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Canada Must Accelerate Methane Abatement

Methane emissions, ktCO2e

Source: National Inventory Report, RBC Climate Action Institute

Conventional Oil and Gas Dominate Methane Emissions


Source: National Inventory Report, RBC Climate Action Institute

Methane Emissions Intensities Are Reducing

Left Axis: emissions intensity (ktCO2e/mmbbl); Right Axis: production (mmbbl/d)

Source: Canada Energy Regulator; RBC Climate Action Institute

Canada Needs Better Methane Measurement

Counts of abatement projects from Canada’s largest methane emitters

Source: Canada greenhouse Gas Reporting Program, IEA, RBC Climate Action Institute


EV share of total vehicle sales, latest: Q3 2023

Source: Statistics Canada, BNEF, RBC Climate Action Institute

But It’s Only The Beginning

EV share of total vehicle sales

Source: Statistics Canada, BNEF, RBC Climate Action Institute

EV Sales Have Jumped… But It’s Only The Beginning

EV share of total vehicle sales

EV Subsidies Are Closing The Price Gap With ICE Cars

Subsidies as a share of an average EV price in 2022

Source: BNEF, RBC Climate Action Institute

Purchases Without Subsidies Are Gaining Traction

Cumulative EV sales

Source: Transport Canada, BNEF, RBC Climate Action Institute | *RBC estimate

Buyers Tapped Incentives To Buy Higher Priced EVs

Share of EV sales purchased with the federal incentives by price level*

Source: Transport Canada,, RBC Climate Action Institute | *Vehicle model/year MSRP mid-point


Homeowners Are Embracing Heat Pumps

Share of homes by Primary heating system and type of energy

Source: Statistics Canada, RBC Climate Action Institute
| Figures do not add up to 100% due to exclusion of several types of heating systems; 2030 figure is an estimate by the RBC Climate Action Institute

The popularity of the Greener Home Grant has resulted in backlog of applications awaiting processing

Source: RBC Climate Action Institute analysis of NRCan and CMHC data

Googling of heat pumps by Canadians

Popularity of “Heat Pump” search term

Source: Google trends, RBC Climate Action Institute

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