The Federal Reserve Buys Time: Rates on hold and lips sealed
The Federal Reserve keeps policy rates unchanged, avoids discussing policy changes from Washington.
A playbook for how to measure a tariff shock in Canada
As the threat of tariffs loom over Canada, here is a framework that will guide economists—and everyone else—through the complicated path ahead.
Navigating 2025: Looking better and unsettling all at once
Here are the key economic themes that will shape how businesses and governments navigate opportunities and risks on the horizon, along with their implications for…
Immigration cuts will help narrow Canada’s housing gap but won’t solve crisis
The drastic reduction in immigration targets announced by the federal government is one of the more consequential policy reversals in recent memory.
Proof point: Why Canada is seeing an uneven recovery among households
Households in aggregate are sitting on record levels of savings. But under the surface, there are clear signs the average Canadian consumer is suffering.
U.S. GDP Update
The economy expanded an annualized 2.8% in Q2, almost double the 1.4% growth rate in Q1.
Older Reports
Immigration cuts will help narrow Canada’s housing gap but won’t solve crisis
Proof point: Why Canada is seeing an uneven recovery among households
U.S. GDP Update
U.S. Labour Market
Canadian GDP Update
Quebec maintains large deficit, uses half its contingency reserve for spending
How Canada’s new immigration targets will impact the economy
Bank of Canada policy update
Proof point: Job market is bigger risk to Canada’s economy than mortgage renewals
RBC Consumer Spending Tracker
Navigating 2024: Reset and Revival In A Reshaping World
Proof Point: Why has U.S. consumer spending been so much more resilient than Canada’s?
Proof Point: Closing Canada’s infrastructure gap could boost Indigenous output by up to 17%
Proof Point: Fiscal tailwinds coming to an end for Canada’s provinces
Proof Point: For Canada, slower growth in China is a manageable risk
Proof Point: The ranks of Canadian entrepreneurs are shrinking
Proof Point: Is more turbulence on the way for Canadian labour relations?
Proof Point: International students have a fast track to Canadian employment
Proof Point: Canadian millennials have the smallest cushion against job losses
Canadians on the move: will a pandemic shakeup in migration trends hold?
Proof Point: Non-permanent residents can fill labour gaps in “greying” Canadian industries
Proof Point: Soaring construction costs will hamper Canada’s homebuilding ambitions
How Indigenous Business Can Accelerate Canada’s Net Zero Transition
Proof Point: Food inflation will slow, but don’t expect prices to drop
Proof Point: Canadians’ post-pandemic travel fever holds steady
Five signs North America’s labour markets are starting to crack
Proof Point: Banking turmoil is tightening already strained U.S. lending conditions
Proof Point: More Canadians to fall behind on debt payments—but most will manage
Proof Point: Will a weak Canadian dollar fire up inflation?
Proof Point: Canada’s economy can’t afford a slump in business investment
Proof Point: Canada’s shortage of rental housing could quadruple by 2026
Policy Insight: How Canada can win in the post-IRA economy
Proof Point: Canadian women drove a pandemic shift into higher-paying jobs
Proof Point: Canada is failing to put immigrant skills to work
Proof Point: Without investment, Canadian wages could reignite inflation
Proof Point: Canadians are still clinging to pandemic savings
Proof Point: Canada needs green subsidies more than ever
Navigating 2023: Canada in the cross currents
Proof Point: Is Canada becoming a nation of renters?
The Transformative Seven: Technologies that can drive Canada’s next green revolution
Proof Point: Canada needs more doctors—and fast
Proof Point: Canada’s provinces are basking in revenue, but how long will it last?
The Next Green Revolution: How Canada can produce more food and fewer emissions
Financing Greener Growth: The fall economic statement needs to accelerate green investment
Proof Point: The housing-charged boom in Canadian net wealth is over
Proof Point: Canada’s recession to arrive earlier than expected
Proof Point: Canada still isn’t spending enough on the green economy
The Price of Power: How to cut Canada’s Net Zero electricity bill
Proof Point: The rise of services in Canadian goods trade
Course Correction: How international students can help solve Canada’s labour crisis
Proof Point: Fewer supply chain snarls won’t be enough to lower inflation to 2%
Proof Point: Demographics a powerful counterforce in Canada’s housing market correction
Proof Point: Reshoring hasn’t spurred a Canadian manufacturing renaissance
Canadian Housing: A Market In Retreat
Proof Point: Canada’s labour shortages will outlive a recession
Proof Point: Canada’s economy is headed for a recession
Immigration Nation: New Canadians are vital to an aging society
Proof Point: Can Canada feed the world?
Proof Point: Canadians are scratching the travel itch again, but can the industry keep up?
Proof Point: Immigration will fuel Atlantic Canada’s population upswing
Proof Point: Canadians can’t kick cash
Proof Point: Low income Canadians to feel sharpest sting from inflation, rate hikes
The New Climate Bargain: How Canada Can Manage Energy & Environmental Security
Proof Point: Canada’s post-pandemic labour market shakeup
Laying the Foundation: Canada’s 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan
Pandemic leaves Canadians richer—but saddled with more debt
Equal measures: Advancing Canada’s working women in a post-pandemic economy
Green Collar Jobs: The skills revolution Canada needs to reach Net Zero
Unleashing Opportunity: The economic gains in narrowing Canada’s racial wealth gap
COVID Consumer Spending Tracker
The Great Canadian Restart: How 2022 can spark an era of greener, more robust growth
What’s up with inflation?
Net Zero: A long way from Glasgow
Squeeze Play: Higher wages alone won’t solve Canada’s labour shortage problem
Closing the global sustainable finance gap
The Canadian housing market outlook
Brighter Days Ahead: Fiscal picture improves from coast to coast
The Great Canadian Savings Puzzle
The $2 Trillion Transition: Canada’s Road to Net Zero
The new challenges facing Canada’s small businesses
A Regional Renaissance: More Canadians drawn to live on the Atlantic Coast during pandemic
Home builders are tackling Canada’s housing supply shortage
Powering Up: Preparing Canada’s skilled trades for a post-pandemic economy
The Economic Pulse – September 2021 Edition
Are sky-high job vacancies in Canada around for a while?
Why isn’t Canada investing enough in green projects, despite ambitious climate targets?
Border carbon taxes are moving from idea to reality. How exposed is Canada?
COVID Response Has Kept Many Indebted Canadians from Reaching Debt Cliff
BoC Outlines Financial Impacts of Covid-19
Bank of Canada Expanding Asset Purchases
Canadian Dollar Weakened but Not Headed for Historical Lows
COVID-19’s Threat to Canada’s Vulnerable Workers
The Fruits of Her Labour
Gauging Canadian Coronavirus Supply Chain Vulnerabilities