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Tag: Skills Articles

74 Results

Green Collar Jobs: The skills revolution Canada needs to reach Net Zero
February 16, 2022 Canada is on the cusp of a generational skills crisis. As a nation, we’ve set some of the most ambitious climate objectives in the world, led by an overarching goal to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050. This pursuit brings with it an abundance of opportunity: for Canadian innovation, for new green investment, and for economic growth.
Powering Up: Preparing Canada’s skilled trades for a post-pandemic economy
September 14, 2021 Key Points 25% of Canada’s 4 million tradespeople will need to upgrade their skills within five years amid significant digital disruption.1 Canada will face a shortage of at least 10,000 workers in nationally recognized Red Seal trades over that period—a deficit that swells tenfold when 250 provincially regulated trades are included.2 The most severe shortages […]

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