, Fort Street, British Columbia | Flight Lieutenant T.J.D. Waterman, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, reported missing after air operations overseas in September 3, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. Waterman entered the bank at Vancouver, British Columbia, Robson Street branch on October 18, 1938 and enlisted from Victoria, British Columbia, Fort Street branch on August 10, 1940. A veteran of more than 50 missions over Danzig, Emden, Berlin and other targets in Germany and North Africa, he was awarded the D.F.C. in August 1942. |
Webb, A.B.C.C. | London, England | Second Lieutenant A.B.C.C. Webb, 30, was killed in action in Burma on February 19, 1942. He entered the bank on January 7, 1929 at Barcelona, Spain and was transferred to London, England branch in January 1937. He joined the Army as a volunteer on November 15th, 1939 and was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry on October 26, 1941. |
Welch, H.W. | Brantford, Ontario | Pilot Officer H.W. Welch, Royal Canadian Air Force, 27, who was reported missing on February 19, 1943 while flying over the Naval base of Wilhelmshaven, was assumed to having been killed in action. He was a navigator on a Lancaster Bomber in the Path-finding Squadron. Welch entered the bank at Kincardine, Ontario branch on April 10, 1934 and enlisted from Brantford, Ontario branch on October 12, 1940. |
Weller, A.L. | Vernon, British Columbia | Pilot Officer A.L. Weller, Royal Canadian Air Force, 25, who was reported missing after a mine laying operation on March 9, 1943, was assumed to having been killed in action. He entered the bank at Kamloops, British Columbia branch on December 15, 1936 and enlisted from Vernon, British Columbia branch on February 13, 1941. He took part in 24 operational flights ranging as far as Italy. |
Wilson, J.A. | Toronto, Yonge & Richmond, Ontario | Captain J.A. Wilson, Canadian Army Overseas, 33, was killed in action in Italy as he led his company in the successful attack on the Hitler Line on May 23, 1944. Wilson entered the bank at Toronto, Ontario, Danforth and Dawes branch on May 10, 1930 and served at several branches in Toronto and at Barrie, Ontario before enlisting in the 48th Highlanders from Toronto, Yonge and Richmond branch on March 8, 1940. |
Woodward, J.A. | Stratford, Ontario | Flight Lieutenant J.A. Woodward, Royal Canadian Air Force, 24, died September 27, 1944 from wounds received in aerial operations over Germany. He was buried at Brookwood Cemetery, Woking, Surrey, England. Woodward entered the bank at Stratford, Ontario on July 18, 1938 and enlisted from that branch on April 20, 1941. |
Wright, G.A. | Drayton, Ontario | Private G.A. Wright, Canadian Army Overseas, 20, was killed in action on September 14, 1944 while attached to the Canadian Armed Forces in Belgium. Wright entered the bank at Smooth Rock Falls, Ontario branch on September 12, 1940 and enlisted from Drayton, Ontario branch on March 28, 1943. |