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Tag: Economy Articles

365 Results

The temperature rose in Canada’s major markets in November
December 6, 2021 September and October were no flukes. Home prices reaccelerated further in November in Canada’s major markets amid continuing strong demand and scarce inventories across Canada. Early reports from real estate boards showed the temperature generally rising once again with home resales holding at historically high levels last month. And where resales inched slightly lower (like […]
Central banks weigh inflation, new variant
December 2, 2021 With the building blocks of a consumer-led recovery remaining in place, we think central banks will be easing off the accelerator next year. - RBC Economics
Inflation top concern for 2022, Covid variant casts shadow
December 2, 2021 We are optimistic about the outlook but risks remain elevated given the uncertain path of the virus. Base effects associated with reopening, rising commodity prices, policy stimulus and higher input costs have boosted inflation rates. - RBC Economics.
What’s up with inflation?
November 18, 2021 Containing inflation expectations will require a reduction in policy support—both fiscal and monetary. - RBC Economics

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