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Tag: Artificial Intelligence Articles

29 Results

The Robots May be Coming to Healthcare — But so are the Jobs
November 30, 2018 As healthcare increasingly relies on technology, we are going to need more humans, not fewer, to provide the care people need. In fact, technology may end up making healthcare more human. Here are some more findings from RBC's Humans Wanted research on the future of skills.
Can Humans Save AI? Only If We Act Now
July 21, 2017 The entrepreneurs using artificial intelligence to shape the future of the Canadian economy say we have to start preparing for the consequences of machine learning now.
Canada’s AI Challenge
May 24, 2017 Artificial Intelligence has been around for decades, but is the hottest area of technology today because of vast improvements in computing power and data availability.
12 Moments From Milken
May 8, 2017 Half of all Americans don't have enough cash to their name to cover a $400 emergency. Nearly a third of them have a net worth that's less than $10,000. And none of them were at the Milken Institute's Global Conference.
Putting AI in Canadian
February 8, 2017 Canadian researchers have long been tech pioneers; too bad we haven't had much success when it comes to turning those brilliant insights into made-in-Canada corporations.

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