Housing Affordability
Homebuyers get some affordability relief but strains endure
December 20, 2024
The deep housing market slump got the ball rolling last year with a modest depreciation of property values tamping down homeownership costs.
Monthly Housing Market Update
Canada’s housing market recovery hits a bump but expected stay on track
January 15, 2025
Interest rate cuts in Canada set the housing market on a recovery path in 2024, but there have been bumps along the way as demonstrated by activity in December.
Special Housing Reports
Canada’s housing markets see a mixed finish to 2024
January 8, 2025
The fall’s strong market rally lost a lot of steam in some of Canada’s major housing markets as resale transactions fell markedly in Calgary and Toronto between November and December, according to local real estate boards.
Home Resale and Price Forecast
RBC’s projections for the housing market in Canada and the provinces
Older Reports
Housing Affordability
A quarterly report pinpointing cross-country trends in housing affordability in provincial and major metropolitan housing markets.
Monthly Housing Market Update
An analysis of the latest data and developments in Canada’s housing market.
Lower rates stoked Canada’s housing market momentum this fall
Canadian home sales jump in October but strong pace will be hard to sustain
Slowly but surely—Canada’s homebuyers begin to respond to rate cuts
Canada’s housing market still in a wait-and-see mode
Housing market activity static again after June bump
Rate cut gives small boost to Canada’s housing market
Homebuyers play the waiting game
Influx of new listings help ease supply-demand pressure
Mixed start to the spring housing market
Bumpy recovery for Canada’s housing market
End of the correction? Canada’s housing market is warming up
Canada’s housing market ended 2023 on a stronger note
Canada’s housing market downturn is spreading
Ontario leads Canada’s housing market cooldown
Home prices edge lower in Canada
Housing market stagnation setting in
Hot summer, cooler housing market in Canada
Pace of Canada’s housing market rebound moderates
Canada’s housing market recovery gains more traction
‘Game on’ for Canada’s housing market?
Green shoots in Canada’s housing market
Canada’s housing market finally finding its footing?
Home prices still dropping across Canada
Canada’s housing market inches closer to a cyclical bottom
Canada’s housing market stays quiet as end of year nears
Beginning of the end for Canada’s housing market downturn?
Housing market correction spreads widely across Canada
Canadian home buyers feeling the heat of higher interest rates
Bottom still a ways away for Canada’s housing market
Canada’s housing market correction gets more serious
Canada’s housing market in full-blown cooling mode
Canada’s housing market taps on the brakes as interest rates rise
Low supply still front and centre at start of spring season
Signs of market rebalancing loom as home prices continue to escalate
Canada’s housing market crushed earlier records in 2021
Home prices surge in Canada as 2021 draws to a close
Canadian home buyers dig deeper, bid higher
Canada’s housing market run has more in the tank
Home price appreciation easing across Canada
Lack of sellers holds back Canada’s housing market
Canada’s housing market slowed down in June but still strong
Home prices haven’t peaked yet in Canada
Home prices keep escalating in Canada but moderation may be coming
March was a record month all-round for Canada’s housing market
FOMO, low inventories drive Canadian home prices up $100,000 since August
Canada’s Housing Market Ramped up as 2021 Rolled In
Canada’s housing market ended 2020 on a (very) high note
Canada’s Housing Market Kept on Rolling in November
Canada’s Housing Market Was Exceptionally Strong in October
Canada’s Housing Market Got Hotter in September
Canada’s Housing Market Reached New Heights in August
Canada’s Housing Market Soared to Record High in July
Pent-up Demand Pushed Home Resales Higher in June
Canada’s Housing Market Woke up in May
Canada’s Housing Market Mostly Shut down in April—can Only Pick up from Here
Pandemic Throws Housing Market off Course
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
Special Housing Reports
More supply and cooling demand ease Canadian rental market pressures in 2024
Canada’s housing market ends the fall season on an upswing
Are October’s sales gains an inflection point for Canada’s housing markets?
New listings shoot higher in most major markets
Rate cuts have yet to pull Canada’s housing markets out of their slump
Housing markets look for deeper rate cuts to ramp up activity
Inventories rebuilding fast in largest housing markets
Canada’s housing markets in a holding pattern
Spring brings sellers out; buyers remain hesitant
The Great Rebuild
Seven ways to fix Canada’s housing shortage -
Reality check: Canada’s housing market isn’t out of the woods yet
Early signs of a housing market upturn emerge across Canada
It’s never been harder to rent in Canada—vacancy rates fall to 35-year low
Canada’s housing market outlook: A tale of two halves in 2024
All quiet on most fronts in Canada’s housing markets
Fall market stuck in a low gear across Canada
More sellers, fewer buyers take pressure off housing prices in Canada
GST measure is a step toward closing Canada’s rental housing gap
Housing market tensions continuing to ease across most of Canada
Real estate action dims in Ontario and BC but Prairie markets keep on rolling
Housing market momentum diverges across Canada
Influx of sellers speeds up Canada’s housing market recovery
Canada’s housing markets heat up this spring
Canadian housing market outlook: The bottom of the downturn is in sight
New year, same calm in Canada’s housing markets
Housing market correction widespread across Canada
It’s review time for the mortgage stress test
Quiet fall housing market across Canada
Canadian home buyers on the defensive
Higher interest rates weigh down on Canada’s housing markets
Downturn deepens in Canada’s housing markets
Downgrading our forecast for Canada’s housing market
Canada’s housing markets rebalancing fast
The Great Moderation? Tightening cycle spurs softer housing demand this spring
Rising interest rates a game-changer for Canada’s housing market
Budget 2022 is big on housing, but won’t immediately relieve affordability crisis
A split is emerging: local housing trends start to diverge
A turning point? More sellers enter Canada’s housing market in February
Which is Canada’s most expensive market? The answer just changed
The fever breaks: Canada’s housing market will cool but stay strong in 2022
The temperature rose in Canada’s major markets in November
Wanted: homes for sale, as inventories fall across Canada in October
The Canadian housing market outlook
Home builders are tackling Canada’s housing supply shortage
Canada’s housing markets: low inventories and fatigue dampen activity in August
Overheating risk eases as Canadian housing market calms down
Policy action provides partial fix to Canada’s housing market imbalance
Broad decline in housing activity didn’t slow price gains in May
Canadian housing markets glided to a lower orbit in April
Home prices spiked further across Canada in March despite more sellers
Hot Canadian housing markets call for a policy response
Steaming-hot Housing Market Conditions Persist Despite Cold February Weather
Super-strong Housing Market is Far from Risk-free
New Year, Same Tight Housing Market Conditions Across Canada
Canada’s housing market headed for another record year in 2021
Spectacular End to a Spectacular Year for Canada’s Housing Markets
Housing Markets Stayed Solid Across Canada in November; Downtown Condos the Only Soft Spot
Canada’s Housing Markets Strong in October Despite Surge in Downtown Condo Supply
Seven Ways COVID-19 Is Affecting Canadian Housing
September Another (Super) Busy Month for Canada’s Housing Market
Hot summer housing market stretched into August, though not everywhere
Spring Housing Market Blooms in July
Home Buyers and Sellers Play Catch-up in June
Home Buyers and Sellers Returned to the Market in May
Super Quiet April in Housing Market Could Be the Cyclical Low Point
May 1, 2020: Day of Rent Reckoning in Canada?